Rich Piana in coma possible overdose?

Damn this sucks. He was the first fitness YouTuber that I watched . I had no desire to look like him and some of his advice was terrible but you could tell he actually gave a shit about his fans. His bostin Lloyd video where he ripped that pussy a new one is great entertainment. RIP Goddammit!
Not being a dick. But this is a wake up call for eveybody that is playing with needles and subtances. One way or another we died but by taking roids we might increase the odds. Safety first in all aspects.
So now the ends justify the means, thank God RP didn't have KIDS, that we know of!
Its a shame how the "drug culture" of hardcore drugs has infected "professional BB".
My how times have changed since Arnies era.

And some still wonder why AAS get such a bad wrap.

Very acute JIM, i know you will be arrive to this point and this is truth.

In my chackra explanation i was "confused" precisely both concepts,to help with bottom line.

JIM my respect bro
@ddp7 asking this in a non disrespectful way, do you use a translator app when you post? I often have a hard time deciphering some of the things you say.
Its a shame how the "drug culture" of hardcore drugs has infected "professional BB".
My how times have changed since Arnies era.

And some still wonder why AAS get such a bad wrap.

When was it reported he died of an overdose? Mind to share the link with us? Wait, you are on your continued witch hunt crusade type of bullshit against drugs never mind. Also know what? Rich said "back in the old days" they used a lot of GHB, know what that is? Right on it is that. Ignorants like you are the reason for the so called war on drugs and why research chemicals (yes that is what they are called not just rec drugs no matter how much you wanna believe they are equal) hit market without ANY actual research. I would highly doubt a person who is that rich like he was would ever touch fentanyl that so many of you blame for his death. As bad as these new drugs are you are making it worse for all of us by not enabling people to use proven substances instead have to buy junk to by pass the law. Prohibition worked really well remember that? I am sorry for him and everyone affected by his passing but was clearly intent on pushing the limits on AAS admittedly and most likely a lot of other substances. I am sorry I have to bring another tragedy in order to prove my point but did they find "white powder" in Dallas McCarver's house too? If you don't want ignorance from the society to spread the hate on AAS mind your own propaganda...
Rich had an enlarged heart. It gave him problems in the past. He was getting his hair cut when he had a heart attack and hit his head. The combo of both caused his death in the end. There's more details but don't feel like talking about it anymore. Reminds me of my dad. He did the same stupid ass shit he did and died of a heart attack from living the fast life.
Not being a dick. But this is a wake up call for eveybody that is playing with needles and subtances. One way or another we died but by taking roids we might increase the odds. Safety first in all aspects.
There's such a thing as too much
And one should always put their health before looks / strength...

May all the fallen ones Rest In Peace
Not long ago was this post about a guy that pass out when he was trying to pin.

Can happen to any are alone, You pass out, hit your head you, you bleed. You are gone.
It can be an accident or just to much cocktails running juice like a" PRO" like if you were competing as a mr . Olympia .
Dallas McCarver and Rich Piana....two super inspirational and real guys. Honestly felt terrible when I heard the news about both of them. The future of bodybuilding and the massive vet will be missed for sure.