Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Well I guess you can go and fuck yourself as well with your stupid measurement of underfills, probably measured with your stupid syringes with your 10% margin error on both syringes and your myopic eyes, but whatever, it was always like this buy it or leave it, customers are free to buy whenever they want, and desesperate fucks for cheaper $ keep pushing new sources until testing is done and they get the "undetected" results and heavily underdosed results, to come back again to QSC. Welcome to the ignore list.

Absolute clown show of a source for acting this way for being called out for underfilling vials in kits by 10-20%. Many other Chinese labs exist, there’s really no reason to continue to use these douchebags especially when they continue to break rules time and time again.
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do you know how many fucking potheads ive had to deal with over the years because their few ounces of weed weighed a few grams short or they might get a lb of hydroponic flower that has lost 1-2 points of humidity over a week and weighed 10 grams less instead of 454 lol. the amount of incessant bitching and review that spread like wildfire even on apps like Leafly or Weedmaps because someone is shorted a few grams.
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Just a testimonial here for QSC HCG and HMG

Been blasting and cruising since 2017 with no fertility support. Wife gave me the 1 year warning about wanting to get pregnant so I got tested and had extremely low fertility. Started an HCG/HMG protocol, while on a test/EQ blast I might add, all with QSC products. Bumped up my fertility and we are due at the end of the year.
Congrats! Did you run them together? How's your ejaculation volume? I'm semi-dribbling even with HCG.
do you know how many fucking potheads ive had to deal with over the years because their few ounces of weed weighed a few grams short or they might get a lb of hydroponic flower that has lost 1-2 points of humidity over a week and weighed 10 grams less instead of 454 lol. the amount of incessant bitching and review that spread like wildfire even on apps like Leafly or Weedmaps because someone is shorted a few grams.

A lb is 448g in weed terms brotha

Also, I can’t believe how spoiled yall are. Oh no your $5 vial of testosterone was 0.5ml short of 10ml? Like cmmon how much more could you ask for. Stuff is dirt cheap.

Could always just buy raws and brew it yourself. Cheaper and you can make sure your vials are 10ml on the dot so you are satisfied.
A lb is 448g in weed terms brotha

Also, I can’t believe how spoiled yall are. Oh no your $5 vial of testosterone was 0.5ml short of 10ml? Like cmmon how much more could you ask for. Stuff is dirt cheap.

Could always just buy raws and brew it yourself. Cheaper and you can make sure your vials are 10ml on the dot so you are satisfied.
Raws have always weighed right on the money for me and I over fill my vials.
A lb is 448g in weed terms brotha

Also, I can’t believe how spoiled yall are. Oh no your $5 vial of testosterone was 0.5ml short of 10ml? Like cmmon how much more could you ask for. Stuff is dirt cheap.

Could always just buy raws and brew it yourself. Cheaper and you can make sure your vials are 10ml on the dot so you are satisfied.
street pounds yes, lab cannabis/hemp industry pounds, no.

that was only 2 out of about 10 different compounds many more still average 8-9 ml. on a kit that's 1-2 full 10ml vials.

also its not about being spoiled its about purchasing what @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals claims theyre selling. dont call it 10ml if its not 10ml.

Been homebrewing for 2 decades now, for the most part its not worth the time investment as cheap as these sources are now. That doesnt pardon any of these sources for shorting volumes. i still dont understand the white knighting of any source on this board. Also there's sources now proving just as high quality but not bullshitting us on fill volumes.
street pounds yes, lab cannabis/hemp industry pounds, no.

that was only 2 out of about 10 different compounds many more still average 8-9 ml. on a kit that's 1-2 full 10ml vials.

also its not about being spoiled its about purchasing what @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals claims theyre selling. dont call it 10ml if its not 10ml.

Been homebrewing for 2 decades now, for the most part its not worth the time investment as cheap as these sources are now. That doesnt pardon any of these sources for shorting volumes. i still dont understand the white knighting of any source on this board. Also there's sources now proving just as high quality but not bullshitting us on fill volumes.
You're 100% in the right but most don't care it's aliitle short. Kinda beating a dead horse at this point
street pounds yes, lab cannabis/hemp industry pounds, no.

that was only 2 out of about 10 different compounds many more still average 8-9 ml. on a kit that's 1-2 full 10ml vials.

also its not about being spoiled its about purchasing what @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals claims theyre selling. dont call it 10ml if its not 10ml.

Been homebrewing for 2 decades now, for the most part its not worth the time investment as cheap as these sources are now. That doesnt pardon any of these sources for shorting volumes. i still dont understand the white knighting of any source on this board. Also there's sources now proving just as high quality but not bullshitting us on fill volumes.

I mean, it’s been stated:

Well I guess you can go and fuck yourself as well with your stupid measurement of underfills, probably measured with your stupid syringes with your 10% margin error on both syringes and your myopic eyes, but whatever, it was always like this buy it or leave it, customers are free to buy whenever they want.

If you purchase their oils, take it or leave it. I don’t buy their premade oils but I know you’re not going to find a better deal with confidence in the produce.
You're 100% in the right but most don't care it's aliitle short. Kinda beating a dead horse at this point
ill make sure i keep harping on it and reminding folks there's other sources now that will price match QSC and not bullshit on underfilled volumes, until he fixes the fucking issue and stops being a prima donna about it. Dude acts like he's fucking Beyonce of the UGL world and irreproachable.

If he is indeed the steroid god cometh, than my continual harping on him to potentially force him supply what he says hes selling, should not affect his sales one iota.

ill make sure ppl are aware in the price tracker too, since Tracy wants to go on a tare and ban me from everywhere

View: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lKDX_COzcAvfA2erzS58p26mx8m1azUHML9aH7S6fk0/edit?gid=145910084#gid=145910084

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Day 7 after payment, my domestic EU order still not shipped. Meanwhile other chinese vendors ship to EU from China within 9 days.

Remind me to never order from QSC again
What was your protocol if you don’t mind me asking? Congratulations btw!
Thanks! It was a combo of resources looking for confirmation/similarities. Can’t remember all but some where Vigorous Steve, Derek MPMD, and a few others.

HMG 75IU E3.5D

About halfway through the year I jumped up to HCG 500IU ED. Not sure if that change was necessary or made a noticeable difference on fertility numbers
Congrats on the little one. Two years ago I came off everything and it was hell. Now I have a beautiful healthy daughter. What was your protocol if you don’t mind me asking. I was taking 1,000 iu Hcg 3x aweek and 37.5iu Hmg 3x a week. Took close to 5 months
Thanks! I really lucked out. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to come off and figured I had time to try on cycle first.

I did:
HMG 75IU E3.5D

About halfway through the year I jumped up to HCG 500IU ED. Not sure if that change was necessary or made a noticeable difference on fertility numbers
Congrats! Did you run them together? How's your ejaculation volume? I'm semi-dribbling even with HCG.

I did these together:
HMG 75IU E3.5D

About halfway through the year I jumped up to HCG 500IU ED. Not sure if that change was necessary or made a noticeable difference on fertility numbers

Volume didn’t seem to be a big change, though I never noticed any lower loads on gear. Granted with my memory I don’t remember 7 years ago lol
No ball size was the biggest change. Went from nonexistent since starting gear to the HCG/HMG definitely filled them back up. Took about 3 months to really notice the growth and they were sensitive during that time
@dirthand I have been trying to figure out this ignore button thing.
A search about it didn't work and wanted to ask admin but don't want to bother them. So I bother you, instead :)

You can't block someone, can you?
If you "ignore" does it mean you don't see their posts but they still see yours?
@dirthand I have been trying to figure out this ignore button thing.
A search about it didn't work and wanted to ask admin but don't want to bother them. So I bother you, instead :)

You can't block someone, can you?
If you "ignore" does it mean you don't see their posts but they still see yours?
Ms. Iris I dont know how exacally it works.. i know if u click on someone's avatar their is an "ignore" option. Personally I wouldn't ignore someone cause I don't like what they are saying or have an opposing veiw.. that's being closed minded.. we can't learn from each other that way..
Ms. Iris I dont know how exacally it works.. i know if u click on someone's avatar their is an "ignore" option. Personally I wouldn't ignore someone cause I don't like what they are saying or have an opposing veiw.. that's being closed minded.. we can't learn from each other that way..
Thanks. Just trying to figure out stuff I am not familiar with.
Tracy mentioned ignoring someone earlier and so I wanted to find out how it works.
Just in case, u know...
Well I guess you can go and fuck yourself as well with your stupid measurement of underfills, probably measured with your stupid syringes with your 10% margin error on both syringes and your myopic eyes, but whatever, it was always like this buy it or leave it, customers are free to buy whenever they want, and desesperate fucks for cheaper $ keep pushing new sources until testing is done and they get the "undetected" results and heavily underdosed results, to come back again to QSC. Welcome to the ignore list.
Idk why people order from these clowns. I mean I know why, the cheap price, but this source sucks, and their customer service is just as bad if not worse than their crappy gear
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Just a testimonial here for QSC HCG and HMG

Been blasting and cruising since 2017 with no fertility support. Wife gave me the 1 year warning about wanting to get pregnant so I got tested and had extremely low fertility. Started an HCG/HMG protocol, while on a test/EQ blast I might add, all with QSC products. Bumped up my fertility and we are due at the end of the year.
Testimonial to QSC's gear and my nuts, I guess- near constant blasting on their NPP, Test, and Tren for 2+ years. Knocked up wife this year. No HCG or anything. Life, uhh, finds a way


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