SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

That guy @Lil_swole87 seems to be very confused in every thread he’s in
That was me being respectfully sarcastic because he closed up shop there around you guys enough I learned how to be sarcastic well not disrespecting and no the dipshit threads are over that was a introduction hiccup you got to act like a complete moron to see who's going to try to fuck you over and weed out for your own hindsight you'd be surprised me cockroaches come out of the cracks though I must say that after watching the best guys on here roast a fuck out some of the sources I love you guys I won't say names you know who the fuck all you are great day gentleman
That was me being respectfully sarcastic because he closed up shop there around you guys enough I learned how to be sarcastic well not disrespecting and no the dipshit threads are over that was a introduction hiccup you got to act like a complete moron to see who's going to try to fuck you over and weed out for your own hindsight you'd be surprised me cockroaches come out of the cracks though I must say that after watching the best guys on here roast a fuck out some of the sources I love you guys I won't say names you know who the fuck all you are great day gentleman
Skank didn't u test those dbol from 24hr reup the little 10mg ones from British dispensary that they have on sale right now.
Yes search for them in the lab testing section.
Thank you sorry I should have searched for it I'm being too lazy. I do remember it tested at 5mg instead of 10 I didn't remember if it was from 24hreup or not. Thank you for all your testing you have done.
That was me being respectfully sarcastic because he closed up shop there around you guys enough I learned how to be sarcastic well not disrespecting and no the dipshit threads are over that was a introduction hiccup you got to act like a complete moron to see who's going to try to fuck you over and weed out for your own hindsight you'd be surprised me cockroaches come out of the cracks though I must say that after watching the best guys on here roast a fuck out some of the sources I love you guys I won't say names you know who the fuck all you are great day gentleman
Try taking half next time. You make zero sense. You ever heard of periods and commas? And why not just let this entire skankfuck thread die already? No one wants his overpriced products..
Try taking half next time. You make zero sense. You ever heard of periods and commas? And why not just let this entire skankfuck thread die already? No one wants his overpriced products..
Aww your wife’s boyfriend let you on the computer again? When you’re doing cleaning up his mess, come open up shop here. It’s only been 7 months since you said you were going to take all these guys out of business.
Aww your wife’s boyfriend let you on the computer again? When you’re doing cleaning up his mess, come open up shop here. It’s only been 7 months since you said you were going to take all these guys out of business.

Look who it is.. You still ripping off customers in private? LMAO!
Anyone who has done biz with this guy, get a hold of me. I have a one time sale for first time customers with me. And Ill even front to get your business. Why pay $90 for a box of arimidex, when you can get it from me for 1/2..

$13 for an amp of aspen sustanon? Not through me... All day long for $9. Buy 30 or more, $8.50ea.

You want bayer Rimobolon? $10/amp.. why pay $15 through skankfuck..

Oh, I even have good price on Norditropin 45iu.. $160/kit
Look who it is.. You still ripping off customers in private? LMAO!
Anyone who has done biz with this guy, get a hold of me. I have a one time sale for first time customers with me. And Ill even front to get your business. Why pay $90 for a box of arimidex, when you can get it from me for 1/2..

$13 for an amp of aspen sustanon? Not through me... All day long for $9. Buy 30 or more, $8.50ea.

You want bayer Rimobolon? $10/amp.. why pay $15 through skankfuck..

Oh, I even have good price on Norditropin 45iu.. $160/kit

Pharmacy products must be dirt cheap over sea’s , arimidex at my local pharmacy for TRT is 6.85$ a pill , mines covered by benefits but still it adds up fast.
Pharmacy products must be dirt cheap over sea’s , arimidex at my local pharmacy for TRT is 6.85$ a pill , mines covered by benefits but still it adds up fast.
Yes they are..
Ill be completely honest with you. These are my prices.. Now you see how I can afford to sell arimidex for $45, and skankdick sells it for $90. He barely was selling a few boxes a month. I sell a few hundred.

Arimidex is $14.95/box, Aspen sustanon $6.60ea, Bayer Primo $6.30/ea

Norditropin 45iu $105ea, Tiromel T3 $6.95

And yes, Bayer primo is cheaper than Sustanon, at least thru my guy. Go figure..

See the problem with skankfuck, and Ill keep saying it. He is a fucking ripoff.