SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

I don't think anyone here is dumb and uneducated except @Mcflyfast.
He definitely has a vested interest, he changes his opinions/advice(lol) to suit his current interests, he has a fragile ego, he tries to bully people and he is dumb.

Now, I don't expect everyone here to see this but the fool is transparent to me and I spotted him a mile away.


@Iron_Yuppie praeteritio at its best like you said brother.
In the US I could not get an urgent care doc to give me a script. Just FWIW.
Typically they won’t. It’s like people that come to the ER, they will tell you to see your family doctor, or refer you to one if you don’t have one. You need to have labs done to check kidney function, electrolytes, etc before being out on any BP medication.

@Iron_Yuppie praeteritio at its best like you said brother.
You "Liked" and agreed with @lilhawk when he made this post concerning WestWard and Actavis test manufactured exclusively for the USA. What's different now?

You "Liked" and agreed with @lilhawk when he made this post concerning WestWard and Actavis test manufactured exclusively for the USA. What's different now?

His interests have changed so therefore his 'advice' and opinions have changed.
This is a guy that can't be trusted and your thread references partly expose why.
@SkankHunt I do have a level of trust in him so until it is proven otherwise I will take him at his word.
@Mcflyfast hurts skank's credibility IMO.
Hi again all and Skank - thanks for the response earlier to my question about pricing. I didn't realize these were pharma grade and thus the higher price. Makes total sense.

What's the benefit of no BA/BB?

I think I read the Westward carrier oil was Cottonseed oil. Does anyone know what the Hikma carrier oil is?

@SkankHunt do you accept LTC or just BTC?
Hi again all and Skank - thanks for the response earlier to my question about pricing. I didn't realize these were pharma grade and thus the higher price. Makes total sense.

What's the benefit of no BA/BB?

I think I read the Westward carrier oil was Cottonseed oil. Does anyone know what the Hikma carrier oil is?

@SkankHunt do you accept LTC or just BTC?
Westward Sesame Oil, Hickma Cottonseed. Don't know what Skank accepts but thought I saw just BTC.
Benefit of no BA/BB I am not sure. I can tell you at least for me it made no difference. Both Hikma and Westward whether they were straight from my pharmacy or from a source were thicker oils with no PIP.
I do not have an unlimited supply of these. I get a small amount and I posted a few pages back I have about 7 or 8 eft till maybe next month.
Pricing structure. Your cost on these drops the more you buy,,,does it not? That wouldn't happen if these were in such limited supply.
This is the stance you're taking? You have the only connection to these hard to find items manufactured for the USA exclusively? The others selling are fake and you and you alone can purchase these real Actavis Test Cyp vials. He doesn't sell his real Actavis to anyone else?
Pricing structure. Your cost on these drops the more you buy,,,does it not? That wouldn't happen if these were in such limited supply.
This is the stance you're taking? You have the only connection to these hard to find items manufactured for the USA exclusively? The others selling are fake and you and you alone can purchase these real Actavis Test Cyp vials. He doesn't sell his real Actavis to anyone else?
No the price does not drop. I said if I get them directly from Portugal it costs me X amount. If I have them shipped to USA first it costs me X amount. Price goes up for USA obviously. I grabbed 20 in the beginning of the month and just got another 20 a few days ago. He told me that is it until maybe November. I have zero clue who his other customers are. I was told there is a certain amount I can get a month.

I can say that I’ve seen videos/photos of irrefutable evidence that these are indeed genuine. I don’t know if you missed my last post, Jano confirmed my sample of Westward did not contain any BA/BB. This is exclusive to their brewing.
You "Liked" and agreed with @lilhawk when he made this post concerning WestWard and Actavis test manufactured exclusively for the USA. What's different now?

What I later learned. The evidence I seen proved more than enough for me when @SkankHunt ask me to validate them. This and people in the know.

His interests have changed so therefore his 'advice' and opinions have changed.
This is a guy that can't be trusted and your thread references partly expose why.
@SkankHunt I do have a level of trust in him so until it is proven otherwise I will take him at his word.
@Mcflyfast hurts skank's credibility IMO.

This guy can't be trusted? LOL

Get the F outta here. If anything seems like you are @biggerben69 partner........

Hey @biggerben69 question now, not that we are all having a conversation including your minion...... Why so much vested interest with @SkankHunt who the F are you to tell him what he can and can't sell?

What's with asking all these personal questions about what he pays for them and such.....

The more you and your minion open your mouths the more I am believing you are a source and @SkankHunt is hurting your business.

Actually, I heard this from someone about you but I am giving you the benefit of the doubt.
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Huh well I missed all of this it seems. Meso is pretty chill so for 10 members to get the forever axe at once I would assume the comments made were str8 up against the rules, but I wasn't at the party so have no idea what the dj played.
They weren’t actually against the rules afaik, just something Millard didn’t seem to like, albiet some of the comments were a little rough.. but this is meso..
you could reach out to Serono also. he has Telmisartan and is lightning fast domestic. I'd just go to a doc / urgent care today though. it's a very cheap drug cash price. GoodRX is your friend.
Thanks for the concern bros. I had normal BP before blast, i guess thats my genetically bad side effect. No acne, broken dick, or gyno though so it aint all so bad.

Dumb newb question. Is a serono a user on this site? I dont have insurance ild much rather just buy online like i do with everything. Only source i have has stupid long shipping times.
Thanks for the concern bros. I had normal BP before blast, i guess thats my genetically bad side effect. No acne, broken dick, or gyno though so it aint all so bad.

Dumb newb question. Is a serono a user on this site? I dont have insurance ild much rather just buy online like i do with everything. Only source i have has stupid long shipping times.
Yes his thread is titled like US Ancillaries Fast Shipping or something. He’s very quick and carries a bunch of stuff. I’ve used him a while back and his shipping is quick. If you use the search function with his name the thread should pop up.
Thanks for the concern bros. I had normal BP before blast, i guess thats my genetically bad side effect. No acne, broken dick, or gyno though so it aint all so bad.

Dumb newb question. Is a serono a user on this site? I dont have insurance ild much rather just buy online like i do with everything. Only source i have has stupid long shipping times.

I suggest still seeing a doctor get his feedback what he recommends and then use someone like Serono longterm for getting BP medicine domestically if you don't have insurance.

Just my opinion

Hope all is well
he is a source here, yes. search his username. sells PCT stuff and is very private. you will get it in 2-3 days. nothing controlled, only ancillaries. extremely recommended. Skank comes close to matching his service times.
What I later learned. The evidence I seen proved more than enough for me when @SkankHunt ask me to validate them. This and people in the know.

This guy can't be trusted? LOL

Get the F outta here. If anything seems like you are @biggerben69 partner........

Hey @biggerben69 question now, not that we are all having a conversation including your minion...... Why so much vested interest with @SkankHunt who the F are you to tell him what he can and can't sell?

What's with asking all these personal questions about what he pays for them and such.....

The more you and your minion open your mouths the more I am believing you are a source and @SkankHunt is hurting your business.

Actually, I heard this from someone about you but I am giving you the benefit of the doubt.
Again @Mcflyfast you are way more defensive than @SkankHunt. I respect that skank has responded in a professional manner and I knew about him before I joined this board because of what he has done for the community.

All I know about you is that you try to bully people, you fail and you seem to have a vested interest in this Hikma/Westward situation. You come across as extremely shady and now you did a 180 from past posts, so yeah, I sure as shit don't trust you.

I don't even know @biggerben69 but from what I have seen in this thread I like him because he has exposed you as what you are and it seems he really gets under your skin. You need to up your AI and your BP meds before you stroke out.

My question for you is how do you know about Skank's and BB69 details behind the scenes. All this stuff you have been bringing up I have not seen in this thread. It would seem that they have PM each other and for whatever reason again, you have the details. SUS. You have the aura of scum resonating from you.
Again @Mcflyfast you are way more defensive than @SkankHunt. I respect that skank has responded in a professional manner and I knew about him before I joined this board because of what he has done for the community.

All I know about you is that you try to bully people, you fail and you seem to have a vested interest in this Hikma/Westward situation. You come across as extremely shady and now you did a 180 from past posts, so yeah, I sure as shit don't trust you.

I don't even know @biggerben69 but from what I have seen in this thread I like him because he has exposed you as what you are and it seems he really gets under your skin. You need to up your AI and your BP meds before you stroke out.

My question for you is how do you know about Skank's and BB69 details behind the scenes. All this stuff you have been bringing up I have not seen in this thread. It would seem that they have PM each other and for whatever reason again, you have the details. SUS. You have the aura of scum resonating from you.

Again deflecting lol

Bullying? Lol Again, funny you are the only one....

Just like @Iron_Yuppie said earlier about you PRAETERITIO couldn't have said it better.

Sus is you lmao. Not even a month on this forum......

Don't PM either, I don't care if you don't agree with my evidence and with @SkankHunt future lab analysis on the West Wards with this Chlorobutanol substance will once again do the talking lmao

Um, have you read all the thread asking questions about how much he is buying and discounts and stuff?
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