SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

You and I got along so well back in the day? A complete 180. You've become very aggressive.

Nice post. He seems to have changed his stance. The current version of McCryFast would bully the past version of McCryFast for past version's opinions.
I would guess that he has some vested interest. He is way more defensive than the actual source in the current situation.
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If he could force you to share his opinion, he would, but he can't, so he won't.
I think I like you.:)
The little bitch in you came back huh lol are we still in our bet?
The price for them goes down when you buy at least 20? The supplier wants you to buy as many as you can handle? Very small batches? Skank didn't get that selling point. He's more honest than you.
You sound like ret. The guy who started all this counterfeit bullshit. \
Fucking smart ass. I'll be back. Gonna try and wrap my head around some shit.
Who the f is RET lol

@biggerben69 why are you asking me something I don't know, talk to @SkankHunt if he decides to tell you. We are solely talking about your reasoning why they are "counterfeits".
Are you saying all the watson that Domestic Supply has been pushing all these years is real? Or is it just you and skank have access to the real stuff?

I may have missed the post telling us your involvement in skanks outfit? Partner? Consultant? Do you have something to do with the Actavis and Westward?
All your arguments as to why they are legit are the same the liars from DS swear to. The fake get better. Its not that tough to brew and get within 5% of label claims especially with all the testing getting raws straightened out.

And @SkankHunt ...there's no reason to leave? We, bodybuilders are targets for counterfeiters. Testosterone isn't that difficult to produce.

Mcflyfast says you can only get in very small amounts every few months. That wasn't the impression I got talking with you? I don't believe there would be price breaks when you get to a certain # bought? That doesn't make sense?

Its the same story with the Actavis(Watson back then) as it always has been. If you were hoping and the salesman got you there's no shame there. Lets deal with it and then move on and be successful. Mcfly is tripping sounding like he's ready to bet his life on them being real? Do you feel like he's helping here?
Did I ever mention something about DS and his stuff..... No, I said I did research and a couple guys told me this Ret guy is DS.

@SkankHunt partner/consultant? LOL Let's ask..... @SkankHunt Do you need a consultant to help identify true products? F it I got you brother, you looked out for all of us anyway with your lab analysis.

What are we now bro? 5 for 5.... Pakistan Bayer Testovirons check, Thailand Rotexmedicas check, Russian Jintropins recently tested by @janoshik check, Portugal Raloxifenos check, Portugal Hikma test c check...

Don't let @biggerben69 or his bitch minion tell you what you can't sell because he listens to gossip.. Keep doing you brother will need some Jins and Hikmas soon lol keep testing and feel free to message me if you need anymore help.

Ben let me ask a question..... Curious, since @janoshik is testing the Westwards with Chlorobutanol, knowing he never tested this before in a testosterone product and when they do come back and within SDS reference are you going to tell everyone these are also fakes?

I am curious now...... That's ALOT of intricate work for a testosterone product, something that cost what $5 or less in the production line..... Why isn't not the same for other pharma brands like those old Pakistan Bayer Organons? Why do they skimp on details on box, crappy leaflet, and half the content on the amp. If I remember correctly, I told @SkankHunt immediately those were fake even before he tested them.

Again, you are NOT the authority, you go based off gossip/assumptions and your little minion @kinistone follows. I go by facts and evidence.

Let's all wait and see on @SkankHunt lab analysis on these Westwards.

@SkankHunt when should you get them?
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The little bitch in you came back huh lol are we still in our bet?

Who the f is RET lol

Did I ever mention something about DS and his stuff..... No, I said I did research and a couple guys told me this Ret guy is DS.

@SkankHunt partner/consultant? LOL Let's ask..... @SkankHunt Do you need a consultant to help identify true products? F it I got you brother, you looked out for all of us anyway with your lab analysis.

Don't let @biggerben69 or his bitch minion tell you what you can't sell because he listens to gossip.. Keep doing you brother will need some Jins and Hikmas soon lol

Ben let me ask a question..... Curious, since @janoshik is testing the Westwards with Chlorobutanol, knowing he never tested this before in a testosterone product and they do come back and within SDS reference are you going to tell everyone these are still fakes? I am curious now.

Again you are NOT the authority, you go based off gossip/assumptions and your little minion @kinistone follows. I go by facts and evidence.
Sure you do. Your comment about the actavis and WestWard only being available in very small #'s and only every few months....Is it sold like other products that are abundant with price breaks when predetermined thresholds are reached?
If the stuff tested comes back very similar to the real stuff will I say its real? No. The old Watson stuff did at times. The source you guys get the Actavis from is not a secret. Others can order it, correct? Nothing has changed except how you are receiving a check(or bitcoin) from. That seems clear.
Sure you do. Your comment about the actavis and WestWard only being available in very small #'s and only every few months....Is it sold like other products that are abundant with price breaks when predetermined thresholds are reached?
If the stuff tested comes back very similar to the real stuff will I say its real? No. The old Watson stuff did at times. The source you guys get the Actavis from is not a secret. Others can order it, correct? Nothing has changed except how you are receiving a check(or bitcoin) from. That seems clear.

So let me and all other members others understand your logic......

So out of the thousands and thousands of products @janoshik has tested not one ever with this Chlorobutanol stuff ever in a testosterone vial, when he does test them and they come back with it, let alone to the Hikma SDS specifications, you will still call it a fake?


That's more work than a Genotropin GoQuick or a Lilly Humatrope (And yet they still get those wrong).

I am going to bed I heard enough insanity for the night.

Receiving a check?

@SkankHunt where is my Applebee's card lol
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It looks to me that the label on the left box is just barely wrapped around the box more if u look at the right side of the label it goes barely over the edge where as the others are more flush so spacing looks off. But could just be a subtle difference in the machine that puts the labels on. So i see no actual difference in labels just placement of label
There’s no label. It’s printed directly on the box.
So Jano emailed me. The previous sample I sent him of Westward did not contain BA/BB. There was another substance but he needs another sample to recheck. I just mailed him one last night.

McFly and I have seen irrefutable evidence (that I can’t post in here) about the hikmas authenticity. A lot of thought went into carrying these products and I would’t have done it if I wasn’t positive they were real.

I do not have an unlimited supply of these. I get a small amount and I posted a few pages back I have about 7 or 8 eft till maybe next month.

I will not argue with anyone here or disagree with them. Everyone has an opinion. I’d rather let science do it’s work and so far it sounds like it’s doing it’s job.
nice. this is how shit should be handled. I don't get the bashing for questioning legitimacy - after all this is a HARM REDUCTION board still, no? and Skank is 100% handling it as it should be. go rub one out and hit the gym friends.
So Jano emailed me. The previous sample I sent him of Westward did not contain BA/BB. There was another substance but he needs another sample to recheck. I just mailed him one last night.

McFly and I have seen irrefutable evidence (that I can’t post in here) about the hikmas authenticity. A lot of thought went into carrying these products and I would’t have done it if I wasn’t positive they were real.

I do not have an unlimited supply of these. I get a small amount and I posted a few pages back I have about 7 or 8 eft till maybe next month.

I will not argue with anyone here or disagree with them. Everyone has an opinion. I’d rather let science do it’s work and so far it sounds like it’s doing it’s job.

Oh wow would you look at that.....

Becareful @SkankHunt the next thing you know @biggerben69 and his parrot minion @kinistone is going to run around and tell everyone that you paid off @janoshik LOL

I got a better one, the counterfeiters got ahold of this special Chlorobutanol substance and a chemist to formulate it exactly too perfect because they knew somebody is going to test only for Chlorobutanol...... LOL

Wake up.

If I wasn’t confident on this subject especially about these products I would not speak.

@kinistone -Nope I am still right you can't convince me....


All the name calling right? Couldn't take me up on my offer I wonder why lol
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Google ‘praeteritio’ and maybe you’ll understand why this conversation has gone the way it has. The people here aren’t as dumb and uneducated as you seem to think they are.


Using this and then calling me a bully....

Any Memo brother here is always welcome to keep messaging me, I will do my best to help if I know the subject.
Go to your doctor, ask for telmisartan, get it today, and watch that high systolic calm down a little. It won't hurt your lifting performance even a little bit.

Don't wait.

I agree takes 10 mins at the doctors office or even an Urgent Care. BP control is so vital.
Any update on the BP meds.

Ya boi out here sitting at 160/85..... :oops:
Sorry bro I didn’t see this. Most likely won’t carry them. I would recommend seeing a doc quick. If you want to have some extra on hand I got mine from PHARMAonly. I do have a very small amount of Lisinopril, Amlodipine and Nebivolol. I can guarantee my prices will be a lot higher than you going to a walk in clinic. Stay safe buddy and shoot me an email if you have any questions.
Google ‘praeteritio’ and maybe you’ll understand why this conversation has gone the way it has. The people here aren’t as dumb and uneducated as you seem to think they are.
I don't think anyone here is dumb and uneducated except @Mcflyfast.
He definitely has a vested interest, he changes his opinions/advice(lol) to suit his current interests, he has a fragile ego, he tries to bully people and he is dumb.

Now, I don't expect everyone here to see this but the fool is transparent to me and I spotted him a mile away.
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you could reach out to Serono also. he has Telmisartan and is lightning fast domestic. I'd just go to a doc / urgent care today though. it's a very cheap drug cash price. GoodRX is your friend.