SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

I hope so, my nips are a lil swollen. I ordered some mf nolva from some other source and it’s been stuck in New York for a month I shit you not. Straight up not having a good time rn.
There are ugl sellers that have functioning versions of what you looking for. Some people will refuse to go UG on nolva. But if hearing about your nips is giving me a hard-on, then I think time is of the essence in your situation.
You got any NPP vials? Not amps. @SkankHunt
Nope. Here’s the deal with injectable’s, I’ve been posting on my email but I’ll post here as well.

Once they’re sold out they won’t be restocked. I’ll be sticking with just PCT meds. Bayer Testoviron and Bayer Rimobolan are sold out. Still have Aspen and omnadren Sustanon. RotexMedica Test E will be in next week and that’s it.
Let us know when you get Paroxetine in, you got me interested in that over dapoxatine, way cheaper and from what studies I’ve read it’s actually better
It’s in bro. Everything is in stock besides anavar. Any day now.
As usual busy and posting late, but another successful order from Skank. Actually made the order about ten days before Christmas, and even given the slowdown of mail pre-Christmas I still got it in four business days. That's amazing. This guy is as reliable as a Cummins diesel motor. Will be making another order very soon.

So far just using the Aspen Sustenon. Results exactly as expected, and doesn't make me hurt like hell like the UGL gear I was using before. So far so good and very happy with this source.

Now if I can just find a good source for Trenebolone Enanthate. Skank doesn't carry it.