Sending AAS samples to independent, accredited laboratory in Europe

Would you be willing to submit an unopened sample to an independent accredited laboratory in Europe?

  • No. I could never bear to part with gear.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. I would only send it to a US-based laboratory.

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • Yes. But only if I didn't have to pay for the cost of analysis.

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • Yes. But I would not be willing to pay more than USD $50 for analysis.

    Votes: 18 29.5%
  • Yes. I would pay up to USD $100 for analysis.

    Votes: 20 32.8%
  • Yes. I would pay up to USD $150 for analysis.

    Votes: 4 6.6%
  • Yes. I would pay up to USD $200 for analysis.

    Votes: 11 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
As an active and participating member of Meso, I find this to be a disgrace.
I am embarrassed and ashamed of myself and my fellow members.

I am sorry for my personal lack of support Millard :(
Thanks. Note that since MESO has long been sponsor/advertiser-supported, it hasn't been necessary to pursue individual donations. But if MESO wants to expand and contribute to a lab testing program, it will need to generate additional funding.
Thanks. Note that since MESO has long been sponsor/advertiser-supported, it hasn't been necessary to pursue individual donations. But if MESO wants to expand and contribute to a lab testing program, it will need to generate additional funding.
@Millard how can we donate just to the site?

And if you can't make the numbers work can you at least let us know the place that will test so we can just pay ourselves. Coat really isn't an object to me personally and I know others that feel the same way.

I get prescribed hg test and can buy hg deca but you can't buy most of the products in hg because they aren't made. I have been sticking to research oils lately simply because at least I know their purity. I would love to test labs to find a great not just good source
Thanks. Note that since MESO has long been sponsor/advertiser-supported, it hasn't been necessary to pursue individual donations. But if MESO wants to expand and contribute to a lab testing program, it will need to generate additional funding.
I think that is fine once you have some numbers. We can see if it is achievable. My gut says yes.
I know what you're saying. But testing raws is asking an entirely different question that I'm not sure would be advisable. (By this, I mean it is not something MESO should get involved with.)

Testing raws: What is the quality of the sample that I'm going to use to manufacture AAS products for personal use and/or commercial resale?

Testing end-products (injectables and tablets): What is the quality of the sample that I am going to inject or consume?

The latter question is clearly focused on harm reduction.

The former question is clearly focused on the manufacture of AAS.

I have been thinking the same thing. I have concerns about getting too close to sources. Testing finished product is as far as we go.
Can we add a donate by Credit/prepaid card option? I have like 5-10 gift cards sitting around with less than $10 on them and I can't think of a better place for them to go than here.
Thanks. Note that since MESO has long been sponsor/advertiser-supported, it hasn't been necessary to pursue individual donations. But if MESO wants to expand and contribute to a lab testing program, it will need to generate additional funding.

@Millard how can we donate just to the site?

And if you can't make the numbers work can you at least let us know the place that will test so we can just pay ourselves. Coat really isn't an object to me personally and I know others that feel the same way.

I get prescribed hg test and can buy hg deca but you can't buy most of the products in hg because they aren't made. I have been sticking to research oils lately simply because at least I know their purity. I would love to test labs to find a great not just good source

pretty much in the same boat, would love to be able to get my shit tested, happy to make a donation to meso via paypal too, as im sure a lot more would too...
I too am willing to donate if there is another payment option other than bitcoin. I would love for this to workout. Knowing you have good gear is worth a great deal to me.
I want to let everyone know that MESO has not abandoned this project. It is still on the roadmap.

MESO is committed to delivering high-quality content to its readers and members. Most of our budget is dedicated to publishing articles and related content in seven different languages.

MESO will focus more on monetizing the website to help fund additional content (e.g. more articles as well as the publication of independent lab test reports).

Two additional revenue streams will be introduced in 4Q:

(1) Premium forum membership: Subscribers won't see banner ads on the forum. This will provide more room for content, less distractions and faster page loading (particularly for mobile devices).

(2) Ebooks: A series of how-to guides will soon be available for purchase. The first title in this series is expected to be released in December 2014.

Your support will be greatly appreciated!
The problem is that every lab going public with steroid testing for black market will face legal problems.

I do not believe that there is a lab to do except privately on limited basis for a few lucky people.
The problem is that every lab going public with steroid testing for black market will face legal problems.

I do not believe that there is a lab to do except privately on limited basis for a few lucky people.
Yeah, I think many labs (particularly in the U.S.) could face pressure from the feds even if they don't face legal problems.

I don't think there will necessarily be any such government and/or legal obstacles in many countries outside the U.S. But that doesn't mean the labs won't experience pressure to stop the testing.

It's just that the pressure will come from UGLs who are being hurt by the lab testing.

Who knows whether the labs will cave into the harrassment and discontinue testing as a result. If the lab contract is substantial (e.g. six figures per year), then maybe they will have no problem continuing testing in spite of the harrassment.
I would definitely be willing to contribute $ and aas to this endeavor this is what sets meso apart from the rest! Thanks Millard.
First, this is a cool idea. I really do hate to be that guy, but here goes, and please excuse the rhetorical questions:

This is a non-starter if analysis comes in at $200+ per. It just is. Not because the members don't want to support the idea, but because of their demographic makeup.

I'm guessing the average member here is 20-35 yrs old, making let's say $25-40K/year, on average. There is not a lot of disposable income available from which to draw. If this were a Porsche forum, no sweat. To members here $25/mo. represents a water bill, a sewer bill, or a gym membership. The problem is, you take a shower, flush a toilet, and hit the gym once a day. So a dollar a day for these things feels like an OK deal. Besides, you need these things and there are really no free options that don't involve living in your parent's garage.

Also, consider utilization. How many cycles does the average member here run? Maybe 3 or so per year for the active and well known members and 1 or less for the juniors and lurkers. Of those, how many don't already have a go-to source that they've been reasonably happy with? They're already running something, after all.

Or beyond that, how many would only be willing to pay up for the first few months to see which source to use before bailing? Assuming this idea gets off the ground, it may very well sputter and stall as people take the info they need and eject. Asking members to pay $25/mo continuously is asking them to subsidize those that would pay $25 once for a "snapshot" and be on their merry way with all the data. After you've got a source locked in, are you really going to be comfortable spending $300 for the benefit of others out of the kindness of your heart? It's an unfortunate and unsustainable catch-22.

Also, alternatives. Now I agree that this forum is in many ways superior to others like it. Let's not get carried away here, however. Fundamentally, it's a place to talk about fitness, nutrition, and steroids. Not only are there other places to do this for free, but they are already well-established forums that a lot of guys here are already a part of. You'll find idiocy along with wisdom wherever you go. So long as the other options remain free, a paywall likely only serves to divert. Consider the possibility that attempting to add value to this forum will ultimately end up supporting another with increased readership.

When the New York Times added a paywall, a lot of readers went to the Washington Post. When WP added one, a lot of readers dispersed to Reuters/CNN/whatever. This can be overcome with really exceptional content, but only at a fair price. Anyone born after 1980 or so expects information to be free, for better or for worse.

I can make some suggestions though. First, keep the source talk open and free. It already serves an important harm reduction role as-is, especially with some of the more hawkish members pulling over-watch duty.

Second, and hear me out here; sell some expensive-ass t-shirts. $30-40 a pop. Throw in a decal or whatever. People are simply not all that philanthropic. The pathetic tipjar you speak of, Millard, is testament. So give them something tangible for their hard-earned money.

You can probably see where I'm going here. In cooperation with some members that you trust, you could (hypothetically) use the profits to spot-check sources. This gets around the bias issues since the orders are blind.

Yes, it drastically limits the scope of the testing since each round would require $400-500 total, but it's something. It's real, cold data. Just start with the most popular sources first, or take a vote among your round table of respected members privately. Anyone that wants to see the process move along faster, well, buy another t-shirt buddy.

Sure there are trust issues, but the members only need trust you and your lab rather than each UGL individually.

The deterrent effect may prove powerful as well. Any new sources will understand that there's a good chance that, at some point unbeknownst to them, they're going to have a Maglight shined up their ass to see what they're really made of in front of the whole board (which may very well grow exponentially since this is truly added value).

One more thing. I wouldn't disclose which lab is being used. Their work should speak for itself with regard to credibility, and public disclosure only invites problems for them.

Food for thought. Best.
@curgen Very good input! To directly and indirectly address some of those concerns, here are some things MESO is not planning on doing:

No donations. No paywall. No fees for content. No censorship.

This means that all published content, whether it be articles or AAS lab test reports, will be freely available to everyone.

MESO is a for-profit company that follows an advertising-based revenue model. Soliciting donations may not be the most appropriate or most effective as a long-term fundraising strategy.

As you suggested, the best move likely involves the offering of products and services that are of value to MESO visitors. This is why MESO has decided to offer a premium forum subscription (for an ad-free viewing experience) and steroid ebooks later this year.

Depending on how well the new products are received, it may allow MESO to publish more and more content in the future. Ultimately, the addition of new content (such as lab test reports) will be a business decision.
Like to see if it is possible to get the Lab info in order to have some products tested.
I am sure some who have received recently are willing to lend me an item to aid in getting the items to the lab.
We need a lab that can take unopened vials from member, bought anonymously and test them.

We could pay 50$ each and have a full test on many samples from well known sources without the source knowing it.

It would shed lights on plenty of stuff and have in the end a proper base to select and choose what sources should be used and what not.

If we really start doing something like this, we could FORCE UGL to produce real quality products, or they would get fucked by the tests and we would spread them all over the web.

Yeah probably millard would find himself with few AK.47 pointed to his head... :D
There's been some testing going on, and it's raised more questions than answered any.

I had some test E that made my blood TT at 10x, yet only tested at 10% purity. Hmm...