Rich Piana in coma possible overdose?

Did u guys know when a head injury occurs the brain swells and surgeons either have to cut a hole in your head and insert a drainage tube to remove the restriction of fluids in your brain? Or remove half of your skull to allow space for the brain to swell?
Yes and anybody that thought rich was just going to just snap out of it like that was a fool.
Damn that's sad smh. R.I.P big guy. He'll we all knew it was inevitable....When he would talk on YouTube it sounded like he couldn't even catch his breath just from talking. Sometimes more is to much.....
46 is young as hell smh. That's a shame an I'm sure it'll all be blamed on juice like it always is when a bb ends up dead. Even though more often then not it's the recs that do them in not the juice
I see news outlets referring to piana as an elite bodybuilder.

Then u have silly online kids saying that Dallas' passing was a good death. Cause he went out doing what he liked - yolo style.
After a week or two in a "medical coma" a decision must be made to conduct a brain flow study, bc the absence of flow confirms clinically suspected BRAIN DEATH!

While I hope such is not the case, it emphasizes why calling 911 should be the FIRST order of business should someone "go down" --------- time is brain !
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Did u guys know when a head injury occurs the brain swells and surgeons either have to cut a hole in your head and insert a drainage tube to remove the restriction of fluids in your brain? Or remove half of your skull to allow space for the brain to swell?

Its much more complicated than that mate. An "open hemi-craniotomy" is of limited benefit in those whom have sustained "diffuse axonal injury" from anoxia.

Craniotomies are useful to remove LOCALIZED collections of fluid, esp blood, bc they tend to worsen and compress the brain even further.

Since I never heard a report of RP going to the OR its seems much more likely than not
anoxic brain injury will be his proximate cause of death.

Which drugs can cause someone to stop breathing number one, two and three on my short list: Narcotics, Sedatives Hypnotics, and ETOH or ANY combination of the above

Its unfortunate but the drugs used by some in "Body Building" today would stock the shelves of many DEA labs!
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If you guys had to guess, why the fuck was he snorting pain killers in the first place? Was it because of his aggressive outlook on life?

His motto was "whatever it takes!"
If you guys had to guess, why the fuck was he snorting pain killers in the first place? Was it because of his aggressive outlook on life?

His motto was "whatever it takes!"

How do you know what he was snorting? Lets not be presumptuous and await the Medical Examiners tox report.

I say this bc Ive seen A LOT of HODs and none occurred bc of snorting. Not saying it can't happen but the quantity required would be huge ------- unless of course he was
snorting designer narcs such as Fentanyl, drinking, or had other respiratory depressants on board.
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If you guys had to guess, why the fuck was he snorting pain killers in the first place? Was it because of his aggressive outlook on life?

His motto was "whatever it takes!"

Not sure if you're serious? I've done it. Why? Bc you do stupid shit when you're fucked up.
Not sure if you're serious? I've done it. Why? Bc you do stupid shit when you're fucked up.

Its a shame how the "drug culture" of hardcore drugs has infected "professional BB".
My how times have changed since Arnies era.

And some still wonder why AAS get such a bad wrap.
Wanna know how potent and dangerous designer Narcs can be


  • Potent Synthetic Opioids Endanger Drug Sniffing Dogs : NPR.pdf
    830.8 KB · Views: 5
unless of course he was
snorting designer narcs such as Fentanyl, drinking, or had other respiratory depressants on board.

This is what I'm wondering. All these reports of street drugs containing fentanyl or some even stronger derivative have been causing an epidemic of ODs in my state. Hear about it on the news frequently.