SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

Yes they are..
Ill be completely honest with you. These are my prices.. Now you see how I can afford to sell arimidex for $45, and skankdick sells it for $90. He barely was selling a few boxes a month. I sell a few hundred.

Arimidex is $14.95/box, Aspen sustanon $6.60ea, Bayer Primo $6.30/ea

Norditropin 45iu $105ea, Tiromel T3 $6.95

And yes, Bayer primo is cheaper than Sustanon, at least thru my guy. Go figure..

See the problem with skankfuck, and Ill keep saying it. He is a fucking ripoff.

What's your knowledge of where your stuff comes from, or do you just take your guy's word
Yes they are..
Ill be completely honest with you. These are my prices.. Now you see how I can afford to sell arimidex for $45, and skankdick sells it for $90. He barely was selling a few boxes a month. I sell a few hundred.

Arimidex is $14.95/box, Aspen sustanon $6.60ea, Bayer Primo $6.30/ea

Norditropin 45iu $105ea, Tiromel T3 $6.95

And yes, Bayer primo is cheaper than Sustanon, at least thru my guy. Go figure..

See the problem with skankfuck, and Ill keep saying it. He is a fucking ripoff.

Fine. Whatever. When I first emailed Skank about a product, his first sentence was "my prices are higher". He isn't in this to be a huge thing. He wanted to let me know that he has his little thing going, and if I wanted to shop around for a cheaper price, then I could have at it.

No need for all the hate bro.
Yes they are..
Ill be completely honest with you. These are my prices.. Now you see how I can afford to sell arimidex for $45, and skankdick sells it for $90. He barely was selling a few boxes a month. I sell a few hundred.

Arimidex is $14.95/box, Aspen sustanon $6.60ea, Bayer Primo $6.30/ea

Norditropin 45iu $105ea, Tiromel T3 $6.95

And yes, Bayer primo is cheaper than Sustanon, at least thru my guy. Go figure..

See the problem with skankfuck, and Ill keep saying it. He is a fucking ripoff.
But he closed up shop. Why you still crying?
Yes they are..
Ill be completely honest with you. These are my prices.. Now you see how I can afford to sell arimidex for $45, and skankdick sells it for $90. He barely was selling a few boxes a month. I sell a few hundred.

Arimidex is $14.95/box, Aspen sustanon $6.60ea, Bayer Primo $6.30/ea

Norditropin 45iu $105ea, Tiromel T3 $6.95

And yes, Bayer primo is cheaper than Sustanon, at least thru my guy. Go figure..

See the problem with skankfuck, and Ill keep saying it. He is a fucking ripoff.
Dude you forgot to say AARN OUT!
What's your knowledge of where your stuff comes from, or do you just take your guy's word
I posted pics in skankfucks thread of part of my stash. Its 110% legit and cheaper. You see, I deal direct. No middleman. skankdick has a middleman, hence his rip off prices. Ill send you anything you want up front. Go get it tested. If it comes back bunk, Ill refund your money 10x over. That Is how confident I am.
I posted pics in skankfucks thread of part of my stash. Its 110% legit and cheaper. You see, I deal direct. No middleman. skankdick has a middleman, hence his rip off prices. Ill send you anything you want up front. Go get it tested. If it comes back bunk, Ill refund your money 10x over. That Is how confident I am.
But we can’t pm you :’((
I posted pics in skankfucks thread of part of my stash. Its 110% legit and cheaper. You see, I deal direct. No middleman. skankdick has a middleman, hence his rip off prices. Ill send you anything you want up front. Go get it tested. If it comes back bunk, Ill refund your money 10x over. That Is how confident I am.

all that’s fine. i’m more interested in it’s origin rather than how it tests. what country is your primo from?
I got tired of feeling bad for him. I can't hold someone's hand for anabolics.
Bro nobody holding my hand any more I got this now just was I bad mindset when 1st came on the site is all now I see how everything works where to go and now it's going really good for me lol so hope you have awesome mother's be day bro
Look who it is.. You still ripping off customers in private? LMAO!
Anyone who has done biz with this guy, get a hold of me. I have a one time sale for first time customers with me. And Ill even front to get your business. Why pay $90 for a box of arimidex, when you can get it from me for 1/2..

$13 for an amp of aspen sustanon? Not through me... All day long for $9. Buy 30 or more, $8.50ea.

You want bayer Rimobolon? $10/amp.. why pay $15 through skankfuck..

Oh, I even have good price on Norditropin 45iu.. $160/kit
You keep saying this but you don't have a thread. Make one, and I'd be glad to buy lots from you.
Yes they are..
Ill be completely honest with you. These are my prices.. Now you see how I can afford to sell arimidex for $45, and skankdick sells it for $90. He barely was selling a few boxes a month. I sell a few hundred.

Arimidex is $14.95/box, Aspen sustanon $6.60ea, Bayer Primo $6.30/ea

Norditropin 45iu $105ea, Tiromel T3 $6.95

And yes, Bayer primo is cheaper than Sustanon, at least thru my guy. Go figure..

See the problem with skankfuck, and Ill keep saying it. He is a fucking ripoff.
who's your guy? insane prices