SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

What is this now?
Did I miss something??? Your selling pharmaqo ?!
Nope just my stock. Earlier in the thread I mentioned I’ll be getting rid of it to get more Pharma items. I won’t be carrying it once it’s gone.
He’s carrying pharma grade test thats manufactured in the U.S. Ask him if he accepts GoodRX discounts maybe he can knock down $25 or something
It’s not manufactured in the US. It’s manufactured by Hikma in Portugal, intended for US market.
The westward doesn’t contain BA/BB if that’s interests you.

I got to get my hands on those soon.

A couple of my Canadian friends use it and love it. I know in Canada Hikma produces it under the label Valeant Delastryl. Here in the USA it's labeled Westward. Might tell my doctor if I can switch from Actavis cyp to Westward e. I think long term it's better using medication with no preservatives and I love that I keep hearing PIP free too.

@koji64 propylene Glycol is some nasty shit. I use to break out horribly using Alpha Pharma, skin would get a nasty welt and itchy on the surface of the injection site. Plus, I would feel a hug spike in levels and then it goes down fast. These UGLs are trying to formulate a product that pins the smoothest but not concerned about any other factor imo.
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Thanks for responding to my email I sent a couple of days ago. I'd like to get some of that Aspen sustanon, say 15-20 vials for a first order. Won't be able to order until my paycheck clears my account in two days. Do you think you'll have that many left by then or are you running low?

Just confirming, you ship US domestic, right? No customs?

I got to get my hands on those soon.

A couple of my Canadian friends use it and love it. I know in Canada Hikma produces it under the label Valeant Delastryl. Here in the USA it's labeled Westward. Might tell my doctor if I can switch from Actavis cyp to Westward e. I think long term it's better using medication with no preservatives and I love that I keep hearing PIP free too.

@koji64 propylene Glycol is some nasty shit. I use to break out horribly using Alpha Pharma, skin would get a nasty welt and itchy on the surface of the injection site. Plus, I would feel a hug spike in levels and then it goes down fast. These UGLs are trying to formulate a product that pins the smoothest but not concerned about any other factor imo.
Well I think you might have just explained something for me. I've been using Alpha gear almost exclusively for over a year and while I can't argue with the results--they've been good--I think you might have just told me why I've had repeat issues with inflammation while using it.

This included swelling and pain at the injection site almost every single time, and occasionally a pretty severe ache for a couple of days after injection. It got so bad that I had to see the doctor about it. I pin in my thighs and at one point my left leg swelled up to where it was like 40% larger than the right one. I had to go to the ER to get an emergency ultrasound because they thought I might have a clot in my leg, which could be very dangerous. No clot and five days of a corticosteroid and a temporary increase in the diuretic I take for hypertension got my leg back down to normal size and it hasn't happened since.

Like I said, the Alpha stuff worked for me quite well but I wonder now if the propylene glycol and/or maybe shit QC is why I've had so many problems with inflammation. Well, my source for Alpha is no longer in business and I'm about to get some pharma quality gear from SkankHunt, so it will be interesting to see if I have any of the same issues.

Thanks again for talking about this in the thread.
Thanks for responding to my email I sent a couple of days ago. I'd like to get some of that Aspen sustanon, say 15-20 vials for a first order. Won't be able to order until my paycheck clears my account in two days. Do you think you'll have that many left by then or are you running low?

Just confirming, you ship US domestic, right? No customs?

Yes sir no customs. I’ll always have Sustanon that’s probably the most popular.