SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

Yeah, I’m dying to spend nine goddamn dollars on a retarded blend that is a meme and little else.

Four esters = 4x the gainz, bro
Honestly tho. Is there really even a reason to run Sustanon over single esters? I can't see it providing that much more stability with bloods.
could also increase frequency of injections. reduces the temporary peak in your blood stream to stimulate EPO production.
Literally the opposite of how it works. Every injection causes a peak. Every peak causes stimulation of erythropoietin. More injections will cause HCT to go up faster. It’s the reason test u patients have almost no HCT issues whereas e/c and gels/creams are the worst offenders. Longer time between injections means less HCT increase.

Mine was uncontrollable until I stopped testosterone entirely. (That by the way is the only actual fix to the problem) Once I resumed it hasn’t gone back up because I inject once a week. The fastest it ever went up? When I switched to small daily injections.
I know some people swear by sust, but is there actual data that it provides better stability than Test E or Test C twice a week?
Is skank available on Wickr? Need me some caber
He's responsive on email, so do that. But $200 minimum, so you might have to find someone else unless you buy more.

Placed first order, great communication, 4 day TA. Looking forward to trying ozempic soon.
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It’s just testosterone. There’s nothing about it that’s special. It’s a harder-to-use version of something that on its face should be really easy to use.
no shit? its just test? We never knew! I better tell my pros to get off sust because iron yuppie said its just test!
Most def not harder to use lol
no shit? its just test? We never knew! I better tell my pros to get off sust because iron yuppie said its just test!
Most def not harder to use lol
Test e/c twice a week. Sustanon at least eod. More pins by definition means harder to use when compared to alternatives. This isn’t complicated, bud.
Literally the opposite of how it works. Every injection causes a peak. Every peak causes stimulation of erythropoietin. More injections will cause HCT to go up faster. It’s the reason test u patients have almost no HCT issues whereas e/c and gels/creams are the worst offenders. Longer time between injections means less HCT increase.

You forgot Test Prop. i would think that and Test Ace would be the worst offenders. The one and only time i had hemo issues was with the former.
I know some people swear by sust, but is there actual data that it provides better stability than Test E or Test C twice a week?
Stability just comes down to pinning frequency. I pin cyp or enth m/w/f regardless the dose im taking. If I wanted the most stable levels possible I would take my weekly dose divide it by 7 and pin ed regardless the ester. but fuck that. More frequent the injections more stable your levels will be.
Literally the opposite of how it works. Every injection causes a peak. Every peak causes stimulation of erythropoietin. More injections will cause HCT to go up faster. It’s the reason test u patients have almost no HCT issues whereas e/c and gels/creams are the worst offenders. Longer time between injections means less HCT increase.

Mine was uncontrollable until I stopped testosterone entirely. (That by the way is the only actual fix to the problem) Once I resumed it hasn’t gone back up because I inject once a week. The fastest it ever went up? When I switched to small daily injections.
This is something that I never heard
This is something that I never heard
I have never heard of it either. It doesn't make sense at all that inconsistent test levels would not increase the levels. Even then, red blood lives for 3 months.c
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I guess the point of sustanon and the blend of 4 esters is that it keeps levels steady by the different combination of release times of the different esters so it doesn’t need to be injected more often than once a week.
I guess the point of sustanon and the blend of 4 esters is that it keeps levels steady by the different combination of release times of the different esters so it doesn’t need to be injected more often than once a week.
There isn't a specific purpose to sus. Its just preference also besides the deconate ester , Prop, phenyl prop and iso are all quicker esters then enth and cyp. so if someone decides to try sus they should be willing to pin atleast eod.
I have never heard of it either. It doesn't make sense at all that inconsistent test levels would not increase the levels. Even then, red blood lives for 3 months.c
It’s about the initial spike, not the time spent above the curve. Every injection, irrespective of ester, causes a spike.