SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

Actually I have a better idea. If I post the pic, @Mcflyfast leaves Meso for good? How bout that @Mcflyfast. I don't trust you to keep your word but others will see what you agree to and your credibility will be even worse than it already is.
So, Ill post the pic, everyone will see that you are again wrong and you take your ignorant ass on a hike. Deal?
Lol bunch of fucking dickriders over here, probably all getting paid by the fake ass "source" to shill. Fuck outta here. BUYER BEWARE, THIS SOURCE SELLS FAKE PHARMA GEAR.
Oh you better believe they are genuine simply because the meso counterfeit expert said so. Please don't disagree or even question the delicate expert or he will jump down your throat, turn into a wannabe Sherlock and accuse you of being 10 other accounts.
Also, no personal observations allowed. He gets very defensive when others make observations.
These fucking shills here including skankbitch accused me of being a rep for Odin because I said that skankbitch started his own bullshit pharmacy after doing all those test for the "community" was highly SUS. He always had this in mind, and people here are too stupid to realise that they are getting played.
Actually I have a better idea. If I post the pic, @Mcflyfast leaves Meso for good? How bout that @Mcflyfast. I don't trust you to keep your word but others will see what you agree to and your credibility will be even worse than it already is.
So, Ill post the pic, everyone will see that you are again wrong and you take your ignorant ass on a hike. Deal?

Sure, why you are at it make sure to have a piece of paper with your handle name on it too.
I do trust @MisterSuperGod and I am willing to work with him if he desires. He can confirm what I said about the differences is correct on 5+ year old Watsons.
I'll do it for other curious members, I won't do it for FlyFart but again that idiot Sherlock will be proven wrong so that sort of make it worth it if MSG is interested in seeing the pic and getting FlyFart to stfu.

So again, you are willing going to send @MisterSuperGod a photo but can't post a pic for all of us simply because you don't trust me?

- First skankretard said he did the tests eorth thousands out of the kindness of his heart for the community.
- Then he said he spend thousands on tests because he was selling gear to his boys (lol)
- Then he begged for donations and 2 different forums for doing the tests. On one board (eroids) he got slammed HARD for begging now he's banned and gone there, including all his tests...
- And finally his grand scam scheme was starting his own trash ass "pharmacy" to sell fake pharma trash because he build some kind of credibility.

If this isn't SUS to you you're a retard honestly.
- First skankretard said he did the tests eorth thousands out of the kindness of his heart for the community.
- Then he said he spend thousands on tests because he was selling gear to his boys (lol)
- Then he begged for donations and 2 different forums for doing the tests. On one board (eroids) he got slammed HARD for begging now he's banned and gone there, including all his tests...
- And finally his grand scam scheme was starting his own trash ass "pharmacy" to sell fake pharma trash because he build some kind of credibility.

If this isn't SUS to you you're a retard honestly.
Getting banned on eroids is a badge of honor and now I respect @SkankHunt even more
Sure, why you are at it make sure to have a piece of paper with your handle name on it too.
Look, again this has nothing to with the current argument about whether or not Skank's Actavis are counterfeit (which btw I never said they were). You simply think I am lying about 5+ year old gear I have.
If you really think I am lying about something that simple, then yes, I will take the opportunity to up the ante where you are done here once I prove you wrong yet again.
@Mcflyfast Im going to finish my yardwork now so that is why I am logging off. It is pretty obvious carli and I are not the same person but you are dumb so please do continue to let your stupidity shine.
I am really saddened by how bad this thread has derailed.

The trolling had gotten so bad and the agenda and envy it seems from one vendor @SkankHunt to you Kini/Carlo is indeed very real.

I am not going to respond no more because this had gone to far once again.

Now racism has been involved and I don't tolerate that at all.

One member using two accounts is not cool logging into one to another immediately is quite disturbing honestly.

@SkankHunt let me know when you get those Portugal Aspen Deca Durabolins brother


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I am really saddened by how bad this thread has derailed.

The trolling had gotten so bad and the agenda and envy it seems from one vendor @SkankHunt to you Kini/Carlo is indeed very real.

I am not going to respond no more because this had gone to far once again.

Now racism has been involved and I don't tolerate that at all.

One member using two accounts is not cool logging into one to another immediately is quite disturbing honestly.

@SkankHunt let me know when you get those Portugal Aspen Deca Durabolins brother
You already said this multiple times yet you still respond, all of ya involved lol fucking clowns.
The MSG offer is off the table.

Probably not a bad thing. i haven't said anything in regard to this beyond the pictures looking the same (to me) about 20 pages back.

Unless they spelled Testosterone wrong or it clearly screams fake, all of this is beyond my scope of knowledge.