SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

Again @Mcflyfast you are way more defensive than @SkankHunt. I respect that skank has responded in a professional manner and I knew about him before I joined this board because of what he has done for the community.

All I know about you is that you try to bully people, you fail and you seem to have a vested interest in this Hikma/Westward situation. You come across as extremely shady and now you did a 180 from past posts, so yeah, I sure as shit don't trust you.

I don't even know @biggerben69 but from what I have seen in this thread I like him because he has exposed you as what you are and it seems he really gets under your skin. You need to up your AI and your BP meds before you stroke out.

My question for you is how do you know about Skank's and BB69 details behind the scenes. All this stuff you have been bringing up I have not seen in this thread. It would seem that they have PM each other and for whatever reason again, you have the details. SUS. You have the aura of scum resonating from you.
I talk to McFly frequently. Members on this board know him for his knowledge of pharma goods. If I have questions about something he’s the one guy I’m going to. He hasn’t been wrong about some of the counterfeits I’ve come across.

You guys are more than welcome to keep going back and fourth. I myself will refrain from doing so until my lab comes back for the Westward. It’s scheduled to reach Jano late next week.
I talk to McFly frequently. Members on this board know him for his knowledge of pharma goods. If I have questions about something he’s the one guy I’m going to. He hasn’t been wrong about some of the counterfeits I’ve come across.

You guys are more than welcome to keep going back and fourth. I myself will refrain from doing so until my lab comes back for the Westward. It’s scheduled to reach Jano late next week.

I appreciate you brother.

Hope all is well
So, to get this thread back on track, looking at SERMs and AIs and what Skank has in his list. Other than trying each of them and figuring out which makes me feel less shitty is there a generally accepted go-to these days? I have never needed an AI or SERM with test, even when running up to a gram per week. Nandrolone seems like a different story, at least for me these days.

Back in the day we had nolva and clomid and that was about it. Nolva made me feel like I was walking through wet cement in my 20s, so probably not that. Been interested in caber for a while for other reasons so I might just try that out for grins if there's not a clear cut answer.
So, to get this thread back on track, looking at SERMs and AIs and what Skank has in his list. Other than trying each of them and figuring out which makes me feel less shitty is there a generally accepted go-to these days? I have never needed an AI or SERM with test, even when running up to a gram per week. Nandrolone seems like a different story, at least for me these days.

Back in the day we had nolva and clomid and that was about it. Nolva made me feel like I was walking through wet cement in my 20s, so probably not that. Been interested in caber for a while for other reasons so I might just try that out for grins if there's not a clear cut answer.
Caber is good to have on hand but it’s not a necessity when running Deca. If you keep your e2 in check you’ll be fine. Half the guys who buy caber are doing it for the sexual benefits lol.
Again deflecting lol

Bullying? Lol Again, funny you are the only one....

Just like @Iron_Yuppie said earlier about you PRAETERITIO couldn't have said it better.

Sus is you lmao. Not even a month on this forum......

Don't PM either, I don't care if you don't agree with my evidence and with @SkankHunt future lab analysis on the West Wards with this Chlorobutanol substance will once again do the talking lmao

Um, have you read all the thread asking questions about how much he is buying and discounts and stuff
You are the one deflecting and acting shady bro. You def have a vested interest in this and no one should trust you. BB69 made some vague references and you took it several steps further. I wonder how and why?

How is this affecting your bottom line again? Look Mr. one day I say all Watson and Westward are fake but less than I year later I've changed my mind, you are SUS.

I have no affiliation with any type of sourcing but you clearly do and you are very upset with anyone asking about the possibility of counterfeits when you used to be one of those people asking.

Suck on that for a while you ignorant hypocrite POS.
I talk to McFly frequently. Members on this board know him for his knowledge of pharma goods. If I have questions about something he’s the one guy I’m going to. He hasn’t been wrong about some of the counterfeits I’ve come across.

You guys are more than welcome to keep going back and fourth. I myself will refrain from doing so until my lab comes back for the Westward. It’s scheduled to reach Jano late next week.
Respect and thank you. You should tell that fool to refrain as well. He is going to make you look bad if he can't keep his stupid mouth shut.
I don't care if he comments on this stuff but he keeps assuming incorrectly about me when I expose him for the hypocrite that he is. I am sure I can also get to the bottom of why he is so concerned with this if that is what that fool wants.

I have nothing against you @SkankHunt and I wish you the best. I apologize for @Mcflyfast turning this into what it has become because he jumped down my throat and I defended myself. I did indeed PM him and said nothing personal and extended an olive branch. I simply told him all he has to do is shut up about me. He can't. He is ignorant and insecure. I see through him.
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He is going to make you look bad if he can't keep his stupid mouth shut.

When you are having a conversation with friends and you're interrupted by a group of people squabbling at the bar/supermarket/wherever do you consider the points being made by each individual before assessing the situation, or do assume that they are drunk idiots who should be avoided or ignored?
When you are having a conversation with friends and you're interrupted by a group of people squabbling at the bar/supermarket/wherever do you consider the points being made by each individual before assessing the situation, or do assume that they are drunk idiots who should be avoided or ignored?
You can bet your ass if they single me out when I haven't even acknowledged them, they will find out they targeted the wrong guy.

Your argument can go with McLieFast too. After all, he began this. Why can't he walk away and ignore it? Wait, Ive already mentioned it. He can't because he has a vested interest.
Respect and thank you. You should tell that fool to refrain as well. He is going to make you look bad if he can't keep his stupid mouth shut.
I don't care if he comments on this stuff but he keeps assuming incorrectly about me when I expose him for the hypocrite that he is. I am sure I can also get to the bottom of why he is so concerned with this if that is what that fool wants.



I can give a crap if you care if I comment or not lmao

Take your little minion self elsewhere


We are all the ones watching you........

Carlito 2.0
I've told you, its not personal. You are trying to make it personal. Quit being ignorant and just let your beef with me go. If you can do that, I can let it go too.
Caber is good to have on hand but it’s not a necessity when running Deca. If you keep your e2 in check you’ll be fine. Half the guys who buy caber are doing it for the sexual benefits lol.

I'm more interested in caber's supposed dopamine related brain benefits, TBH.

Also, I have no idea how to keep my e2 in check other than with meds.
I'm more interested in caber's supposed dopamine related brain benefits, TBH.

Also, I have no idea how to keep my e2 in check other than with meds.
From what I have heard you shouldn't mess with caber unless you absolutely need it. I don't know that it is a good idea to use it specifically for dompamine related brain benefits.
Others with more experience may have more insight.
There’s a lot of speculation due to the amount of counterfeits. I just reached out to Jano to get ANOTHER lab done on the westwards. For those of you that are unaware, they do not contain BA/BB. So I’m having him run a full analysis on it. Hopefully this gives people peace of mind.
You're an angel, Skank.
From what I have heard you shouldn't mess with caber unless you absolutely need it. I don't know that it is a good idea to use it specifically for dompamine related brain benefits.
Others with more experience may have more insight.
I will agree caber shouldn’t be used unless needed. For negative side effects I’m not sure if there are any. I have a family member who is prescribed it to treat restless leg syndrome and takes it everyday. I have no experience with taking it everyday for sexual or mental benefits so I can’t comment on that either.
You can bet your ass if they single me out when I haven't even acknowledged them, they will find out they targeted the wrong guy.

Your argument can go with McLieFast too. After all, he began this. Why can't he walk away and ignore it? Wait, Ive already mentioned it. He can't because he has a vested interest.

It definitely could apply to McFly as well. I'd be happy if either of you would stop the bickering. As far as your FAFO comment goes, McFly doesn't appear to be convinced that you're the wrong one to fuck with, so that tactic is not working for you in this case.

Bottom line, you two are completely derailing a useful thread with your back and forth squabbling that no longer even serves a purpose.
I've told you, its not personal. You are trying to make it personal. Quit being ignorant and just let your beef with me go. If you can do that, I can let it go too.
No beef with anyone on here......

But when you start name calling and play that both sides game becoming a minion for Ben and then back to my buddy @SkankHunt I won't back down lol.

Again, I don't talk out of my ass especially if I am not confident and certain with the topic.

You think I don't go through multiple channels, pharmacists, drug reps, etc before having an answer for @SkankHunt about the Hikmas he carries?

Or the evidence he provided me to double check them to confirm them with other people who is in the medical industry?

Again, I am not arrogant in fact I am pretty damn humble. If someone ask me something about a pharmacy product and I don't know I will ask others I know to get an answer for you.
It definitely could apply to McFly as well. I'd be happy if either of you would stop the bickering. As far as your FAFO comment goes, McFly doesn't appear to be convinced that you're the wrong one to fuck with, so that tactic is not working for you in this case.

Bottom line, you two are completely derailing a useful thread with your back and forth squabbling that no longer even serves a purpose.

Exactly and I am not

Hope all is well @Rottendog

Apologies my brother @SkankHunt