SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

just has to get that last word in LMAO. the ego, amazing.
Well actually he can get the last word in and say we are good and I would still leave it at that. You will see if he can refrain from referencing me, you will see nothing more from my end in regards to him.
If anyone needs help regarding questions involving pharmaceutical grade medications I will do my best to answer PM..

@Connor 25257 I responded back to your PM about your question.

Hope all is well brother.
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Again all of those in response to you making reference to me in other responses. You know what you are doing too. Again, you can try to fool others but you don't fool me.
You aren't as smart as me and we both know what you are. You can't beat me.
So, are we done, or not? It's a pretty simple scenario that you still don't seem to understand.

That's it! Both of you shake hands! DO IT!

Good. Now kiss! I SAID KISS!

Ewww that's gross. You guy's are gay. Get a room. No one wants to see that.

Seriously though. i'm about ready to ban both of you.

Oh. i've been told that i do not have the ability to ban anyone here.

No matter. i'm writing both your names down and if the time ever comes when i do have the ability to ban people, oooh, you two are so gonna get it!

And i'll be adding an extra week on for that man on man kissing shit too. Sicko's!
That's it! Both of you shake hands! DO IT!

Good. Now kiss! I SAID KISS!

Ewww that's gross. You guy's are gay. Get a room. No one wants to see that.

Seriously though. i'm about ready to ban both of you.

Oh. i've been told that i do not have the ability to ban anyone here.

No matter. i'm writing both your names down and if the time ever comes when i do have the ability to ban people, oooh, you two are so gonna get it!

And i'll be adding an extra week on for that man on man kissing shit too. Sicko's!
Wtf did I just read.... LOL
Wondering same, wondering if supertits need Internet break chill time

you read megahonkers? Turn off device, roll obnoxiously large joint or cigar which ever your preference and relax :):cool:

i don't smoke stink weed, but i will be calling it a night shortly. Am i to assume slip twisty or whatever the hell you called it in the other thread is related to the inhalation of the devils cabbage?
That's it! Both of you shake hands! DO IT!

Good. Now kiss! I SAID KISS!

Ewww that's gross. You guy's are gay. Get a room. No one wants to see that.

Seriously though. i'm about ready to ban both of you.

Oh. i've been told that i do not have the ability to ban anyone here.

No matter. i'm writing both your names down and if the time ever comes when i do have the ability to ban people, oooh, you two are so gonna get it!

And i'll be adding an extra week on for that man on man kissing shit too. Sicko's!
Nah they look identical. I had to pull the dumbass FredMeyer sticker off my trt one and it left sticky residue all over that's probably why it looks a bit odd on camera. In person though I can confirm they do look identical . Will Definitely know for sure once I begin using it.
That's why they are called replicas. I'm not sure why guys are OK with selling the same Watson & WeatWard replicas that the other sources sell? Is it because its to awkward and uncomfortable to confront the guy selling them because you all like him as a member. You woke up one day and he's now a source here so you let it slide?

@Pounds23 , you're saying you know that these Actavis and WestWard are replicas but you stating as much won't change anything so you just laugh it off? That's not what we do here. I've been here a long time. I've called out scammers here and other places. We don't simply roll over and take the fleecing.
Bullying no...

Thank you for the compliment, yes I do know Turkish products, along with other pharmacy products pretty well Russian, Greek, Thailand, Spain, and Portugese....

Where are you hearing this endless supply? Lol

I be lucky to get 1 or 2. @SkankHunt is the one getting them and I am sure he will tell you he can only get them in very small batches every couple of months.

You keep talking about this Ret guy, I did some research from people in the know and yes you are right he was a Russian guy supplying copies.... Worked with Domestic Supply.

@biggerben69 do you really think someone is stupid enough to flat out tell you how they make a living on the open web? Considering there are alot of risk and livelihoods involved?

I can guarantee you that you are wrong in this. Actually, very wrong lol.

The same bottles, same caps, same crimps, same specific stopper, same specific labels (from a huge billion dollar company who supplies for Hikma, Pfizer, Bayer) same box (With a specific lot on each one), same pamphlet (which is revised every batch from Hikma) exact BA/BB content, same viscosity, exact mg within 5% or less pharmacopeia.

And some stuff that I and deff @SkankHunt know about certain things from them for privacy reasons. Especially from Hikma products.

And you want @SkankHunt to not carry a product because you believe it's fake?

Common man.

So answer me this @biggerben69 is @SkankHunt Pharmacy Raloxifenos, upcoming Portugal Bayer Provirons, Aspen Deca Durabolins fake too.....

Or are you really close minded? Is it because you can't wrap your head around the fact that he can also get a Portugese product through certain channels in small batches every couple of months?
The arguments you make are the same that have been made by all the other sources selling these replicas over the years. I've read posts where you say the same things I'm saying in support of ridding the Community of these replicas.

Whether or not you are partners with skank may never be known. What seems more than clear is that if you weren't here playing offense and defense for skank, the WestWard and Actavis Test wouldn't be moving like they are and it would be the consensus that they are in fact replicas.

That support and all out push to get members to believe you 2 are so special and the long time sources...Flora, Sandra, Domestic Supply, and all the others got left out in the cold only able to get fakes while this brand new source found the unicorn; inexpensive pharmacy grade test manufactured exclusively for the US market. This irrefutable proof you won't show anyone(i could care less to see this fucking bullshit) is a lie as are your made up friends "in the know" stationed around the globe giving you insider info. GOOGLE ALERTS can fill up your inbox with a lot to read there you slick pick pocket piece of shit.

Your fucking bullshit combined with meso members not much caring one way or the other if they are fake and allowing you 2 to get away with selling these 2 replicas is allowing this scam to continue. I'm almost ashamed of this place. Where are the guys putting this sources feet to the flames. The onus is on this source to prove he is different than the other sources selling this shit. They are all fake and this source has the only real shit? I've got to challenge the board as a whole to wake the fuck up! You guys greeting sources are gonna let these 2 go without checking them? On your watch. Before I call you out by name I'm going to pm you board leaders and see what your excuse is. Its fucked is what it is.

I don't understand it but its clear guys don't want to confront the oh so polite skank and aren't ready to be called fucking retarded by you, Mcfly. I don't know who you are or where the fuck you came from but I've been around and have done more than my share to protect this Community from your kind.

You and skank believe it can't be proven that the WestWard and Actavis test are replicas. You claim the thing that proves they are authentic can't go further than you two special guys. Bullshit. Jano's testing doesn't mean much. Jano and I have both seen counterfeits that are impossible to tell from the real deal. As you have. The fact remains its not chemistry to brew test E and C.
The fact also remains that the chances of these 2 products being authentic are much less than the chance that they are replicas. If you don't agree with that after your post history here,,,as brief as it is at less than 2 yrs..has you looking more suspect than if you were honest and agreed that there's more of a chance that any source selling West Ward and Actavis test are selling replicas rather than authentic products.
This is the deal. The sample has just been sent to Jano. If it comes back as test E containing BA/BB then it’s obviously a counterfeit. If it doesn’t contain that and contains chlorobutanol then this will once again prove it’s authenticity. I believe there will still be doubters anyways. If it comes back as counterfeit I will tuck my tail between my legs and leave Meso.
Classic retort by a purvey of counterfeit Watson Test Cyp circa 2013.
Funny you are the first to shout bs but as soon as you name call you can't challenge me.

Like Ben and you said they are fakes....So you should not be worry about my bet.

What is next..... These counterfeiters put this special chlorobutanol substance?

@janoshik in the many years of testing, have you ever seen a UGL use this Chlorobutanol that comes in Hikma test e?
This fucking angle has been shown to mean nothing. Thought you had something. You looked like a fucking dump truck after a couple of members and Jano replied to you and your yelping.
No beef with anyone on here......

But when you start name calling and play that both sides game becoming a minion for Ben and then back to my buddy @SkankHunt I won't back down lol.

Again, I don't talk out of my ass especially if I am not confident and certain with the topic.

You think I don't go through multiple channels, pharmacists, drug reps, etc before having an answer for @SkankHunt about the Hikmas he carries?

Or the evidence he provided me to double check them to confirm them with other people who is in the medical industry?

Again, I am not arrogant in fact I am pretty damn humble. If someone ask me something about a pharmacy product and I don't know I will ask others I know to get an answer for you. haven't proven to know anyone or know anything "inside" or special. Anyone with google alerts and time to read could be as informed as you. Nobody knows you or where you came from. You a noob with a slick fucking mouth. Nothing more.
Damn really interesting information brother....

Yet strange lol were left holding your dick after betting Jano was going to cosign your bullshit. He did not.
Nice, and why isn't this easy to make substance not used in any UGLs over the last 15 years? Why not substitute this over EO?

Why are they using Miglyol 840, Guiacol, or EO?

I am curious now.
Curious? What about how this was going to prove the authenticity of the WestWards? Not gonna happen. Are you curious now asshole? Who cares? This shit was supposed to end things and prove something. It proves you aren't nearly as bright as you thought you were. You look fucking stupid. Nothing you said came to light. What happened?
These guys are now selling them?

Alright @biggerben69 you crossed the line...

You want to start shit and rumors about me now?

@SkankHunt I think the rumors I heard about @biggerben69 supplying Sersostims to vendors and a SHIT ugl seems more and more true......

Is your minion your business partner? Is he your brewer? Hmmm..... Let me ask this because the more I think of it, there is an objective to go after me because I speak facts about something I know.

Again, YOU AND YOUR MINION DON'T KNOW SHIT........ Actually, from what I learned about these Hikmas, yes Hikmas, is quite nuts. Don't be upset @SkankHunt doesn't trust you to tell you anymore... Hell the more you and your minion run your mouths I wouldn't either..

I provided the following information what I know from my friend and the direction Hikma is going to the Meso community. Be all upset all you want, make up shit in your mind about the Chinese shipping to Portugal in fisherman boats and all.

Lose your patients all you want, I can give a SHIT, but when you start making accusations that I am his partner, you cross the line.

Ben, if @SkankHunt is hurting your business, don't be upset at me because I speak on information I know from people in the know.....

Maybe you are upset because that strongman I know more tactic isn't working with me, take that shit elsewhere.
Anything you want answers to that you believe is going to make me uncomfortable can be found in my posts. Most vets in the Community know me. They know who I am irl, They know my history and ID. I don't hide behind anything. You're skanks fucking mouthpiece. His watchdog. These 2 products will be judged to be replicas as have all the others sold in quantity by every other source who has them on their list.

How can it be proven. You claim to have ironclad just can't say what it is. The only thing I'll have on my side is common sense and experience...a lot of it. I don't know if the rest of meso is going to wake up and remember why we're here? If and when that happens, its gonna be lights out. If I have to bring reinforcements to pick up the slack(a fucking shame it would be but something has to be done.) I've done it before. I'm going to get you 2 straightened out. I've dealt with better than you Mcfly. I predict that you are on the downslide of your career at meso. You've been here less than 2'll be gone in no more than 1 year from now.

The last time I called something like this was with the TGI hired help. Agent Fury, Iceman, and a few others.....they fell off the face of the earth. I, on the otherhand, am going nowhere. Serostim and anything else you think bothers me does not. Its all a matter of record you imbecile. The Community and the Powers that be want me here. They are weaker without me. Tick Tock motherfucker. I've got you in my crosshairs. Mouth off and crack wise while you're here. Time is getting short,
That's why they are called replicas. I'm not sure why guys are OK with selling the same Watson & WeatWard replicas that the other sources sell? Is it because its to awkward and uncomfortable to confront the guy selling them because you all like him as a member. You woke up one day and he's now a source here so you let it slide?

@Pounds23 , you're saying you know that these Actavis and WestWard are replicas but you stating as much won't change anything so you just laugh it off? That's not what we do here. I've been here a long time. I've called out scammers here and other places. We don't simply roll over and take the fleecing.

The arguments you make are the same that have been made by all the other sources selling these replicas over the years. I've read posts where you say the same things I'm saying in support of ridding the Community of these replicas.

Whether or not you are partners with skank may never be known. What seems more than clear is that if you weren't here playing offense and defense for skank, the WestWard and Actavis Test wouldn't be moving like they are and it would be the consensus that they are in fact replicas.

That support and all out push to get members to believe you 2 are so special and the long time sources...Flora, Sandra, Domestic Supply, and all the others got left out in the cold only able to get fakes while this brand new source found the unicorn; inexpensive pharmacy grade test manufactured exclusively for the US market. This irrefutable proof you won't show anyone(i could care less to see this fucking bullshit) is a lie as are your made up friends "in the know" stationed around the globe giving you insider info. GOOGLE ALERTS can fill up your inbox with a lot to read there you slick pick pocket piece of shit.

Your fucking bullshit combined with meso members not much caring one way or the other if they are fake and allowing you 2 to get away with selling these 2 replicas is allowing this scam to continue. I'm almost ashamed of this place. Where are the guys putting this sources feet to the flames. The onus is on this source to prove he is different than the other sources selling this shit. They are all fake and this source has the only real shit? I've got to challenge the board as a whole to wake the fuck up! You guys greeting sources are gonna let these 2 go without checking them? On your watch. Before I call you out by name I'm going to pm you board leaders and see what your excuse is. Its fucked is what it is.

I don't understand it but its clear guys don't want to confront the oh so polite skank and aren't ready to be called fucking retarded by you, Mcfly. I don't know who you are or where the fuck you came from but I've been around and have done more than my share to protect this Community from your kind.

You and skank believe it can't be proven that the WestWard and Actavis test are replicas. You claim the thing that proves they are authentic can't go further than you two special guys. Bullshit. Jano's testing doesn't mean much. Jano and I have both seen counterfeits that are impossible to tell from the real deal. As you have. The fact remains its not chemistry to brew test E and C.
The fact also remains that the chances of these 2 products being authentic are much less than the chance that they are replicas. If you don't agree with that after your post history here,,,as brief as it is at less than 2 yrs..has you looking more suspect than if you were honest and agreed that there's more of a chance that any source selling West Ward and Actavis test are selling replicas rather than authentic products.

Classic retort by a purvey of counterfeit Watson Test Cyp circa 2013.

This fucking angle has been shown to mean nothing. Thought you had something. You looked like a fucking dump truck after a couple of members and Jano replied to you and your yelping. haven't proven to know anyone or know anything "inside" or special. Anyone with google alerts and time to read could be as informed as you. Nobody knows you or where you came from. You a noob with a slick fucking mouth. Nothing more. were left holding your dick after betting Jano was going to cosign your bullshit. He did not.

Curious? What about how this was going to prove the authenticity of the WestWards? Not gonna happen. Are you curious now asshole? Who cares? This shit was supposed to end things and prove something. It proves you aren't nearly as bright as you thought you were. You look fucking stupid. Nothing you said came to light. What happened?

Anything you want answers to that you believe is going to make me uncomfortable can be found in my posts. Most vets in the Community know me. They know who I am irl, They know my history and ID. I don't hide behind anything. You're skanks fucking mouthpiece. His watchdog. These 2 products will be judged to be replicas as have all the others sold in quantity by every other source who has them on their list.

How can it be proven. You claim to have ironclad just can't say what it is. The only thing I'll have on my side is common sense and experience...a lot of it. I don't know if the rest of meso is going to wake up and remember why we're here? If and when that happens, its gonna be lights out. If I have to bring reinforcements to pick up the slack(a fucking shame it would be but something has to be done.) I've done it before. I'm going to get you 2 straightened out. I've dealt with better than you Mcfly. I predict that you are on the downslide of your career at meso. You've been here less than 2'll be gone in no more than 1 year from now.

The last time I called something like this was with the TGI hired help. Agent Fury, Iceman, and a few others.....they fell off the face of the earth. I, on the otherhand, am going nowhere. Serostim and anything else you think bothers me does not. Its all a matter of record you imbecile. The Community and the Powers that be want me here. They are weaker without me. Tick Tock motherfucker. I've got you in my crosshairs. Mouth off and crack wise while you're here. Time is getting short,


You think I am new to this game? You think because I been 2 years on Meso I haven't been on other forums 10+ years?

Who do you think was telling people about the QR code that all other sources are now helping to identify in Turkish products.

Who do you think was the person giving the heads up about Bulgarian Genos and Humatropes hitting the market 2017-2018. (Switching boxes of 36iu kits to 72i.u kits and warning others ahead of time). Same with the Genos coming from Bulgaria with the peeling sticker on the pen, non imprinted stamped font, and the dial not set at 0.3mg.

What about the Thai Testovirons that been coming out of China 2019 with the incorrect batch number, wrong neck on the amps, old 2014 pamphlet, and lighter green rings. When they were discontinued late 2017 and just came back into the market in 1 amp boxes this year.

Let's not forget 2017 when there was a little run of counterfeit Bayer Rimobolans that were hitting the market similar in 3 amp per box or single box with the bigger neck on the amp discolored rings on the amps, gap between them, and having equipoise in them. Let alone the lot number on both counterfeits having a shit print.

Lastly, the recent encounter of the Pakistan Organon Sustanons that stopped production in 2016 and someone had them and I called it before they were sent for lab analysis....... Me.

Where do you think this information came from?

Oh wait, I am sorry Google Ben.

Me mother fucker. I been in this game 11+ years and I know a thing or two.

Do what the FUCK you got to do. I am here....

You DON'T know everything.
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Does @SkankHunt come with the pamphlet in the box? Could compare to my script but to BB69 point, that still could mean it’s just a really good fake. Anywho, was just curious and wanted to brag that I got a script bitchessss!
