Quickest way to get systolic under 130 mmHg


Well-known Member
This is a serious post. I am 53. I am on 100mg testosterone weekly, along with 2 iu hgh daily. I also take 80mg telmisartan.

Blood pressure just now was 134/66.

Occasionally it is lower, e.g., 123/71 almost 3 weeks ago. 110/73 a week before that. But the 134/66 is more representative.

I am kind of getting sick of this. On cycle, with blood pressure meds, I am in the 140s or 150s over 80s or 90s. I dropped any plans of bodybuilding competition this year after my bulk to 251 pounds due to my blood pressure and concerns over longevity. I have no desire to die just for the reward of placing well or even winning again in an amateur bodybuilding contest.

Obviously, my blood pressure went down, but I would like to drive that top number down into the 120s consistently without blood pressure medicine.

I am soliciting thoughts here on how I might go about doing that, and the quickest way of doing so.

I took two months off lifting weights and stopped eating 4000 - 5000 calories a day. I dropped testosterone down again and again, and 100mg is where I am now. I recently started back in the gym, and it is amazing how little strength I lost during that time. My wife also kind of chuckled about how I still look good without working out and without a bunch of hormones. I lost more than 10 pounds (currently weighing 238-240 each morning), mostly water coming off a bulk and high carbs and testosterone.

I am guessing a severe calorie restriction and some hard fucking cardio, like riding my road bike and increasing speed and distance, or maybe upping the intensity and speed on some cardio machine like a step mill, which I normally keep my heart rate between 120 and 140 or so, bump it up. I am 53, so my maximum heart rate is supposed to be 167 (220 - 53 = 167).

Please share your thoughts.
Is it the wide pulse pressure that bothers you? Those numbers by themselves aren't bad (to me), but that's a somewhat large distance between them. Are you on Telmisartan because you can't tolerate ACE's? Because I've never had a BP med that destroyed high BP like plain old Lisinopril. ARB's didn't do anything for me (I tried Losartan and Telmisartan). But Lisinopril... man.. even 5mg was awesome. But I developed "ACE cough" and just couldn't handle it. The only thing that's come close to touching my BP (aside from beta blockers) is Clonidine. I hate taking it; it's a shitty medicine. But it works with minimal side effects other than a nasty rebound hypertension if I don't stay on top of dosing.
Wide pulse pressure is an issue. It is beyond my skimpy knowledge of this issue to determine how much of an issue.

So, no. It is the fact that I am over 130 most of the time while on a blood pressure medication and not on cycle.

I would like to get that systolic number below 130 without any blood pressure medication, whether ACE or ARB, nothing.

I am afraid the answer is severely dropping body weight, but I was hoping that there might be another way to go about it.

Quickest way to get systolic under 130 hhMg?
Wide pulse pressure is an issue. It is beyond my skimpy knowledge of this issue to determine how much of an issue.

So, no. It is the fact that I am over 130 most of the time while on a blood pressure medication and not on cycle.

I would like to get that systolic number below 130 without any blood pressure medication, whether ACE or ARB, nothing.

I am afraid the answer is severely dropping body weight, but I was hoping that there might be another way to go about it.

Quickest way to get systolic under 130 hhMg?
GH makes my systolic jump. A lot. The coffee doesn't help.
Those are great numbers. I wish I could see them for myself. For me, I think the quickest way to get both BP and blood sugar in a good place without meds would be fasting. I have only ever fasted one time successfully. I made it to 29 days before gastritis did me in. But during that time, my blood sugar was in the 60's/70's (and it's never, ever below 100) and around day 5, my BP finally fell to very nice numbers, well below 130/80... for the remainder of the fast. I'm looking at my log, and on day 29, my morning BP was 94/78 (which is a bit too low, and at the time, I suspected it was due to not having electrolytes the previous few days).
I'm not sure of your age exactly, but here's what @PeterBond told me about pulse pressure and GH:

Administration of rhGH may increase pulse pressure. "This is a result of the sodium retention that occurs (and thus consequently an increase in plasma volume). If I'm not mistaking there's direct action of either GH or IGF-I on the renal tubuli which promotes sodium retention, as well as indirectly through suppressing atrial natriuretic peptide and some potential insulin resistance which leads to an increase in insulin (which stimulates sodium retention too). I'm not sure if these mechanisms have been demonstrated in subjects receiving GH administration per se, but they have in acromegaly patients. High pulse pressure (the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure) can be an independent risk factor in older people. However, in the young (say, younger than 40 to 50 years of age) it appears to have little, if any, value." - Peter Bond
I have only ever fasted one time successfully. I made it to 29 days . . .
WOW! :oops:

That is hardcore, crazy. o_O I have never made it more than 24 hours.

Did you eat or drink anything of nutritional value during that time?

How much weight did you lose?
That was last night.

This morning:


Taken twice this morning back to back, trying to relax and breath deeply and sit still and keep my feet planted flat.

Weird, huh?
Stress? Maybe several times throughout the day take a few deep breaths and consciously try to relax. Staying away from the news has been a big one for my stress lol.
WOW! :oops:

That is hardcore, crazy. o_O I have never made it more than 24 hours.

Did you eat or drink anything of nutritional value during that time?

How much weight did you lose?

In the first few weeks, I allowed myself black coffee in mornings, but it was pretty much just water. I also allowed myself a single bouillon cube when my stomach got too upset, which also served the purpose of providing sodium. I also would (usually) squirt a dose of Lyteshow electrolytes in some water once a day. I lost about 34 pounds and managed to keep it off, using the fast as a springboard into a healthier lifestyle. But I'm in a position where I need to do it again. That was about four years ago, and the old habits creep back, especially when you get involved with someone so toxic you fall back to old habits in order to try and feel better. I also did not make it as far as I wanted and do not feel I had completely finished detox and healing before having to quit due to stomach pain. I was originally going for 40 days... no real reason other than it was just a good number and should have gotten me close to true hunger.

Having talked about this and read some of my old log has motivated me a bit. It's hard the first week. I've tried a few times since unsuccessfully. It needs to happen again.
In the first few weeks, I allowed myself black coffee in mornings, but it was pretty much just water. I also allowed myself a single bouillon cube when my stomach got too upset, which also served the purpose of providing sodium. I also would (usually) squirt a dose of Lyteshow electrolytes in some water once a day. I lost about 34 pounds and managed to keep it off, using the fast as a springboard into a healthier lifestyle. But I'm in a position where I need to do it again. That was about four years ago, and the old habits creep back, especially when you get involved with someone so toxic you fall back to old habits in order to try and feel better. I also did not make it as far as I wanted and do not feel I had completely finished detox and healing before having to quit due to stomach pain. I was originally going for 40 days... no real reason other than it was just a good number and should have gotten me close to true hunger.

Having talked about this and read some of my old log has motivated me a bit. It's hard the first week. I've tried a few times since unsuccessfully. It needs to happen again.
Originally planned to fast 40 days... no reason... Come on bro most people the world over are going to recognize the significance of fasting 40 days. No need to be embarrassed, you can be religious if you want! Just don't be a zealot on here!
Originally planned to fast 40 days... no reason... Come on bro most people the world over are going to recognize the significance of fasting 40 days. No need to be embarrassed, you can be religious if you want! Just don't be a zealot on here!

Real badass religious people should fast at least for 365days.. i know for sure god would be happy.. and me too
Lose weight, period. You are 53, no reason to weigh 250+ anymore. Come off that HGH for 30 days or so (not saying to come off for good here) hell you may lose fluid just from that itself.
When I was researching prior to doing it, 40 days kept coming up. I figured it had to have a good reason, though, so not having any better idea, I just adopted it as my own goal. I'm actually agnostic, but the more I see the Naps thread grow, the more I trend atheist.
Stress? Maybe several times throughout the day take a few deep breaths and consciously try to relax. Staying away from the news has been a big one for my stress lol.
That's a big one for me. Mine jumped 20 points last week due to some big shit happening. Was able to bring it down 5 points by deep breathing. But then I was stressed about the high number. So vicious cycle
This is a serious post. I am 53. I am on 100mg testosterone weekly, along with 2 iu hgh daily. I also take 80mg telmisartan.

Blood pressure just now was 134/66.

Occasionally it is lower, e.g., 123/71 almost 3 weeks ago. 110/73 a week before that. But the 134/66 is more representative.

I am kind of getting sick of this. On cycle, with blood pressure meds, I am in the 140s or 150s over 80s or 90s. I dropped any plans of bodybuilding competition this year after my bulk to 251 pounds due to my blood pressure and concerns over longevity. I have no desire to die just for the reward of placing well or even winning again in an amateur bodybuilding contest.

Obviously, my blood pressure went down, but I would like to drive that top number down into the 120s consistently without blood pressure medicine.

I am soliciting thoughts here on how I might go about doing that, and the quickest way of doing so.

I took two months off lifting weights and stopped eating 4000 - 5000 calories a day. I dropped testosterone down again and again, and 100mg is where I am now. I recently started back in the gym, and it is amazing how little strength I lost during that time. My wife also kind of chuckled about how I still look good without working out and without a bunch of hormones. I lost more than 10 pounds (currently weighing 238-240 each morning), mostly water coming off a bulk and high carbs and testosterone.

I am guessing a severe calorie restriction and some hard fucking cardio, like riding my road bike and increasing speed and distance, or maybe upping the intensity and speed on some cardio machine like a step mill, which I normally keep my heart rate between 120 and 140 or so, bump it up. I am 53, so my maximum heart rate is supposed to be 167 (220 - 53 = 167).

Please share your thoughts.

Drop the hgh brother and see how your BP is after a month without it. At the doctor's office yesterday my bp was 110/76, been off test 2 months and all PED's over 4 months. Down from 240lbs back in December to 214lbs now lol :p

Association between growth hormone and hypertension in a general population - Hypertension Research
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I came off everything besides TRT recently, I made a deal with myself that in order to run primo again I had to drop under 220lbs. Sort of like how the docs want the obese ppl to lose some weight on their own before surgery, I have to lose another 10 lbs to allow myself to get back on cycle.
I’ve cut out like 75% of the caffeine I’d consume(diet drinks. a lot of em.) and switched to mostly water and I’ve seen a drop of 8-10 in my systolic. Not sure how much caffeine you consume and from what sources, if any, but cutting most of it out has helped me stay around 117-120~ recently. The first couple days suck but the caffeine withdrawals pretty much go away after about 4-5 days.