SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

First order sent to email.
Once the transaction is complete and I have the product I will tell the board how it went. From what others have said I predict it will go smoothly and I will be happy with the product. If that's the case I will let everybody know.
Hey @SkankHunt are you able to get humalog or other fast acting slin?
Currently none in the US warehouse. If I get overseas the size and weight of the pack limits the amount I can get. HGH and Saxenda are requested more than slin. Same deal with metformin, the pills are massive so there’s only so many I could get. If he decides to stock the US with it I’ll grab some.
Currently none in the US warehouse. If I get overseas the size and weight of the pack limits the amount I can get. HGH and Saxenda are requested more than slin. Same deal with metformin, the pills are massive so there’s only so many I could get. If he decides to stock the US with it I’ll grab some.
Fuck yeah. Metformin tabs are horse pills. People prescribed that normally have to take 4 a day too.
Did I read correctly in one of your posts a while back that you had a friend who is a rep for Actavis? Or were you just falling back on your favorite tactic that you believe helps strengthen your position?
Sorry Keanu Reeves GIF

This is exactly my point. Give an idiot enough rope and......
Hopefully @SkankHunt can reel this SUS fool in.
tupac shakur 2pac GIF
This reason for this is I sent in a sample of the westward. It contained test e at 200mg. People have claimed it’s a counterfeit. So I told them this brand is made without BA/BB and contains chlorobutanol. Jano looked back to my previous test and said my sample did indeed not contain BA/BB but did contain another substance. So Friday I mailed out another sample to Jano to test the amount of chlorobutanol.

Again this all means nothing as China has beaten me to the punch. China is making counterfeits and shipping them to Portugal which is where mine came from.
Why would they not ship to portugal?
Its one of the biggest entry point of everything coming from sea!
Most of Portugal is costal region and very easy to smuggle thing in via fishing boats !
(They drop the cargo from big ships before they enter the port and customs!This is picked up by fishing boats so you dont think i mean they bring it from china with fishing boats)
As if they are fake or not i have no idea but if the tests are good and people have results with the product and there is no sterility issues we will probably never find out!
@SkankHunt, Any word on the injectable pharma grade glutathione?
I don’t think I mentioned carrying that did I? Lol who knows man I’m busy keeping stock of what I normally carry. Tomorrow Ozempic will be in stock and later this week more HCG will land. Nolva sometime late next week. Balkan should be here late this week too.

edit: just saw I did. My guess is the guy said he had it and then said he was out of stock.