SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

Thank you for this @Mcflyfast.

This is what happens when people talk about pharma when they don’t actually understand pharma at all. Generic companies are always buying other generic companies, and also that thing called contract manufacturing. Some companies stake more of their claim in contracting than on producing their own products.
You are welcome

Exactly brother
Sent him an email about the possibility of it getting seized coming to the states. That’s my only concern. I saw steroidify had them too, but I do not trust them *I don’t trust any websites actually * pharmacom cost an arm and a leg, and I hear too many negatives about Dues Medical. Been wanting to try amps. Just seems most of them come from overseas

I trust TP, I honestly wouldn't be concerned I am pretty sure he will pack it as discreet as possible. If that is still a concern go domestic brother.

I read the mailing system will be very very slow this year. Not just for international but domestic too.
You keep trying and trying and trying to instigate and rile up a argument but have no idea what you speak.

Yes those were by Watson which was sold off to (Teva) Actavis. In 2019 Actavis sold the rights so now Actavis only makes Testosterone cypionate under their line...

Westward and Valeant are the only two companies that market their name under Hikma.

This isn't anything new either, alot of pharmaceutical brands use other companies to manufacture a product and sell under their name.

For example, Cipla. Cipla is a huge Indian company that has a base in the USA as well. For the past 2-3 years they were selling Testosterone cypionate directly from them. Until last year, I learned Hikma is now manufacturing for them....

If you read what I said earlier, I said my friend told me that Hikma bought Westward...... slowly we will a new label possibly Hikma/Cipla I will find out more.

PS we are not boys.
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Im not trying to do anything. I made another observation. I am well aware of how companies buy out other companies in pharma. I also know actavis stopped in 2019 with enanthate and started in 2011.
The counterfeits of those are still going.
Additionally you will see they used chlorobutanol and had since 2011 so that is not a new thing. You thought chlorobutanol was something so unique and questioned why no one else used it in pharma or ugl test. You were wrong. For someone who is supposedly the guru of counterfeit and pharma, you seem SUS to me when a nobody like me can poke holes in your BS.
Im not trying to do anything. I made another observation. I am well aware of how companies buy out other companies in pharma. I also know actavis stopped in 2019 with enanthate and started in 2011.
The counterfeits of those are still going.
Additionally you will see they used chlorobutanol and had since 2011 so that is not a new thing. You thought chlorobutanol was something so unique and questioned why no one else used it in pharma or ugl test. You were wrong. For someone who is supposedly the guru of counterfeit and pharma, you seem SUS to me when a nobody like me can poke holes in your BS.
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It's okay brother. We all have a learning curve.
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I know, yours is just much larger. It doesn't help when your agenda conflicts with facts. I'm not sure you will ever realize the facts or maybe you do realize but since they don't fit your agenda you put up the smoke and mirrors.
Some people can't see through fakes and cons. I can.
Got my three vials of test today. Thanks Skank. I know nothing about how to tell if they're genuine but Skank seems like an upstanding guy.
Got my three vials of test today. Thanks Skank. I know nothing about how to tell if they're genuine but Skank seems like an upstanding guy.
Oh you better believe they are genuine simply because the meso counterfeit expert said so. Please don't disagree or even question the delicate expert or he will jump down your throat, turn into a wannabe Sherlock and accuse you of being 10 other accounts.
Also, no personal observations allowed. He gets very defensive when others make observations.
Hey all, apologies for going off tangent in this thread and also apologies if I offended anyone other than the guy that attacked me for making an observation.
I respect Skank and what he has done for the community and I respect the vast majority of the members here. I am done going back and forth with the other guy.
Peace out! :D

this aged well.