SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

I'm more interested in caber's supposed dopamine related brain benefits, TBH.
Caber longer term is not something you want any part of unless it’s under the care of a doctor. But once in a while to control prolactin on a 19-nor is perfectly safe.

Also, I have no idea how to keep my e2 in check other than with meds.
Either use medication or lower whatever is causing your high e2. That’s it. Those are the ways.
Either use medication or lower whatever is causing your high e2. That’s it. Those are the ways.

Yeah, seems like there's no universally accepted answer to the basic AI/SERM question. I guess I'll pick up a few options and see how they work for me.
You are the one deflecting and acting shady bro. You def have a vested interest in this and no one should trust you. BB69 made some vague references and you took it several steps further. I wonder how and why?

How is this affecting your bottom line again? Look Mr. one day I say all Watson and Westward are fake but less than I year later I've changed my mind, you are SUS.

I have no affiliation with any type of sourcing but you clearly do and you are very upset with anyone asking about the possibility of counterfeits when you used to be one of those people asking.

Suck on that for a while you ignorant hypocrite POS.
Again, one last time.

What vested interest tell me?

Again, just something I heard in the grapevine.... I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt. And again, why are you so concern for Ben?

And so you know, I might not agree with Ben on this one, but I didn't like how he came at me like that.

If you have no affiliation then stop acting like a minion or a cheerleader. Doesn't look good @Carlitosaso has been M.I.A the same time you created your account...

Come back on this thread with facts and useful evidence to prove @SkankHunt , myself, and all other Meso members to back your claim.

Like I have always done on day 1 when I spotted fakes and called them out and provided evidence to back it up....

Ignorant is you and denial with the science conducted by @janoshik and the evidence all provided.

Keep name calling me I am watching you.....
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ok ok, let's kill two birds with one stone here.

@kinistone and @Mcflyfast -

both of you guys
1. get a room
2. take 5mg of caber
3. see what happens
4. ??????????
5. report back

possible outcomes:
a) one of you has mega dopamine rush while the other has mega sexual rush. hate fucking ensues.
b) vice versa.
c) both of you have mega dopamine rush and no sexual rush. you end up friends.
d) both of you have mega sexual rush and no dopamine rush. MEGA HATE FUCK ENSUES.

regardless, just don't record it - we will believe your collective words on whatever scenario takes place.
No the price does not drop. I said if I get them directly from Portugal it costs me X amount. If I have them shipped to USA first it costs me X amount. Price goes up for USA obviously. I grabbed 20 in the beginning of the month and just got another 20 a few days ago. He told me that is it until maybe November. I have zero clue who his other customers are. I was told there is a certain amount I can get a month.

I can say that I’ve seen videos/photos of irrefutable evidence that these are indeed genuine. I don’t know if you missed my last post, Jano confirmed my sample of Westward did not contain any BA/BB. This is exclusive to their brewing.'re leaving out a part of what you said. Did you pick the #20 for any reason? I'm either a liar or I'm stupid. You can read what you wrote me skank.
Counterfeiters are attempting to make replicas as close to the real thing as they can. With luxury items the good and more expensive replicas will use the exact same leather and other ingredients. The replica Watsons that first came out were very good. Hormone and all. Some were dosed almost exactly as the real and some weren't.
With all the testing on raws I'd expect ugl gear to become more accurately dosed than ever before. So why not replicas?

@Mcflyfast, why are you harping on waiting to see how the WestWards test? Replicas are trying to replicate the originals. Its not chemistry. Its brewing. You speak of Chlorobutanol as if its Plutonium? Its just an ingredient that counterfeiters can use to try and better replicate their target product. Chlorobutanol is cheap and abundant. Are you going to claim it isn't? Especially where these replicas most likely originate...China.

The first watsons were very close the originals. I'd expect them to improve with time. Good UGL test is not much different than Pharm grade. Thats not why guys pay more. They pay more, I suspect, because of the sanitary conditions that may be lacking in a ugl facility. That and other reasons. Not really because of some super secret ingredients.

Our members who buy WestWard and Actravis are paying pharm grade prices for ugl gear. If it makes some happy to believe the same stories that have been given since the first generation of replicas hit then that's on them. It doesn't make it right for you to exploit.
Did you pick the #20 for any reason?
No sir. 20 is all I could get. Once he says they’re available I grab them.

Edit: ok I see the mixup. When I said I got 20 the beginning of the month I meant september. That is when I opened up shop here. Now I just got another 20 for the month of October. This is all I’m allotted. He told me he won’t have more till November. Sorry for the confusion.
Last edited:'re leaving out a part of what you said. Did you pick the #20 for any reason? I'm either a liar or I'm stupid. You can read what you wrote me skank.
Counterfeiters are attempting to make replicas as close to the real thing as they can. With luxury items the good and more expensive replicas will use the exact same leather and other ingredients. The replica Watsons that first came out were very good. Hormone and all. Some were dosed almost exactly as the real and some weren't.
With all the testing on raws I'd expect ugl gear to become more accurately dosed than ever before. So why not replicas?

@Mcflyfast, why are you harping on waiting to see how the WestWards test? Replicas are trying to replicate the originals. Its not chemistry. Its brewing. You speak of Chlorobutanol as if its Plutonium? Its just an ingredient that counterfeiters can use to try and better replicate their target product. Chlorobutanol is cheap and abundant. Are you going to claim it isn't? Especially where these replicas most likely originate...China.

The first watsons were very close the originals. I'd expect them to improve with time. Good UGL test is not much different than Pharm grade. Thats not why guys pay more. They pay more, I suspect, because of the sanitary conditions that may be lacking in a ugl facility. That and other reasons. Not really because of some super secret ingredients.

Our members who buy WestWard and Actravis are paying pharm grade prices for ugl gear. If it makes some happy to believe the same stories that have been given since the first generation of replicas hit then that's on them. It doesn't make it right for you to exploit.


I f' ing can't.

I had enough of this non sense...... Chinese brewing Chlorobutanol.

I heard it all.

Hey @janoshik guess what? The Chinese now are brewing this test e as sterile as possible with no BA/BB and adding this special Chlorobutanol substance.

Wait hold on, on top, they are formulating it EXACTLY perfectly too following the Hikmas SDS..

Ironic @janoshik , you been doing this what, over 10 years and now this is your first vial that's getting tested with this substance? LOL

Yeah that's right Ben.......The Chinese are also making the exact revisions in the boxes, lots, revised pamphlets, labels, changes of caps (Flip off and non Flip off logo) and perfect machine crimps on the fly..... Actually the exact same time Hikma in Portugal does.

And guess what everyone reading this, all for a bottle of testosterone..........

Wait not only that, it's gets better everyone.

The Chinese are sending to Portugal all for @SkankHunt to get 20 vials.........Yes that's right, 20 whopping vials.

@janoshik can you ask your Chinese vendors why is all their time invested on these Hikmas...... Why can't they perfect Rimobolans or any other pharmaceutical HGH product......Because over the years and until now, I seen terrible Rimobolan fakes, crappy Genotropins, Humatropes that have a higher demand and WAY more money to be made but it's all invested on counterfeiting Hikmas......


You can't make this shit up lmao
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No beef with anyone on here......

But when you start name calling and play that both sides game becoming a minion for Ben and then back to my buddy @SkankHunt I won't back down lol.

Again, I don't talk out of my ass especially if I am not confident and certain with the topic.

You think I don't go through multiple channels, pharmacists, drug reps, etc before having an answer for @SkankHunt about the Hikmas he carries?

Or the evidence he provided me to double check them to confirm them with other people who is in the medical industry?

Again, I am not arrogant in fact I am pretty damn humble. If someone ask me something about a pharmacy product and I don't know I will ask others I know to get an answer for you.
Dude you called me multiple names in multiple responses before I ever fired back with any kind of name calling. This is actually a surprising answer from you in my eyes. I can leave it at that.
Again, one last time.

What vested interest tell me?

Again, just something I heard in the grapevine.... I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt. And again, why are you so concern for Ben?

And so you know, I might not agree with Ben on this one, but I didn't like how he came at me like that.

If you have no affiliation then stop acting like a minion or a cheerleader. Doesn't look good @Carlitosaso has been M.I.A the same time you created your account...

Come back on this thread with facts and useful evidence to prove @SkankHunt , myself, and all other Meso members to back your claim.

Like I have always done on day 1 when I spotted fakes and called them out and provided evidence to back it up....

Ignorant is you and denial with the science conducted by @janoshik and the evidence all provided.

Keep name calling me I am watching you.....
Are you done? I will say that I don't trust you and with good reason. Are we going to continue or are you going to stop? I'm watching you too. Let......It.....Go....
I don't care about your beef with BB69 or this Carlitosaso guy.

Its interesting how you don't like how you perceive BB69 came at you but you came at me much more aggressively because I made a simple observation and that's ok, LOL.

I don't need to bring any facts bro. I made a simple observation. I never said they are counterfeit. You jumped on me for my observation. I don't have any claims to make for the millionth time. Do you feel me now?

Its like pulling teeth with you and all your false assumptions and inability to interpret context.
Are you done? I will say that I don't trust you and with good reason. Are we going to continue or are you going to stop? I'm watching you too. Let......It.....Go....
I don't care about your beef with BB69 or this Carlitosaso guy.

Its interesting how you don't like how you perceive BB69 came at you but you came at me much more aggressively because I made a simple observation and that's ok, LOL.

I don't need to bring any facts bro. I made a simple observation. I never said they are counterfeit. You jumped on me for my observation. I don't have any claims to make for the millionth time. Do you feel me now?

Its like pulling teeth with you and all your false assumptions and inability to interpret context.

And I will leave this for everyone on Meso to form their own opinion......

How ironic this Carlito guy disappears I am blocked from seeing his last login and you make an account the EXACT time.....

On top, to go on his thread checking your history too.

Highly "SUS" bro......

The gig is up my man

Nice try "Fool"


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And I will leave this for everyone on Meso to form their own opinion......

How ironic this Carlito guy disappears I am blocked from seeing his last login and you make an account the EXACT time.....

On top, to go on his thread checking your history too.

Highly "SUS" bro......

The gig is up my man

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OMG, you are a pathetic idiot. Stick to your daytime job whatever that is.
I tried you guys.
Look, I don't trust you because of the way you came at me, your defensive stance and your 180 about pharma counterfeits in less than a year.
You don't trust me because I used the word SUS to accurately describe you and someone else you think I am used the same word. Look at the context you brainless fool. We didn't even use it the same way. But yeah, way to get to the bottom of something. You fail at being Sherlock too.

Edit: Since you just edited and marked fool or fools in different responses, its the same as SUS as far as not in the same context. In fact, you posting up both of our tendencies in writing clearly shows we have many differences but you are too dumb to see that. You focused on an abbreviation and a word to make a dumb conclusion.
Again, you are pathetic. Grow up and let it go you moron.
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OMG, you are a pathetic idiot. Stick to your daytime job whatever that is.
I tried you guys.
Look, I don't trust you because of the way you came at me, your defensive stance and your 180 about pharma counterfeits in less than a year.
You don't trust me because I used the word SUS to accurately describe you and someone else you think I am used the same word. Look at the context you brainless fool. We didn't even use it the same way. But yeah, way to get to the bottom of something. You fail at being Sherlock too.
Again, you are pathetic. Grow up and let it go you moron.

Are you upset you been exposed? LOL

I f' ing can't.

I had enough of this non sense...... Chinese brewing Chlorobutanol.

I heard it all.

Hey @janoshik guess what? The Chinese now are brewing this test e as sterile as possible with no BA/BB and adding this special Chlorobutanol substance.

Wait hold on, on top, they are formulating it EXACTLY perfectly too following the Hikmas SDS..

Ironic @janoshik , you been doing this what, over 10 years and now this is your first vial that's getting tested with this substance? LOL

Yeah that's right Ben.......The Chinese are also making the exact revisions in the boxes, lots, revised pamphlets, labels, changes of caps (Flip off and non Flip off logo) and perfect machine crimps on the fly..... Actually the exact same time Hikma in Portugal does.

And guess what everyone reading this, all for a bottle of testosterone..........

Wait not only that, it's gets better everyone.

The Chinese are sending to Portugal all for @SkankHunt to get 20 vials.........Yes that's right, 20 whopping vials.

@janoshik can you ask your Chinese vendors why is all their time invested on these Hikmas...... Why can't they perfect Rimobolans or any other pharmaceutical HGH product......Because over the years and until now, I seen terrible Rimobolan fakes, crappy Genotropins, Humatropes that have a higher demand and WAY more money to be made but it's all invested on counterfeiting Hikmas......


You can't make this shit up lmao
@janoshik is the guy who told me that "Chlorobutanol is cheap and in abundance". Why are you tagging him? My stance on these counterfeits hasn't changed in the many years I've been talking about them. You agreed with me and lil hawk. I posted links where you were in agreement. Now, less than a year later you post like a different person?
@SkankHunt , I'm not confused and I know what you meant and so do you. You said you weren't then but you are now officially blowing smoke up my ass and smirking while you lie.
@janoshik is the guy who told me that "Chlorobutanol is cheap and in abundance". Why are you tagging him? My stance on these counterfeits hasn't changed in the many years I've been talking about them. You agreed with me and lil hawk. I posted links where you were in agreement. Now, less than a year later you post like a different person?
@SkankHunt , I'm not confused and I know what you meant and so do you. You said you weren't then but you are now officially blowing smoke up my ass and smirking while you lie.

Because out of many, many, many years @janoshik has been doing HPLC lab analysis upon 10s, if not 100s of thousands of samples he has never seen a vial with this substance and now that it's getting tested, because he sees this in Hikmas testosterone e and only them (For my understanding) your claim is "Yup the Chinese are adding it now".

Come on brother, I guess I should ignore what the lab analysis will show and go by your words of wisdom.

Again, please reread my old post what I said I really don't feel like regurgitating.
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