SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

Are you going to post the same link again lmao....... I told you my stance has changed after I did some deep research based on what @SkankHunt has shown me.....

Feel free to ask him more questions if he chooses to respond.....

Not the first member and not the last who asked me questions about legitimacy of pharma grade products.

Always here to give my 2 cents and find out more through some friends in the medical industry. :)

Fun fact: My pharmacy rep friend told me yesterday that Westward test e has just recently become discontinued and will be replaced with new label I believe Hikma or Cipla. So we will still see Westwards at local pharmacies along with new Hikma or Cipla packaging. Because Hikma bought Westward a couple months ago....

Wait, oh no, I should not have said anything. Quick I have to delete my comment the Chinese are on to it and now are making copies of the new packaging as I speak LOL.
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Because out of many, many, many years @janoshik has been doing HPLC lab analysis upon 10s, if not 100s of thousands of samples he has never seen a vial with this substance and now that it's getting tested, because he sees this in Hikmas testosterone e and only them (For my understanding) your claim is "Yup the Chinese are adding it now".

Come on brother, I guess I should ignore what the lab analysis will show and go by your words of wisdom.

Again, please reread my old post what I said I really don't feel like regurgitating.
I have never tested for chlorobutanol before.

It might've been there or might not and I wouldn't know what I am looking at, until I do specifically look for it.
I have never tested for chlorobutanol before.

It might've been there or might not and I wouldn't know what I am looking at, until I do specifically look for it.

At @janoshik what is exactly this Chlorobutanol substance? Curious, why does Hikma choose not to use BA/BB in their Testosterone Enanthate product but add this in?

Also, why would all these sources not replicate the formula if @biggerben69 mentioned that you told him this is cheap and in abundance?

If this was the case, why won't UGLs just replicate this? My Canadian friends who are also using Hikma testosterone e (Valeant Delastryl) tell me it's literally PIP free. Why are all these sources using BA/BB in their test e?

I am very curious yet intrigued why Hikma does this...
At @janoshik what is exactly this Chlorobutanol substance? Curious, why does Hikma choose not to use BA/BB in their Testosterone Enanthate product but add this in?

Also, why would all these sources not replicate the formula if @biggerben69 mentioned that you told him this is cheap and in abundance?

If this was the case, why won't UGLs just replicate this? My Canadian friends who are also using Hikma testosterone e (Valeant Delastryl) tell me it's literally PIP free. Why are all these sources using BA/BB in their test e?

I am very curious yet intrigued why Hikma does this...
well, all I knew about it is that it's a narcotic inhalant that's not used anymore, until skankhunt explained it's in that test e as well. Guess it has preservative properties as well.

a quick google search yielded many, even local, shops where they have it available at cheap prices, so I concluded it's cheap and abundant

not sure why UGLs don't use it - might be better off inquiring elsewhere, but I'd wager they've never heard of it before! :)
well, all I knew about it is that it's a narcotic inhalant that's not used anymore, until skankhunt explained it's in that test e as well. Guess it has preservative properties as well.

a quick google search yielded many, even local, shops where they have it available at cheap prices, so I concluded it's cheap and abundant

not sure why UGLs don't use it - might be better off inquiring elsewhere, but I'd wager they've never heard of it before! :)

Damn really interesting information brother....

Yet strange lol
Are you going to post the same link again lmao....... I told you my stance has changed after I did some deep research based on what @SkankHunt has shown me.....

Feel free to ask him more questions if he chooses to respond.....

Not the first member and not the last who asked me questions about legitimacy of pharma grade products.

Always here to give my 2 cents and find out more through some friends in the medical industry. :)

Fun fact: My pharmacy rep friend told me yesterday that Westward test e has just recently become discontinued and will be replaced with new label I believe Hikma or Cipla. So we will still see Westwards at local pharmacies along with new Hikma or Cipla packaging. Because Hikma bought Westward a couple months ago....

Wait, oh no, I should not have said anything. Quick I have to delete my comment the Chinese are on to it and now are making copies of the new packaging as I speak LOL.
I and Skank are the only ones privy to this irrefutable evidence that prove it authentic. Silly and just counting on us being cool with you shitting in our mouths and telling us you've just bought us dinner.
Kind of how you believe your position and OPINIONS are strengthened by you adding that its your cousin or "good friend" who works for Activis or the other who lives in Turkey and don't forget the life long blood brother living in Portugal. That bullshit doesn't strengthen your position. That shit doesn't change your opinion to fact, either. Its a cheap way to think you won't get called on your nonsense. Shallow.
Back in the day we had nolva and clomid and that was about it. Nolva made me feel like I was walking through wet cement in my 20s, so probably not that. Been interested in caber for a while for other reasons so I might just try that out for grins if there's not a clear cut answer.
I will say taking nolva at night before bed eliminated all the groggyness associated with it. Maybe worth trying if you havent already?

Also...caber is fun. That is all.
I will say taking nolva at night before bed eliminated all the groggyness associated with it. Maybe worth trying if you havent already?

Also...caber is fun. That is all.

TBH I haven't taken it at all for like 25 years. Back then Dan Duchaine and Bill Phillips had us convinced that we needed nolva as part of any cycle. My experience with it was that it made me incredibly lethargic and unmotivated and generally just useless. After I relegated it to PCT-only (and only if needed - clomid was usually enough for me) I ran orals like dbol and anadrol and high dose test concurrently and never had any gyno or dick issues. If I started feeling "emotional" I'd just take a little proviron for a week or two and it would usually clear things right up.

Lately, I added around 200 mg deca/npp to my TRT since I remembered it making me feel fantastic as a young man. It still did, and made my joints very happy, but after a couple weeks my libido took a vacation and my dick, which is usually G2G at the drop of a hat, took a little more coaxing than normal (like, requiring any at all is completely abnormal). Figured I'd try to find something to combat that which doesn't make me into 10 lbs of liquid shit in a 5 lb sack, especially if I want to try a real blast again at some point.
Let’s see how long the 3 children can shut the fuck up for …. I actually agree with Mcfly but he has to just be the bigger man and not respond. Again another source thread getting to the point where members will not want to research because there’s 100 posts of “he said , she said “ bull shit.
Let’s see how long the 3 children can shut the fuck up for …. I actually agree with Mcfly but he has to just be the bigger man and not respond. Again another source thread getting to the point where members will not want to research because there’s 100 posts of “he said , she said “ bull shit.
Those two are driving me crazy! Like my 5th graders! I suggest mcflyfast and Kinistone make their own thread and duel it out.
Let’s see how long the 3 children can shut the fuck up for …. I actually agree with Mcfly but he has to just be the bigger man and not respond. Again another source thread getting to the point where members will not want to research because there’s 100 posts of “he said , she said “ bull shit.

You are right brother

My apology. Should of been the better person.

Sorry again @SkankHunt

Hope all is well
I and Skank are the only ones privy to this irrefutable evidence that prove it authentic. Silly and just counting on us being cool with you shitting in our mouths and telling us you've just bought us dinner.
Kind of how you believe your position and OPINIONS are strengthened by you adding that its your cousin or "good friend" who works for Activis or the other who lives in Turkey and don't forget the life long blood brother living in Portugal. That bullshit doesn't strengthen your position. That shit doesn't change your opinion to fact, either. Its a cheap way to think you won't get called on your nonsense. Shallow.


Last time because @phenominal34 is right.

You think I pulled this information out my ass? LOL Are you upset that I know more than you think? Seems like it.... If you have enough resources and information as I do, than you should have no issue to come back with facts and evidence.

You are a big boy Ben go ask around....

When you do see the change in packaging hitting the USA pharmacies be sure to blame it on the Chinese lol

Will give you enough time to fabricate another thought in your head what to say next.....

That's fine, you are entitled to your opinion, leave it up to Meso members to decide.
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No one would have to make Chlorobutanol. It can be bought legally in the US


Chlorobutanol is not controlled. You can buy.
Chlorobutanol is a detergent preservative that has been included in a wide spectrum of cosmetic and pharmaceutical products because of its antibacterial and antifungal properties.
and if you want to make Chlorobutanol at home that is easy too.


Not sure what it would prove having this common and easy to obtain substance in anything...

