Rich Piana in coma possible overdose?

Rich Piana is dead .. rest in peace [emoji120]
Jesus, condolences

Any updates on why he was induced in to coma??
I wonder how much stuff he took all of this years. Fuck he was young.

Yeah i know but i remember sunday or monday he was induced into coma do to a stroke that he had. At least thats what article says.

If im not wrong the only reason people are induced into coma is to prevent more damage to the body.

So it was stroke?
Maybe he was brain-dead all these days, and just disconnected the assisted breathing or something?

Not to lecture
but we all must learn to use some Atenolol or so for BP, donating blood and avoid rec drugs to avoid strokes.

Rough week, first Dallas now Rich
You left out Brian Wainstein :D

Way to many threads about this now stick it all in one thread.
not even @master.on created another thread for this.
After all the crazy stuff he did it was probably the recreational drugs that did him in. RIP brother

I don't want to speculate on the cause, but the steroids will be the main focus for any media outlet that decides to cover Piana, McCarver, or any other known BB'er who has any kind of health issue.
Im not gonna sit here and pretend that i was a rich piana fan but i don't wish death upon the man either. I saw this one coming, there is no way someone was going to be in a coma that long and wake up like everything was normal. It was either death or long term brain injuries that would have ended his career. Its been a difficult month for bodybuilding thats for sure.....
Anybody know what was the cause of death? I read overdose and they found white powder of somekind.
Fucking crazy.
And sad.

Obviously we don't know the COD yet but be safe guys, these things we do can lead to REAL health problems.
When I think about this statement I get afraid. I recently tore an adductor, ripped off a biceps tendon and what's going to be the third injury??o_O

All in all, I can't complain. It could obviously be much worse... rip rich
Broken penis. I would refrain from sex indefinitely. [emoji6]
Did u guys know when a head injury occurs the brain swells and surgeons either have to cut a hole in your head and insert a drainage tube to remove the restriction of fluids in your brain? Or remove half of your skull to allow space for the brain to swell?