SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

Hahaha, it was down to $250 when I got it.
I honestly never even thought of getting needles for it. You go the starting route of 0.25mg, you get 10 doses on 4 needles. You go straight to 0.5mg, you get 8 doses. So, you use the same needle twice. The needle is both thin and small. So, it doesn't produce blood and it doesn't go that deep in your skin. Give it a little rubbing alcohol wash, good to go. I will search for new needles after I either catch an infection or the needle breaks off and becomes a permanent part of my belly. I don't see that happening after 2 uses.
The good news is you’ll save a ton of money on your heating bill when you have a fever of 107F. Then you can buy more Ozempic pens! It’s a win/win!
@SkankHunt Is your Modafinil 20mg or 200mg?

If I order after the new year, what's your guess/estimate t/a to NY?
Neither I don’t carry it. Armodafinil was requested so I have some of that on the way. I think I ordered Sun Pharma brand. It was a while ago and I deleted the email so I’m not 100%.

Giving estimates on locations is not a great idea on a public forum. Leave those questions to emails and I’ll get back to you when I reopen.
Rest assured, there is more than one law enforcement agency recording every post on all the major boards. Erasing won't do any good.
I hope so, my nips are a lil swollen. I ordered some mf nolva from some other source and it’s been stuck in New York for a month I shit you not. Straight up not having a good time rn.

Damn man that sucks yeah idk what ur running exactly but skank got nolva for sure depending on where u are 2-4 days max if not sooner. I would maybe grab some pharma aromasin while ur at it and maybe caber if it running a 19nor I'm sure u know all this skank is a one stop shop and it's nice cause even the pharma meds are all tested... Sucks that ur dealing with that man I try to always have all that shit on hand and backed up with extras just in case.... Best of luck man if skank is opening hopefully he will take care of you
What post has the most updated price list?
I would prob just email skank and ask for a list as things are always being added and prices changing with the market. Like I know he just added a CPL new things idk if he's open or still on break I'm sure he will make a statement shortly sometime... Think his plan was to open beginning of the new year but he might of opened sooner best way is to just shoot him an email