SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

Oh you better believe they are genuine simply because the meso counterfeit expert said so. Please don't disagree or even question the delicate expert or he will jump down your throat, turn into a wannabe Sherlock and accuse you of being 10 other accounts.
Also, no personal observations allowed. He gets very defensive when others make observations.
The agenda for tonight is to bicker back and fourth with Mr Mcfly?
Lol this shit is still going on. Holly shit I don't think it will ever stop weither either one had irrefutable proof either way this shit would still be going back and forth...

I know what they are but it's pointless for me to say cause some people will simple not believe it so it's pointless.... Either way atleast k has been respectful to skank. Hopefully eventually the back and forth stop or not I guess it gives some entertainment and keeps skanks thread bumping lol... Let it roll on boys
The agenda for tonight is to bicker back and fourth with Mr Mcfly?
No, its to let meso members know that the Actavis and WestWard Tests are counterfeit. Its meso? Should we just let it go because a vendor, who softened members up doing testing for the Community, is polite and smiles while selling you fakes. Less than a year ago skank and Mcfly were singing the same song we are and would laugh off shysters selling the same counterfeits. What's changed? These guys are now selling them.
There aren't any vets in the Community who buy that these 2 have the only hookup in all the land. Its the same fakes as the others stealing are selling. Its not right. Its fucking meso.
Lol this shit is still going on. Holly shit I don't think it will ever stop weither either one had irrefutable proof either way this shit would still be going back and forth...

I know what they are but it's pointless for me to say cause some people will simple not believe it so it's pointless.... Either way atleast k has been respectful to skank. Hopefully eventually the back and forth stop or not I guess it gives some entertainment and keeps skanks thread bumping lol... Let it roll on boys
I'm losing the will to continue to be polite when I am 100% sure we are being lied to. What the fuck are we? A bunch of fucking lames? Smile while I relieve you of your hard earned cash? Fuck all that. I'm through with that shit.
No, its to let meso members know that the Actavis and WestWard Tests are counterfeit. Its meso? Should we just let it go because a vendor, who softened members up doing testing for the Community, is polite and smiles while selling you fakes. Less than a year ago skank and Mcfly were singing the same song we are and would laugh off shysters selling the same counterfeits. What's changed? These guys are now selling them.
There aren't any vets in the Community who buy that these 2 have the only hookup in all the land. Its the same fakes as the others stealing are selling. Its not right. Its fucking meso.

I'm losing the will to continue to be polite when I am 100% sure we are being lied to. What the fuck are we? A bunch of fucking lames? Smile while I relieve you of your hard earned cash? Fuck all that. I'm through with that shit.
I completely understand where you’re coming from bro. I also wasn’t being serious when i made that comment.
No, its to let meso members know that the Actavis and WestWard Tests are counterfeit. Its meso? Should we just let it go because a vendor, who softened members up doing testing for the Community, is polite and smiles while selling you fakes. Less than a year ago skank and Mcfly were singing the same song we are and would laugh off shysters selling the same counterfeits. What's changed? These guys are now selling them.
There aren't any vets in the Community who buy that these 2 have the only hookup in all the land. Its the same fakes as the others stealing are selling. Its not right. Its fucking meso.

I'm losing the will to continue to be polite when I am 100% sure we are being lied to. What the fuck are we? A bunch of fucking lames? Smile while I relieve you of your hard earned cash? Fuck all that. I'm through with that shit.
These guys are now selling them?

Alright @biggerben69 you crossed the line...

You want to start shit and rumors about me now?

@SkankHunt I think the rumors I heard about @biggerben69 supplying Sersostims to vendors and a SHIT ugl seems more and more true......

Is your minion your business partner? Is he your brewer? Hmmm..... Let me ask this because the more I think of it, there is an objective to go after me because I speak facts about something I know.

Again, YOU AND YOUR MINION DON'T KNOW SHIT........ Actually, from what I learned about these Hikmas, yes Hikmas, is quite nuts. Don't be upset @SkankHunt doesn't trust you to tell you anymore... Hell the more you and your minion run your mouths I wouldn't either..

I provided the following information what I know from my friend and the direction Hikma is going to the Meso community. Be all upset all you want, make up shit in your mind about the Chinese shipping to Portugal in fisherman boats and all.

Lose your patients all you want, I can give a SHIT, but when you start making accusations that I am his partner, you cross the line.

Ben, if @SkankHunt is hurting your business, don't be upset at me because I speak on information I know from people in the know.....

Maybe you are upset because that strongman I know more tactic isn't working with me, take that shit elsewhere.
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These guys are now selling them?

Alright @biggerben69 you crossed the line...

You want to start shit and rumors about me now?

@SkankHunt I think the rumors I heard about @biggerben69 supplying Sersostims to vendors and a SHIT ugl seems more and more true......

Is your minion your business partner? Is he your brewer? Hmmm..... Let me ask this because the more I think of it, there is an objective to go after me because I speak facts about something I know.

Again, YOU AND YOUR MINION DON'T KNOW SHIT........ Actually, from what I learned about these Hikmas, yes Hikmas, is quite nuts. Don't be upset @SkankHunt doesn't trust you to tell you anymore... Hell the more you and your minion run your mouths I wouldn't either..

I provided the following information what I know from my friend and the direction Hikma is going to the Meso community. Be all upset all you want, make up shit in your mind about the Chinese shipping to Portugal in fisherman boats and all.

Lose your patients all you want, I can give a SHIT, but when you start making accusations that I am his partner, you cross the line.

Ben, if @SkankHunt is hurting your business, don't be upset at me because I speak on information I know from people in the know.....

Maybe you are upset because that strongman I know more tactic isn't working with me, take that shit elsewhere.
Hey man, mind checking your DM’s? I had a question for you about something. Thx
Wow, FlyFart melted again. To all here, I have no association with BB69 but thanks to our resident Sherlock for the accusations.
Not only do I have no association with BB69, I barely even purchase anything from any source. I am essentially a TRT user and my orders are few and far between. I have however been aware of the forum scene for an extremely long time.
From the beginning I made my observations and FlyFart decided to jump on me.
It is ok to disagree with FlyFart. He needs to accept this. I simply am not bullied by someone that claims to be an expert but even a nobody like me sees through his bullshit.
It is clear to me FlyFart is a con. If people want to believe him, that is fine by me. I'm just saying be careful.
Wow, FlyFart melted again. To all here, I have no association with BB69 but thanks to our resident Sherlock for the accusations.
Not only do I have no association with BB69, I barely even purchase anything from any source. I am essentially a TRT user and my orders are few and far between. I have however been aware of the forum scene for an extremely long time.
From the beginning I made my observations and FlyFart decided to jump on me.
It is ok to disagree with FlyFart. He needs to accept this. I simply am not bullied by someone that claims to be an expert but even a nobody like me sees through his bullshit.
It is clear to me FlyFart is a con. If people want to believe him, that is fine by me. I'm just saying be careful.

No, no, no, no....... You are not going to do this innocent I am brand new to the forums and have no association bs.

I am sure others see past your bs. You think everyone else here is stupid? Instigating shit and then making an apology to go back at it again?

You been called out and you know damn well what you and Ben are doing... Don't worry keep it up I will expose more of you.
No, no, no, no....... You are not going to do this innocent I am brand new to the forums and have no association bs.

I am sure others see past your bs. You think everyone else here is stupid? Instigating shit and then making an apology to go back at it again?

You been called out and you know damn well what you and Ben are doing... Don't worry keep it up I will expose more of you.
What exactly have you exposed? Nothing. I can see you are a fraud and a con. Again others may not see past your smoke and mirrors. You don't fool me. I may be a nobody when it comes to playing the game here but I am not one of your marks bro.
What exactly have you exposed? Nothing. I can see you are a fraud and a con. Again others may not see past your smoke and mirrors. You don't fool me. I may be a nobody when it comes to playing the game here but I am not one of your marks bro.

A fraud is you.....

@SkankHunt what does this man bring to the thread? Serious question, actually @kinistone what have you brought to Meso in general?

Essentially, you are not offending me but @SkankHunt because you keep telling people that his products are fake but can't back up your claim when I ask you to for the community.

You are just a little bitch ass cheerleader waiving his pom poms whenever your partner speaks.

So I will ask this again publicly, show actual proof for everyone on here.

Smoke and mirrors? Bro, what type of fallacy world are you in. I provided evidence for the community and I will keep doing so.

Nah, you don't fool nobody here. Your dumb enough to join your partner and do this on other threads as well tagging me in them with Ben.

Good, then know your role. People in this Meso community talk and I will find out more about you and your agenda.
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A fraud is you.....

@SkankHunt what does this man bring to the thread? Serious question, actually @kinistone what have you brought to Meso in general?

Essentially, you are not offending me but @SkankHunt because you keep telling people that his products are fake but can't back up your claim when I ask you to for the community.

You are just a little bitch ass cheerleader waiving his pom poms whenever your partner speaks.

So I will ask this again publicly, show actual proof for everyone on here.

Smoke and mirrors? Bro, what type of fallacy world are you in. I provided evidence for the community and I will keep doing so.

Nah, you don't fool nobody here. Your dumb enough to join your partner and do this on other threads as well tagging me in them with Ben.

Good, then know your role. People in this Meso community talk and I will find out more about you and your agenda.
Can you not read? I never said they were counterfeit. I questioned if they could be, I made observations and others made observations.

You then assume anyone who makes observations and doesn't agree with what you perceive to be your expert knowledge must be a duplicate account.

The way you act defensive and far less professional than @SkankHunt is extremely SUS and a key reason why I believe you are a fraud and a con.

It's as simple as that. There is nothing more to it. You have nothing on me and you will never expose me because I have nothing to expose.


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