Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

That’s why I am always telling people to control the sources with their cash. We can talk harm reduction this, test this test that but if business continues as usual then why would these vendors change.

The only way you can see actual change is loss of revenue, for example if Meso members stop ordering for a month, it will cause a ripple even Tracy would feel and would be forced to address some demands.

Just imagine if we can act as one and just boycott sources until they change for the better.

You are right, but I doubt very much your "boycott" would happen here.
Look at the vast majority of responses from people on this thread.
And, as pointed out, the moment a promo is announced, everyone piles in.

People took issue with Bighunanballs bringing up the underfiling of vials.
Even that was something not to be questioned, by the majority, because it's cheap, they said.
What more do you want, for what you are paying, shut up.
I remember that, very well.
Yet he kept at it and the company addressed the issue.
Or so they said, idk but maybe someone had a look at the oils they have ordered and know.

Because this source has a bit of a monopoly, at least on this forum, maybe focusing on someone else to raise their game and provide an alternative would be wiser.

Like that, as you say, people will have the ability to vote with their wallet.
But if all the alternatives are pretty much in line with this (or below), what is the incentive for giving another source a chance?
point taken since i do believe the free market would eat them up if we saw many reports of QSC gear harming people. from business standpoint it just doesnt make sense to produce gear thats not sterile. however we have seen quite a bit of oils tainted with filter media filbers and what appears to be mold around the stopper/rim of the vial. luckily most folks arent dumb enough to inject gear with clearly visible shit floating around in it. those filter media fibers will 100% cause internal inflammation and fester into an infection if injected.
has any of these things happened with qsc within this last year?? I've been gone a while from here genuine question I want no drama with any one lmao.
Multi oils promo

Test C 250mg/ml = $40/kit
Sustanon 250mg/ml = $40/kit
Test P 100mg/ml = $40/kit
Test U 200mg/ml = $40/kit
NPP 100mg/ml = $40/kit
Deca 200mg/ml = $60/kit
Bold U 200mg/ml = $60/kit
Tren A 100mg/ml = $70/kit
Tren E 200mg/ml = $110/kit
Tren Hexa 100mg/ml = $120/kit
Trestolone acetate 50mg/ml=$155/kit
Trestolone enanthate 75mg/ml = $240/kit
Mast P 100mg/ml = $70/kit
Mast E 200mg/ml = $75/kit
Primo E 100mg/ml = $120/kit
Primo E 200mg/ml = $220/kit
DHB 100mg/ml = $90/kit
Ripped 300mg/ml = $125/kit
Superdrol 40mg/ml = $45/kit

Shipping cost is charged the normal rates, like normal orders.

Contact info for orders:

Whatsapp: +86 16503300980

Ordering form:

List of items you want:
Shipping address (including city, state and zip code):
Phone number:
Preferred payment method:

View attachment 299119View attachment 299120View attachment 299121View attachment 299122View attachment 299123View attachment 299124View attachment 299125View attachment 299126View attachment 299127View attachment 299129
Yo since you selling compounds rather quickly and reps have not responded to many of us myself included (more than 24 hours) can we have our orders honored in case things become unavailable when your new batches are produced later on
Yo since you selling compounds rather quickly and reps have not responded to many of us myself included (more than 24 hours) can we have our orders honored in case things become unavailable when your new batches are produced later on
I'm just incredibly lucky! I have gotten multiple replies from WhatsApp now order was smooth and fastest I've done yet... I keep knocking on wood but so far everything has always been 10ml atleast and I've never had a problem with shipping or communication. AGAIN KNOCKING ON wood!! I am just confused by the contrasting expirences people have....
we have seen quite a bit of oils tainted with filter media filbers and what appears to be mold around the stopper/rim of the vial. luckily most folks arent dumb enough to inject gear with clearly visible shit floating around in it. those filter media fibers will 100% cause internal inflammation and fester into an infection if injected.

These are valid, observable flaws that I would also like to see addressed.

This is very very bad horrible excuse.

This is very very bad horrible reasoning.

I'm not excusing anything, I'm pointing out the fact that the value of the "testing" being requested seems somewhere between nothing and low. As many people have pointed out, the goal of this forum is harm reduction. Show me the "harm" that's being reduced.

Because this source has a bit of a monopoly, at least on this forum, maybe focusing on someone else to raise their game and provide an alternative would be wiser.

Monopoly? Seriously?

There are at least 6 other vendors in @bighunanballs price tracker with oil prices in proximity of QSC. That doesn't even begin to mention the set of retail AAS vendors selling stuff like Nakon or Ultima.
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I'm just incredibly lucky! I have gotten multiple replies from WhatsApp now order was smooth and fastest I've done yet... I keep knocking on wood but so far everything has always been 10ml atleast and I've never had a problem with shipping or communication. AGAIN KNOCKING ON wood!! I am just confused by the contrasting expirences people have....
Yeah same cleared my previous orders in one day email to payment only that one response currently delayed probably too many yet my whatsapp message was read only just wondering will our orders be honored like on older promotions
Same, all good in the hood with my order too. Though I probably need more gear like I need a hole in the head, to use my Mom's favorite phrase.

What I do from Proton Mail, and I have no idea if this actually helps in any fashion, is I just reopen the same email thread from a previous order when making a new order. For some reason, I always get a rapid reply this way from "Bella". My hash is now sent and my order was confirmed.
I'm just incredibly lucky! I have gotten multiple replies from WhatsApp now order was smooth and fastest I've done yet... I keep knocking on wood but so far everything has always been 10ml atleast and I've never had a problem with shipping or communication. AGAIN KNOCKING ON wood!! I am just confused by the contrasting expirences people have...
Same, all good in the hood with my order too. Though I probably need more gear like I need a hole in the head, to use my Mom's favorite phrase.

What I do from Proton Mail, and I have no idea if this actually helps in any fashion, is I just reopen the same email thread from a previous order when making a new order. For some reason, I always get a rapid reply this way from "Bella". My hash is now sent and my order was confirmed.
Yeah did that initially then when no response and testosterone enanthate status changed sent yet new choosing sustanon
These are valid, observable flaws that I would also like to see addressed.
so in the last year people have had these issues then? I've been off the forum most this year genuinely asking. That is terrifying to me when I was active last there was only 1 big problem with peptides that was adressed to the communities liking. IF I remember correctly.
Did my favorite ugl sources take a big hit to there quality this year or is this being brought up with multiple sources?? Both my go to sources are flooded with these conversations now.

When your hopping in from the outside it makes it sound like massive problems have happened this year or recently????
You are right, but I doubt very much your "boycott" would happen here.
Look at the vast majority of responses from people on this thread.
And, as pointed out, the moment a promo is announced, everyone piles in.

People took issue with Bighunanballs bringing up the underfiling of vials.
Even that was something not to be questioned, by the majority, because it's cheap, they said.
What more do you want, for what you are paying, shut up.
I remember that, very well.
Yet he kept at it and the company addressed the issue.
Or so they said, idk but maybe someone had a look at the oils they have ordered and know.

Because this source has a bit of a monopoly, at least on this forum, maybe focusing on someone else to raise their game and provide an alternative would be wiser.

Like that, as you say, people will have the ability to vote with their wallet.
But if all the alternatives are pretty much in line with this (or below), what is the incentive for giving another source a chance?
I havent looked recently but last I knew there was only one other place with prices competing and it was just oils, (again busy year haven't looked) If they had competition holding these standards or better I would happily take my money to them aswell. I just recently turned away from GA because these same conversations..... Now there here aswell.

I need a thread to rank our comparable sources and make it easy to even know which competing vendor to turn towards. The hundreds of hours of research I did to get here I cannot devote freely aswell as many people I know. It's not that they don't want to be educated it's that often it's behind a wall where you need a friend already in the know or time in which we're all short on.
so in the last year people have had these issues then?

There have been a few reported issues of “floaters”, the explanation given was that this was the result of the filtration setup pulling fibers off the back of the filters being used. They claim to have made process changes to correct the issue. I don’t recall anyone reporting floaters in the last several months.

There was one reported incident of foreign material in a vial that looked concerning. The explanation for that was something to do with material from the stopper. I’ve seen no other similar reports and the vendor agreed to replace the product for that person.

Beyond that, the primary complaints have been under-filled vials and the quality of the stoppers that perhaps led to the issue above. According to the vendor those have also been addressed.

Throughout this time period I’ve used QSC oils from a couple batches. I’ve observed no floaters or issues whatsoever other than again, the under-filled vials and the poor quality stoppers.

Since I tend to run some combo of test and primo, it’s more convenient for me to mix them into a sterile vial and since I’m doing that, I filter as well.

Aside from the obvious benefit of guaranteed sterility, I’ve heard a plausible explanation for PIP being the result of bits of ester not in solution and that filtration will mitigate that.

And finally, since we’re harping on this topic, I’d rather see an implementation of @Ghoul’s suggestion of terminal sterilization rather than some sort of sterility testing done way up the supply chain.
I've been waiting 48 hours for a reply to my order email. Safe to assume it didn't make it through? Protonmail doesn't work. GMX worked for one order, but not anymore it seems.