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See these idiots with giant sores from injections in wrong place, or just using the wrong needle.
Mainlining shit and wondering why they sick.

Food noise my ass.
Get some discipline and quit eating.

Stop using steroids and build muscle naturally. You have all you need you're just too undisciplined to put in the necessary work.

More chicken breast, more plates.
Stop using steroids and build muscle naturally. You have all you need you're just too undisciplined to put in the necessary work.

More chicken breast, more plates.
You can use a trillion roads and not gain shit.
It requires discipline and controlling your diet.
Which these lazy fail to do then cry food noise. It's nonsense.
Put down the fork.
I do it everytime I cut.
1500 cals for 12 weeks requires discipline

Look at all these dudes who need your help. "Waaaah, I can't eat enough, how can I increase my appetite? EQ? Tren?"

These guys need your tough love. Tell them appetite is the same in everyone, and they're simply lacking discipline. There's no potent multifaceted biological appetite regulation system holding them back from eating.

Open your damn mouth, put the food in, chew, and swallow? Am I right?

When I want to gain some mass, I just pick the fork up. and it works, every time.

I agree with you. I find myself utterly disgusted by these weak people looking for a cheat to help them alter their appetite. Plenty of 500 pounders out there who don't need to inject anything to help them eat more, they do it through sheer willpower and discipline.

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Put down the fork.
I do it everytime I cut.
1500 cals for 12 weeks requires discipline
Personally I think the "food noise" phrase is a little funny and kinda weird. I am all for structure and discipline . However if I was to bet that if we was to take a gander into your life we would find some failure.. everybody's struggle is real big dawg and I personally feel that tring to berait, belittle or shame someone about their weaknesses and failures and putting judgement upon them is kinda inhuman and definantly not being part of a solution .. I mean why wouldn't you want to support them and hell even encourage them to use whatever tool that was available to change their life for the better.. no matter what it may be.. Put in man don't take out!!
Look at all these dudes who need your help. "Waaaah, I can't eat enough, how can I increase my appetite? EQ? Tren?"

These guys need your tough love. Tell them appetite is the same in everyone, and they're simply lacking discipline. There's no potent multifaceted biological appetite regulation system holding them back from eating.

Open your damn mouth, put the food in, chew, and swallow? Am I right?

When I want to gain some mass, I just pick the fork up. and it works, every time.

I agree with you. I find myself utterly disgusted by these weak people looking for a cheat to help them alter their appetite. Plenty of 500 pounders out there who don't need to inject anything to help them eat more, they do it through sheer willpower and discipline.

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They need to do some squats, deadlifts, cambered bar bench, weighted dips, pullups, bent-over rows, etc...instead of worrying if they're missing a mcg of tren in their vial. Get in the gym, pussies.
Personally I think the "food noise" phrase is a little funny and kinda weird. I am all for structure and discipline .

As someone that was at one point metabolically deranged, it perfectly describes a specific phenomena that some of the GLP-1 agonists make go away entirely. For those that experience it, the absence is remarkable.

As for the comment about discipline, that’s the product of simple-minded reasoning. Unfortunately, many people suffer from a lack of ability when it comes to theory of mind and end up having a lifetime of terrible social interactions as a result.
Look at all these dudes who need your help. "Waaaah, I can't eat enough, how can I increase my appetite? EQ? Tren?"

These guys need your tough love. Tell them appetite is the same in everyone, and they're simply lacking discipline. There's no potent multifaceted biological appetite regulation system holding them back from eating.

Open your damn mouth, put the food in, chew, and swallow? Am I right?

When I want to gain some mass, I just pick the fork up. and it works, every time.

I agree with you. I find myself utterly disgusted by these weak people looking for a cheat to help them alter their appetite. Plenty of 500 pounders out there who don't need to inject anything to help them eat more, they do it through sheer willpower and discipline.

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Ya Cbum is lazy and needs gear to be superhuman.
Zero discipline lol
Try eating 3500 calories of clean food.

These babies need drugs to be normal.

Wonder why no 3rd world countries have fatties crying about food noise.

So does US have a gun noise issue too?
So you guys honestly think these glp1s are going to end the obesity problem on the USA?

Even if China would dump all the peptides like rain water in the US/north america; fat people will find a way to get fat. It’s just like steroids, if it’s true that it can make everyone muscular then why is 99% of people walking around aren’t jacked?

Simplest answer, these things are just tools, lazy fucks will remain skinny or fat even in the presence of unlimited drugs roids or glp1s.

Do not confuse your unwillingness to get over your predicament to a disability. If there are obese people who were able to lose weight naturally then the problem lies in the individual.

Show me the blood work of anyone here who actually has a metabolic condition that made them obese.
As someone that was at one point metabolically deranged, it perfectly describes a specific phenomena that some of the GLP-1 agonists make go away entirely. For those that experience it, the absence is remarkable.

As for the comment about discipline, that’s the product of simple-minded reasoning. Unfortunately, many people suffer from a lack of ability when it comes to theory of mind and end up having a lifetime of terrible social interactions as a result.
This is just more of the same attitude but from the other end of the spectrum..I hear excuses, judgement, unsupportive and critical of others with a sound of resentment.. I love you the same tho!!
So you guys honestly think these glp1s are going to end the obesity problem on the USA?

Even if China would dump all the peptides like rain water in the US/north america; fat people will find a way to get fat. It’s just like steroids, if it’s true that it can make everyone muscular then why is 99% of people walking around aren’t jacked?

Simplest answer, these things are just tools, lazy fucks will remain skinny or fat even in the presence of unlimited drugs roids or glp1s.

Do not confuse your unwillingness to get over your predicament to a disability. If there are obese people who were able to lose weight naturally then the problem lies in the individual.

Show me the blood work of anyone here who actually has a metabolic condition that made them obese.
Doesn't matter. Freedom of choice here in the USA.

Personally, I couldn't care less whatever someone else's reason for taking roids or GLPs.
Before anyone gets too bent out of shape, I'm as put off by all these weaklings science has cursed us with by producing hormonal supplement "cheats" as you are.

Everything can be accomplished with sufficient discipline.

Cheaters who use:

Glucagon (GLP) - Won't keep the food out.

Insulin - Won't keep the sugar out.

Progesterone (Birth Control) - Won't keep the D out.

Testosterone (subpar genetics aid) - Won't do the workout.
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This is just more of the same attitude but from the other end of the spectrum..I hear excuses, judgement, unsupportive and critical of others with a sound of resentment.. I love you the same tho!!

It’s not so much the judgement that troubles me but the inability to comprehend the experience of others.

“Food noise” is a perfect descriptor for the phenomenon being described. What is not implicit in that descriptor is any forgiveness associated with a lack of discipline, but that’s the counter-argument being made.

Do not confuse your unwillingness to get over your predicament to a disability. If there are obese people who were able to lose weight naturally then the problem lies in the individual.

I don’t think anyone’s confused. Ghoul’s point was that appetite varies tremendously across the population, and that there seems to be some genetic precondition that drives appetite making it more likely for some folks to become obese in an environment with a food surplus.

Given that for most of human history food scarcity has been more common, this trait seems to have been beneficial.

While it stands to reason that anybody with a modicum of discipline could maintain a healthy body composition, it also stands to reason that some may find this more difficult than others. Given these circumstances, GLP-1 agonists are great tools to have.

They’re certainly not a panacea, though. They make it easier for people to sustain a caloric deficit. Without attending to diet and exercise body composition is unlikely to improve even while weight decreases.

So no, they’re not going to solve the obesity crisis, but they’ll help some and turn a lot of others into skinny fat.
I guess I'll add my 2 cents...

I been lifting for years. I'm the type that can eat no problem and gain weight quickly no problem. I always cut afterwards, and I've had success like that. I use ephedrine mostly during my cuts, and it's been great.

As I've gotten older, like most, my blood pressure has gotten higher. Not to mention I cycle stuff that elevates blood pressure as well. It's fine, I have stuff I can take for that. But taking ephedrine, when your BP is normal is one thing. Taking it when it's above normal is another. It's something I feel I should cut out from my tool belt.

So for anyone who's used ephedrine, it really crushes your appetite. And it makes dieting relatively easy. After years and years of relying on it. My discipline isn't quite what it should be. I know that. Dieting without ephedrine sucks, I don't even try to.

Brings me to these new weight loss supps. I recently jumped on tirz to see what it's all about. I was bedridden with an injury for a few months. My weight got up to about 264. Cut for about 4 months with ephedrine, got down to 242. Took a break from cutting and ephedrine, for a couple weeks. Went back up to 248. 2 weeks on tirz, back down to 242 and still trending downwards. It's so effective I'm worried about staying on it for too long.

Point is, if these supps can limit how long I have to cut after a bulk, they're worth their weight in gold. I can retire the ephedrine. Use tirz when I need to.

I've heard these drugs described as "giving will power to those who don't have it". Thats a good description. I feel as if I just don't have to eat. And it's not like crushing appetite suppression like ephedrine. I can eat when I want to. I'm just not ravenous like when I'm not on anything.

If all the other health benefits I'm hearing about tirz are true. They really should sell this over the counter at rite aid. It'll never happen but they should.