SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

I understand where @biggerben69 is coming from. He is an OG and has been well respected in this community for a long time.

Although I think @SkankHunt has been a very standup member and has helped this community tremendously with all the testing he has done, my first thought when I heard he had these coming from Portugal was sandra and all the other old sources that have been selling these fakes.

I also have seen @Mcflyfast being helpful to our community. But I think if y'all have some irrefutable proof that what skank has is real, it would be good to show it to Ben if it's not something that would be okay to post in the open.

It could only help business if y'all are correct. I honestly feel that not being willing to show proof raises more questions and isn't a good look.

I'm not saying that it isn't possible that he has real pharma gear but it is more probable that they are "working replicas" based on the history of this game. The burden of proof is generally on the source...I'd love for you to prove all of us that have doubts wrong.
I understand where @biggerben69 is coming from. He is an OG and has been well respected in this community for a long time.

Although I think @SkankHunt has been a very standup member and has helped this community tremendously with all the testing he has done, my first thought when I heard he had these coming from Portugal was sandra and all the other old sources that have been selling these fakes.

I also have seen @Mcflyfast being helpful to our community. But I think if y'all have some irrefutable proof that what skank has is real, it would be good to show it to Ben if it's not something that would be okay to post in the open.

It could only help business if y'all are correct. I honestly feel that not being willing to show proof raises more questions and isn't a good look.

I'm not saying that it isn't possible that he has real pharma gear but it is more probable that they are "working replicas" based on the history of this game. The burden of proof is generally on the source...I'd love for you to prove all of us that have doubts wrong.
What’s the point? All labs and tests I’ve posted have just been hit with the same “yeaaaa but I still think it’s fake”. Why risk losing my connect just so I can please my competition on here?

I won’t offer them here anymore. If it’s that much of a controversy I won’t carry them. Hell I could just go private. Guys have been requesting items and I’ve don’t a decent job at getting them for them. Now I’m accused of just being a nice guy to scam them. Get the fuck outta here.

Has there been any complaints? Have guys gotten floaters or abscesses? Are the stoppers coming off the vials? Is the anadrol bunk? Everyone seems to be pretty happy so far. Ive said it before why would I wait 10 years to become a scammer for a single vial of testosterone?

This is the last time I’ll comment on this subject. They’re gone and I’ll no longer carry it. Very simple. No more arguing or controversy.

Also @MadBret this wasn’t directed towards you, I just replied to the last comment.
I pointed out several differences on the boxes that Nexusprime had posted pictures of on page 30 of this thread. His legit scripted Actavis is on the left, and the two boxes from this source are on the right. You can see the differences between them pretty easily if you look. The two on the right are the exact same, and the one on the left from the pharmacy is different. The differences aren’t going to be glaring as they are able to make things look almost identical to the real thing, but there are quite a few differences if you look. Different shade white of the boxes themselves, print on the one from pharmacy starts farther to the left edge of the box, the purple doesn’t go all the way to the edge on the pharmacy box, but does on the other two, different boldness of print, etc. In my experience with US pharma products, the print, where it starts, boldness of print, etc is the exact same from box to box, bottle to bottle. Those are just my observations, and it can be seen by anyone if you look and compare them.
I pointed out several differences on the boxes that Nexusprime had posted pictures of on page 30 of this thread. His legit scripted Actavis is on the left, and the two boxes from this source are on the right. You can see the differences between them pretty easily if you look. The two on the right are the exact same, and the one on the left from the pharmacy is different. The differences aren’t going to be glaring as they are able to make things look almost identical to the real thing, but there are quite a few differences if you look. Different shade white of the boxes themselves, print on the one from pharmacy starts farther to the left edge of the box, the purple doesn’t go all the way to the edge on the pharmacy box, but does on the other two, different boldness of print, etc. In my experience with US pharma products, the print, where it starts, boldness of print, etc is the exact same from box to box, bottle to bottle. Those are just my observations, and it can be seen by anyone if you look and compare them.
I think the difference you're seeing is due to the fact that NexusPrime took pictures of the front of the box from the pharmacy and of the back of the box from Skank. That explains the difference with the purple. Actavis prints the same thing on the front and back of the boxes, essentially mirrored. Could you take a picture of the front of both boxes, @NexusPrime69, as well as, the back of both boxes? If you look at a schematic of the box on Google, you will see that the purple is going higher up towards the top of the box and farther on one side of the box, than on the other. Also, perhaps Mr. Prime took these photos in differing lighting conditions? That could explain some of the other discrepancies.
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I think the difference you're seeing is that NexusPrime took pictures of the front of the box from the pharmacy and of the back of the box from Skank. That explains the difference with the purple. Actavis print the same thing on the front and back of the boxes, essentially mirrored. Could you take a picture of the front of both boxes, @NexusPrime69, as well as, the back of both boxes?
Page 30, post #582
What’s the point? All labs and tests I’ve posted have just been hit with the same “yeaaaa but I still think it’s fake”. Why risk losing my connect just so I can please my competition on here?

I won’t offer them here anymore. If it’s that much of a controversy I won’t carry them. Hell I could just go private. Guys have been requesting items and I’ve don’t a decent job at getting them for them. Now I’m accused of just being a nice guy to scam them. Get the fuck outta here.

Has there been any complaints? Have guys gotten floaters or abscesses? Are the stoppers coming off the vials? Is the anadrol bunk? Everyone seems to be pretty happy so far. Ive said it before why would I wait 10 years to become a scammer for a single vial of testosterone?

This is the last time I’ll comment on this subject. They’re gone and I’ll no longer carry it. Very simple. No more arguing or controversy.

Also @MadBret this wasn’t directed towards you, I just replied to the last comment.
I hear what you are saying man. Like I said, I feel that you have been a standup dude that has done a lot for this community.

It sucks that you may well have authentic products but proving that is easier said than done.

Did you wind up get the testing back to show if they didn't have ba/bb but that other chemical that I can't recall instead?

Take care, bud. No hard feelings...just thought I'd vocalize what I was thinking after reading through most of your thread.
And to be clear, I know guys are happy with your service. You seem like a good dude and that honestly makes it tougher to give you the tough love and speak what some of us were thinking. Take care, bud.
I hear what you are saying man. Like I said, I feel that you have been a standup dude that has done a lot for this community.

It sucks that you may well have authentic products but proving that is easier said than done.

Did you wind up get the testing back to show if they didn't have ba/bb but that other chemical that I can't recall instead?

Take care, bud. No hard feelings...just thought I'd vocalize what I was thinking after reading through most of your thread.
No hard feelings at all brotha. My sample was suppose to be delivered Friday but it was delayed. Jano will have it Monday.542EF727-4659-429F-9992-7A47E038D784.jpeg
Me too. Had insurance for a while and paid the same as BWare, 10 dollars for 10 ml. Then had to move and couldn't get a good doc or insurance.
I actually still have Pharma Watson cyp from the pharmacy and counterfeit Watson. They are very close in look. A big difference on those was the copyright sign was much larger on the real pharma product.
There were differences on the Perrigo amps too.

@kinistone can you post those pics of your real script and your counterfeit for us? We would like to see them especially since you claim to have a real script and a "fake" on hand.
@Mcflyfast and @kinistone why don’t both your annoying pieces of fucking immature asses seriously shut the fuck up !!!!

You both are pissing everyone off and irritating the shit out of all of us. @SkankHunt is just to professional to say it !!! Take your ignorant back and forth 5th grade bullshit elsewhere !!!! Fuck… if you guys call yourselves men I hate to see the fucking hairy ass holes you guys are fucking you cock sucking pussies !!!! Get a life !!!!
@kinistone can you post those pics of your real script and your counterfeit for us? We would like to see them especially since you claim to have a real script and a "fake" on hand.
All due respect @Mcflyfast but I only see you requesting these. As a nobody, I don't feel comfortable posting my personal pics in an open forum. I also will not share anything with you. I don't trust you.

Additionally as stated before, these are Watsons from over 5 years ago. This is why nobody cares. I saved up my scripted Watson as a backup in case I can't get any reliable test. The fakes I didn't use because I don't know what is in them but if I had nothing else to use, I might consider.

I don't care if you believe me or not. If somebody else wants to see them, I might be able to send in DM. I will assess and decide if I see such a request.
@Mcflyfast and @kinistone why don’t both your annoying pieces of fucking immature asses seriously shut the fuck up !!!!

You both are pissing everyone off and irritating the shit out of all of us. @SkankHunt is just to professional to say it !!! Take your ignorant back and forth 5th grade bullshit elsewhere !!!! Fuck… if you guys call yourselves men I hate to see the fucking hairy ass holes you guys are fucking you cock sucking pussies !!!! Get a life !!!!
Thanks for your input brother. It means a lot to me. You are correct that @SkankHunt has acted professionally and I respect him for that.
Tell your doc to up your Terets medication. You have a wonderful Sunday sir!
Thanks for your input brother. It means a lot to me. You are correct that @SkankHunt has acted professionally and I respect him for that.
Tell your doc to up your Terets medication. You have a wonderful Sunday sir!


So you post to the community you have a fake and a real product on hand but when asked politely to post them you deflect and choose not to? Right.......
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All due respect @Mcflyfast but I only see you requesting these. As a nobody, I don't feel comfortable posting my personal pics in an open forum. I also will not share anything with you. I don't trust you.

Additionally as stated before, these are Watsons from over 5 years ago. This is why nobody cares. I saved up my scripted Watson as a backup in case I can't get any reliable test. The fakes I didn't use because I don't know what is in them but if I had nothing else to use, I might consider.

I don't care if you believe me or not. If somebody else wants to see them, I might be able to send in DM. I will assess and decide if I see such a request.

Posting personal pics of two vials? Lol

What is there not to trust with a photo? :)
I agree, there's nothing personal about vials or boxes of gear. nothing. if there is an RX you can obviously edit that shit out. Post the pics or GTFO with this incessant arguing.
I agree, there's nothing personal about vials or boxes of gear. nothing. if there is an RX you can obviously edit that shit out. Post the pics or GTFO with this incessant arguing.
This has nothing to do with Actavis fakes or the current situation. I don't trust FlyFart period and I don't care if he believes me.
We already have comparisons of the Actavis pharma and what Skank is selling. I am not at FlyFart's beck and call. If he doesn't believe me that is his problem.
Its interesting that I had stated I was done with Flyfart and I was and then he starts making demands about something I posted that has nothing to do with products today. Again, this is 5+ years old stuff. He couldn't help but continue his ignorance.
I do trust @MisterSuperGod and I am willing to work with him if he desires. He can confirm what I said about the differences is correct on 5+ year old Watsons.
I'll do it for other curious members, I won't do it for FlyFart but again that idiot Sherlock will be proven wrong so that sort of make it worth it if MSG is interested in seeing the pic and getting FlyFart to stfu.