SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

If you make $190K why take unnecessary risk? For the love of the game?
To live the fantasy that's planted in his head. Pathetic fuck can't even do that right, must've made his parents proud when he finally, finally, stopped smashing the square block into the round hole on his 23rd birthday.
To live the fantasy that's planted in his head. Pathetic fuck can't even do that right, must've made his parents proud when he finally, finally, stopped smashing the square block into the round hole on his 23rd birthday.
11/10 usage of punctuation for accentuation in your humor, friend. literally lol'd.
Love it. I go from Stanley Ipkiss to the mask.
Not even kidding, shit gives me mania. And I'm talking about half a dose. If I was an asshole I would lie and say it sucks because there would be more available for me.

My advice, grab it while he has it. The price is right and it's quite challenging to find domestically ... You're welcome.
Agreed on the T3 and DNP. T3 makes me a bit jittery and as for DNP, it's unique in that you can go to bed in a dry fit shirt and wake up the next morning moist like you did an hour on the elliptical.

I do like Clen. It makes me feel euphoric while breathing easier. But unfortunately it has a tendency to enlarge your heart and kill you. That won't stop me from having a relationship with it, but just some food for thought.

The appetite thing is unique. It's like no other appetite suppressant I've had. For example, Claritin D will curb your appetite because it's basically a milder form of speed. But your heart is racing and you feel energetic for a while and then crash. Ozempic is different. You feel normal. When you wake up, you want to grab some food like normal. You eat the food, it tastes good, your satisfied. No craving for seconds. Throughout the day, I don't have a craving for snacks much. If I do, the apple will satisfy me as much as the chocolate. That's another important point. Healthy food is just as satisfying as junk.

I'm so glad that you asked the last question. I sent Skank an email with constructive criticism about the confusion with respect to the dosage. For the price you pay Skank gives you the BEST pen. It's a full 4mg in total. I didn't realize that myself until I got the pen. That's why a few posts ago Skank posted a clicks per mg chart. Because the pen you get assumes you are taking 1 full mg 4 times. So, to get to the 0.5mg dose you count your pen clicks based on the chart. And that will give you 8 doses. You follow directions and start with 0.25mg for 4 weeks, you get 10 doses. And it may last you longer than 10 weeks because I'm at the point where weight is coming off so rapidly that I'm going to wait longer than a week in between doses.
So you only dose it once a week? Thanks this stuff is kinda confusing. So one pen lasts a month or two months if doing 0.5 a week? So three pens be good start to loose 30 pounds about?
So you only dose it once a week? Thanks this stuff is kinda confusing. So one pen lasts a month or two months if doing 0.5 a week? So three pens be good start to loose 30 pounds about?
I'll answer the dose question as I asked for clarification. There's a total of 4 mg, the pen just resets after each mg. So .5 a week is 2 months.