SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

Bloodwork after 1 month of running Skank's Balkan Test C @400mg/week.
-Injections were 200mg every 3.5 days.
-Injections was also mixed in the same syringe with Stanford's Primo 300mg/week (150mg per injection)

The previous month I ran Skank's Actavis Test C @400mg/week solo (injecting every 3.5 days) and got a total test of 3588ng/dL. Needless to say, I'm a bit underwhelmed with the Balkan test bringing me down to 2123ng/dL.

So a couple of things that I think may (or may not) have had an effect on the results:
-Bloodwork last month with the Actavis was drawn ~24 hours after injection. Bloodwork this month with the Balkan was drawn ~48 hours after injection.
-Last month was test only in the syringe. This month was a mixture of test and primo in the syringe.
-Last month I was pinning VG. This month I was pinning DG.
-Actavis Test C is in sesame oil. Balkan Test C is in peach oil. (Stanford's Primo is in grape seed oil.)
-Unfortunately, I never tested for SHBG either time, but in theory my SHBG should be lower this month since I'm deeper into my blast and added Primo.

Ultimately, I think it may be a possibility that the Balkan is underdosed. I don't think Skank had sent them for testing. I can understand the above things causing a lower total test, but a decrease of 1465ng/dL (over 40%) is a bit extreme.

At this time I still have 12 amps of the Balkan Test C left, along with 1 vial of Skank's Westward Test E, and a couple vials of Stanford's Test E.
I think I might save the Balkan for cruising and just run it at half the dosage I have been running over the past month. Between the Westward and Stanford's Test E, I think I might just go with Stanny for the rest of this blast, as I don't want to run out of the single vial of Westward in a month and have to switch anyway.

Open to thoughts and ideas. I also included labs for liver, lipids, kidneys, and CBC for anyone curious. Pretty good overall, my cholesterol could be better but not terrible, my RBC and HCT are a tad high, but I've always been on the edge of the reference range and it may have been partially a dehydration issue too.

If @SkankHunt is telling you to test them, do it. But that lot has been tested by Anaboliclab and a member on here by the name of @cadafi so maybe explains why he didn't do it. Also take into consideration that carrier oils, pulling labs 24-48 hours after injection, and mixing another drug to your previous labs all play a huge difference when it comes to your lab results.

Lastly, Hikma test c use Cotton Seed oil not Sesame seed oil. :)

Let us know though.
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If @SkankHunt is telling you to test them, do it. But that lot has been tested by Anaboliclab and a member on here by the name of @cadafi so maybe explains why he didn't do it. Also take into consideration that carrier oils, pulling labs 24-48 hours after injection, and mixing another drug to your previous labs all play a huge difference when it comes to your lab results.

Lastly, Hikma test c use Cotton Seed oil not Sesame seed oil. :)

Let us know though.
Good looks with the proviron too, spot on lol.
anyone have experience with the Baush omnadren. How you felt, pip, etc. Also are amps a bitch to use I have never even seen one.
Yes I did. You should find a new supplier lol. Glad to see you came back. When you opening up shop bro?
There are 4 batches that we had tested, ALL underdosed. If our batches our underdosed, 100% chance your latest batches are too. Again, you didn't test latest batch, we did. So prepare to be paying members back money you've been ripping the off. If they tested good, I would have bought a few thousand. I would have undercut your sorry ass for sure. They are $2, my cost. I would have sold them to the members here for $7.50, and I would have fronted them to show everyone here I am legit.
There are 4 batches that we had tested, ALL underdosed. If our batches our underdosed, 100% chance your latest batches are too. Again, you didn't test latest batch, we did. So prepare to be paying members back money you've been ripping the off. If they tested good, I would have bought a few thousand. I would have undercut your sorry ass for sure. They are $2, my cost. I would have sold them to the members here for $7.50, and I would have fronted them to show everyone here I am legit.
Did I ask? Stop playing you broke boy. Been 2 months now you said you were gunna take all the guys on Meso out of business. We’re all waiting.
Did I ask? Stop playing you broke boy. Been 2 months now you said you were gunna take all the guys on Meso out of business. We’re all waiting.
Hey fuckstick, I actually have a real job that takes up 70-80 hours a week of my time. When I get free time, Ill undercut your ass when I feel like it. Ive already had 2 members contact me for Aspen Sustanon and Primo. And mine come with boxes/paperwork. Your primo doesn't last time I checked. What happened? Your supplier sell you some bunk bayer primo? Don't see it on your list anymore.. lol

If any member wants REAL Aspen Sustanon, I will sell it to anyone all day long for $9/box. And I will even front it to ya to in good faith. Please PM me for details.. Can provide a pic on here if needed, thanks.
Hey fuckstick, I actually have a real job that takes up 70-80 hours a week of my time. When I get free time, Ill undercut your ass when I feel like it. Ive already had 2 members contact me for Aspen Sustanon and Primo. And mine come with boxes/paperwork. Your primo doesn't last time I checked. What happened? Your supplier sell you some bunk bayer primo? Don't see it on your list anymore.. lol

If any member wants REAL Aspen Sustanon, I will sell it to anyone all day long for $9/box. And I will even front it to ya to in good faith. Please PM me for details.. Can provide a pic on here if needed, thanks.
Only morons would order from a 2 month old member with a hidden agenda. Good luck.
Hey fuckstick, I actually have a real job that takes up 70-80 hours a week of my time. When I get free time, Ill undercut your ass when I feel like it. Ive already had 2 members contact me for Aspen Sustanon and Primo. And mine come with boxes/paperwork. Your primo doesn't last time I checked. What happened? Your supplier sell you some bunk bayer primo? Don't see it on your list anymore.. lol

If any member wants REAL Aspen Sustanon, I will sell it to anyone all day long for $9/box. And I will even front it to ya to in good faith. Please PM me for details.. Can provide a pic on here if needed, thanks.
I feel bad you have to work 80 hours a week AND sell drugs to make a living.

Nearly every source, myself included are out of stock of Rimobolan.
Hey fuckstick, I actually have a real job that takes up 70-80 hours a week of my time. When I get free time, Ill undercut your ass when I feel like it. Ive already had 2 members contact me for Aspen Sustanon and Primo. And mine come with boxes/paperwork. Your primo doesn't last time I checked. What happened? Your supplier sell you some bunk bayer primo? Don't see it on your list anymore.. lol

If any member wants REAL Aspen Sustanon, I will sell it to anyone all day long for $9/box. And I will even front it to ya to in good faith. Please PM me for details.. Can provide a pic on here if needed, thanks.

Sign me up. I love spending my money with unprofessional ass holes.

You seriously came in a sources thread for your sales pitch? You showed your true character here. Take a hike