SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop


bully? no. You have done absolutely nothing against any rules that I know.

You and I are just not really compatible in how we think and the values we hold. That is not a crime and I often find people who are not like me teach me quite a bit. I am not putting you on ignore but I find your "style" of interaction to be of low value. My hope is over time this judgement I have made about you is proven wrong. I wish you the best.

bully? no. You have done absolutely nothing against any rules that I know.

You and I are just not really compatible in how we think and the values we hold. That is not a crime and I often find people who are not like me teach me quite a bit. I am not putting you on ignore but I find your "style" of interaction to be of low value. My hope is over time this judgement I have made about you is proven wrong. I wish you the best.

And I apologize for this....... Should of left it at that.

Be well brother

bully? no. You have done absolutely nothing against any rules that I know.

You and I are just not really compatible in how we think and the values we hold. That is not a crime and I often find people who are not like me teach me quite a bit. I am not putting you on ignore but I find your "style" of interaction to be of low value. My hope is over time this judgement I have made about you is proven wrong. I wish you the best.
I doubt it brother. Over time, your opinion of this guy will become even worse. His style of interaction is worse than just low value.
Agenda LOL......

I never said no one can't use their brain I am always open for discussion.....Deff makes great debate.

Respect bro

Let me know about those Bayer Provirons, you are the only one who has access to them.

Wait @kinistone I mean @Carlitosaso will claim they are fake like the Anapolans too. :)

Be safe
The only one with access to Bayer proviron? I know of at least 2 people I could get as much as I want tomorrow.
Wouldn’t it be smarter to bring it to the forum I’m actually a member on? Zero thought went into that indeed.
No, they thought about it.

The point of “reviews” of non-sponsor sources on that board is to discredit them and drive people to their shitty paid sponsors.

The facts don’t have to check out because the people who frequent that forum are too stupid to actually fact-check anything.
Apologies for the multiple questions;
Would the possibility also exist in getting amps of testosterone? Brand doesn’t really matter. Some some on steroidify that’s an Iranian lab. However, I just don’t trust Steroidify. Mainly just be my bad experience with the Hilma products I got from them. I’ve heard they like to hit people with selective scamming as well
Apologies for the multiple questions;
Would the possibility also exist in getting amps of testosterone? Brand doesn’t really matter. Some some on steroidify that’s an Iranian lab. However, I just don’t trust Steroidify. Mainly just be my bad experience with the Hilma products I got from them. I’ve heard they like to hit people with selective scamming as well
Yes there is Aburaihan test E in amps that is very cheap. I just sent a sample to my friend who wanted to try them out and compare it the testoviron.

As for Balkan I grabbed boxes of NPP, Test C, winny and some expired dbol. I didn’t grab the Parabolan due to the price.

Also most of the testosterone I carry comes in amps. The Aspen Sustanon, Bayer Testoviron and RotexMedica are in amps. Rimos too.
Yes there is Aburaihan test E in amps that is very cheap. I just sent a sample to my friend who wanted to try them out and compare it the testoviron.

As for Balkan I grabbed boxes of NPP, Test C, winny and some expired dbol. I didn’t grab the Parabolan due to the price.

Also most of the testosterone I carry comes in amps. The Aspen Sustanon, Bayer Testoviron and RotexMedica are in amps. Rimos too.
Yes the Aburaaihan was the one I had great interest in
He was being sarcastic.
I know of 4 other sources that carry the Actavis Cyp and WestWard Enanthate. I also hear there are more sources out there that carry it.

Why do you think Columbo fool jumps down everyone's throats when they ask questions like he is your bodyguard, supplier or boyfriend? Also why does he think they are all the same person? It's like he can't believe more than 1 person disagrees with him and thinks he is full of shit.

You are way more professional than that SUS fool. I get you talk to him and get/give him advice but maybe tell that guy to shut his shit hole every now and then because he is hurting your rep IMO.
Yes there is Aburaihan test E in amps that is very cheap. I just sent a sample to my friend who wanted to try them out and compare it the testoviron.

As for Balkan I grabbed boxes of NPP, Test C, winny and some expired dbol. I didn’t grab the Parabolan due to the price.

Also most of the testosterone I carry comes in amps. The Aspen Sustanon, Bayer Testoviron and RotexMedica are in amps. Rimos too.
idea on pricing for npp and test c?

Last time because @phenominal34 is right.

You think I pulled this information out my ass? LOL Are you upset that I know more than you think? Seems like it.... If you have enough resources and information as I do, than you should have no issue to come back with facts and evidence.

You are a big boy Ben go ask around....

When you do see the change in packaging hitting the USA pharmacies be sure to blame it on the Chinese lol

Will give you enough time to fabricate another thought in your head what to say next.....

That's fine, you are entitled to your opinion, leave it up to Meso members to decide.
What info? Are you asking if counterfeiters will follow and change the labels they make to replicate any new labels that Big Pharma makes? What kind of question is that? Of course they change as the products they are replicating change. What kind of counterfeiters would they be if the didn't?

You're not finding anyone to partner up with and bash me? Blame it on the Chinese you say with as much sarcasm you can muster hoping to make me look foolish. Then skank makes a post saying the Chinese are doing things to get over and improve their replicas.

Jano shows up after all the wind you've been blowing and after you tagged him several times in posts you made trying to discredit me talking about all the facts you bring and all you ask him is why don't other pharmaceutical companies follow WestWard and use Chloro in their products. You're asking for an opinion? Did you expect jano to jump in and join you in bashing me? I could almost read jano's mind when you got him away from work and the last things you said to him was that you were really intrigued with the preservative and why others don't use it? Really? Wow, why are you tagging me(Jano) about this shit?

Did I read correctly in one of your posts a while back that you had a friend who is a rep for Actavis? Or were you just falling back on your favorite tactic that you believe helps strengthen your position? I'd be very interested, as I'm sure many others would, to get the perspective and opinion on whether or not all the Actavis Test Cyp that we see being sold in the Community is legit or not from an actual employee of Actavis.
You'd really be doing something then.
Because out of many, many, many years @janoshik has been doing HPLC lab analysis upon 10s, if not 100s of thousands of samples he has never seen a vial with this substance and now that it's getting tested, because he sees this in Hikmas testosterone e and only them (For my understanding) your claim is "Yup the Chinese are adding it now".

Come on brother, I guess I should ignore what the lab analysis will show and go by your words of wisdom.

Again, please reread my old post what I said I really don't feel like regurgitating.
Replicas try and replicate the target product. The ingredients are listed publicly. It isn't a secret ingredient. Its easy to come by. Regular consumers are HPLC testing pharmaceuticals. Of course they would make their replica as close as they can to the real thing. You're argument is lame and others have made that clear.

We often hear how inexpensive a vial of ugl Testosterone is to make. I've heard anywhere from $5 to $11. The WestWard and Actavis cost anywhere from $60 to $80 to purchase depending on where they are shipped from and how many are purchased. You also going to tell me there isn't enough of a markup? The Chinese wouldn't do this "for a vial of testosterone?" Its so far fetched? You are losing ground with every smart ass post you make.