SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

For the guys who pre-ordered the RotexMedcica, they landed today. I have 8 boxes left and 2 boxes (10 amps each) of German Remedies Testoviron Depot.
For the guys who pre-ordered the RotexMedcica, they landed today. I have 8 boxes left and 2 boxes (10 amps each) of German Remedies Testoviron Depot.
Nice brother.

German Remedies is Bayer rebranded in India and some parts in the middle east.

I used them those a long time ago and they are awesome.
Quick updates:

New antibiotics in stock-
Sandoz Amoxicillen 500mg/24ct
Sandoz Amoxicillen with clauvanic acid 500/125mg/16 ct
Sandoz Cephalexin 1000mg/24ct
GSK Valaciclovir 500mg/10ct
Morivid Hydroxchloroquinsulphate 200mg/30

Antibiotics already in stock:
Cipla Azithryomycin 500mg/5ct- $20
GSK Bactrim DS 800+160mg/10ct- $10
Dr.Reddy Doxycycline 100mg/10ct- $15

More Saxenda has been added. More Ozempic will be here mid next week. Anavar should be here Monday.

Tbs Network Dancing GIF by American Dad
@SkankHunt I still have a couple of your watson vials left so don't have a huge need to buy more test right now. but wondering if you plan on keeping some form of pharma test on your list until your done sourcing or if this was your last test order?
@SkankHunt I still have a couple of your watson vials left so don't have a huge need to buy more test right now. but wondering if you plan on keeping some form of pharma test on your list until your done sourcing or if this was your last test order?
Just whatever my domestic guy gets in. Usually Bayer Testoviron, India testoviron, rotexmedica. Just got rotex in but it’s gone already.

Edit: I won’t be going overseas for amps.
Bloodwork after 1 month of running Skank's Balkan Test C @400mg/week.
-Injections were 200mg every 3.5 days.
-Injections was also mixed in the same syringe with Stanford's Primo 300mg/week (150mg per injection)

The previous month I ran Skank's Actavis Test C @400mg/week solo (injecting every 3.5 days) and got a total test of 3588ng/dL. Needless to say, I'm a bit underwhelmed with the Balkan test bringing me down to 2123ng/dL.

So a couple of things that I think may (or may not) have had an effect on the results:
-Bloodwork last month with the Actavis was drawn ~24 hours after injection. Bloodwork this month with the Balkan was drawn ~48 hours after injection.
-Last month was test only in the syringe. This month was a mixture of test and primo in the syringe.
-Last month I was pinning VG. This month I was pinning DG.
-Actavis Test C is in sesame oil. Balkan Test C is in peach oil. (Stanford's Primo is in grape seed oil.)
-Unfortunately, I never tested for SHBG either time, but in theory my SHBG should be lower this month since I'm deeper into my blast and added Primo.

Ultimately, I think it may be a possibility that the Balkan is underdosed. I don't think Skank had sent them for testing. I can understand the above things causing a lower total test, but a decrease of 1465ng/dL (over 40%) is a bit extreme.

At this time I still have 12 amps of the Balkan Test C left, along with 1 vial of Skank's Westward Test E, and a couple vials of Stanford's Test E.
I think I might save the Balkan for cruising and just run it at half the dosage I have been running over the past month. Between the Westward and Stanford's Test E, I think I might just go with Stanny for the rest of this blast, as I don't want to run out of the single vial of Westward in a month and have to switch anyway.

Open to thoughts and ideas. I also included labs for liver, lipids, kidneys, and CBC for anyone curious. Pretty good overall, my cholesterol could be better but not terrible, my RBC and HCT are a tad high, but I've always been on the edge of the reference range and it may have been partially a dehydration issue too.


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Bloodwork after 1 month of running Skank's Balkan Test C @400mg/week.
-Injections were 200mg every 3.5 days.
-Injections was also mixed in the same syringe with Stanford's Primo 300mg/week (150mg per injection)

The previous month I ran Skank's Actavis Test C @400mg/week solo (injecting every 3.5 days) and got a total test of 3588ng/dL. Needless to say, I'm a bit underwhelmed with the Balkan test bringing me down to 2123ng/dL.

So a couple of things that I think may (or may not) have had an effect on the results:
-Bloodwork last month with the Actavis was drawn ~24 hours after injection. Bloodwork this month with the Balkan was drawn ~48 hours after injection.
-Last month was test only in the syringe. This month was a mixture of test and primo in the syringe.
-Last month I was pinning VG. This month I was pinning DG.
-Actavis Test C is in sesame oil. Balkan Test C is in peach oil. (Stanford's Primo is in grape seed oil.)
-Unfortunately, I never tested for SHBG either time, but in theory my SHBG should be lower this month since I'm deeper into my blast and added Primo.

Ultimately, I think it may be a possibility that the Balkan is underdosed. I don't think Skank had sent them for testing. I can understand the above things causing a lower total test, but a decrease of 1465ng/dL (over 40%) is a bit extreme.

At this time I still have 12 amps of the Balkan Test C left, along with 1 vial of Skank's Westward Test E, and a couple vials of Stanford's Test E.
I think I might save the Balkan for cruising and just run it at half the dosage I have been running over the past month. Between the Westward and Stanford's Test E, I think I might just go with Stanny for the rest of this blast, as I don't want to run out of the single vial of Westward in a month and have to switch anyway.

Open to thoughts and ideas. I also included labs for liver, lipids, kidneys, and CBC for anyone curious. Pretty good overall, my cholesterol could be better but not terrible, my RBC and HCT are a tad high, but I've always been on the edge of the reference range and it may have been partially a dehydration issue too.
You should probly read the lab testing thread for pointers. Doing it 24hrs after an injection is at peak saturation, you need to do it 48hrs after. That's why your numbers are off most likely
You should probly read the lab testing thread for pointers. Doing it 24hrs after an injection is at peak saturation, you need to do it 48hrs after. That's why your numbers are off most likely

I intentionally wanted a peak last month to see where my E2 at the highest would be without an AI. 48 hours shouldn't be a trough with a 3.5 day injection frequency.

There really shouldn't be a difference of 41% between 24 and 48 hours considering the half life of Test C is a week.
Bloodwork after 1 month of running Skank's Balkan Test C @400mg/week.
-Injections were 200mg every 3.5 days.
-Injections was also mixed in the same syringe with Stanford's Primo 300mg/week (150mg per injection)

The previous month I ran Skank's Actavis Test C @400mg/week solo (injecting every 3.5 days) and got a total test of 3588ng/dL. Needless to say, I'm a bit underwhelmed with the Balkan test bringing me down to 2123ng/dL.

So a couple of things that I think may (or may not) have had an effect on the results:
-Bloodwork last month with the Actavis was drawn ~24 hours after injection. Bloodwork this month with the Balkan was drawn ~48 hours after injection.
-Last month was test only in the syringe. This month was a mixture of test and primo in the syringe.
-Last month I was pinning VG. This month I was pinning DG.
-Actavis Test C is in sesame oil. Balkan Test C is in peach oil. (Stanford's Primo is in grape seed oil.)
-Unfortunately, I never tested for SHBG either time, but in theory my SHBG should be lower this month since I'm deeper into my blast and added Primo.

Ultimately, I think it may be a possibility that the Balkan is underdosed. I don't think Skank had sent them for testing. I can understand the above things causing a lower total test, but a decrease of 1465ng/dL (over 40%) is a bit extreme.

At this time I still have 12 amps of the Balkan Test C left, along with 1 vial of Skank's Westward Test E, and a couple vials of Stanford's Test E.
I think I might save the Balkan for cruising and just run it at half the dosage I have been running over the past month. Between the Westward and Stanford's Test E, I think I might just go with Stanny for the rest of this blast, as I don't want to run out of the single vial of Westward in a month and have to switch anyway.

Open to thoughts and ideas. I also included labs for liver, lipids, kidneys, and CBC for anyone curious. Pretty good overall, my cholesterol could be better but not terrible, my RBC and HCT are a tad high, but I've always been on the edge of the reference range and it may have been partially a dehydration issue too.
Lot of factors with bloodwork, especially 24-48 hours apart. If you wanna send a sample to Jano let me know.
Were the Qingdao's supposed to be 5000iu? Lmao, I might just scoop up a good batch of vials at that price. Are they some sort of Chinese pharma?
Yep. Gunna market them as 2500iu. There’s no label or anything on them.

Seriously though send out that Balkan if you want. I’ll cover shipping and the lab cost. Your call my man.
Below is my most recent list. This will be my last week open and I’ll be closed from the 20th to the 3rd for the holidays.


Bausch Omnadren 250mg
Aspen Sustanon 250mg
Bayer Paki Testoviron 250mg
Bayer Rimobolan 100mg
Bayer Nebido 1000mg/4ml


Abdi Anapolon 50mg/20ct
Abdi Anapolon 50mg/20ct-EXPIRED 4/21
Balkan Dianabol 50mg/60ct-EXPIRED (Lab tested by Jano, 49mg)
Balkan Stanzolol 10mg/100ct

BP Meds/Vitamins/Cialis/Pharma/Antibiotics

Micardis Telmisartan 80mg/28ct
STADA Telmisartan 80mg/30ct
Abdi Ibrahim Nebivolol 10mg/28ct
Deva Dodex B12 1000mcg/5amps
Aknetrent Accutane 10mg/30ct
Roche Accutane 20mg/30ct
Vidalista Cialis 20mg/10ct
Pfizer Lipitor 10mg/30ct
Cipla Azithryomycin 500mg/5ct
GSK Bactrim DS 800+160mg/10ct
Zentiva Finasteride 5mg/30ct


Genotropin 12mg/36iu GoQuick pen

Fat Loss:

NovoNordisk Saxenda 6mg/ml-3 pens
Ozempic 1mg+4 needles
Sopharma Clenbuterol 20mcg/50ct


Deva Nolvadex 20mg/30ct
AstraZeneca Arimidex 1mg/28ct
Pfizer Aromasin 25mg/30ct
Pfizer Cabaser 1mg/20ct
ToLife Raloxifene 60mg/28ct
Novartis Letrozole 2.5mg/30ct


IBSA Merional (HMG) 150iu
IBSA Fostimon (FSH) 150iu
Bayer Ovidac 5000iu- (3) left. More on the way, won’t have till 2022.
Livzon HCG 5000iu/1 vial
Generic HMG 75iu (Pending Jano labs)
I’m trying to mp but it doesn’t let me. I would like to order. How I can do?