SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

No they dont lol...
I work with hundreds of people they pin it ATLEAST 3x weekly
Anyone I know in the whole fitness scene pins it 3x weekly or EOD still.
Where are you getting this from? Your YMCA?
We are talking bodybuilding not TRT
Not necessarily wanting to be come part of an argument or anything but when I do use test E I pin it the same way I pin anything and everything else, twice a week. That's how I pin Sustenon, and Tren E. also.

The only change I'd ever make to that would be if I was using something waterbased like HcG or Winstrol V (do they even make Winstrol V anymore? When I was competing that was THE pre-contest drug.) In that case I'd pin every day or every other day depending on what it was.

I'm not a novice at this and probably did my first cycle and was competing before many of the people in this discussion were even born. In the course of the past two years I managed to go from a fat, bloated 260 pound death-on-two-legs old man down to about 195 with less than 10% body fat at 5'5" so I must be doing something right. I'm not interested in competing again but even at 60 I have more than enough muscularity to do it if I wanted. I'm sure a lot of that success is just muscle memory since I've been doing this stuff more than 40 years, but I'd be lying if I said the gear wasn't also a big part of it.

Speaking only for myself, there are so many variables about how and when these things get metabolized it's really not that precise. It can't be because even with a single individual, metabolism is so variable from day to day and hour to hour that it's never going to be as precise a science as some people appear to think. Whether I pin test E twice a week or 3x it's not going to make any kind of a measurable or noticeable difference. Particularly given the metabolic half-life of test E in the body I could probably do it once a week and still notice no difference whatsoever. The only reason I don't is because I don't like injecting big honking lumps into my muscle tissue. Better to spread it across at least two injections for comfort if not other reason.

But again, that's me. Your mileage may vary.
I’m talking about trt and what you’d consider beginner/intermediate cycles, i.e. test in the 500-600mg range. Once you start to push the oil volume higher it’s useful to inject more frequently. I’m sure plenty of people pin more often than is strictly necessary, but if we’re talking about what’s a perfectly acceptable schedule then there’s no need to pin e/c more often than twice a week. That’s the benefit of those esters vs much shorter ones. My original argument—which has yet to be addressed—is that pinning e/c twice a week is easier than pinning sustanon daily. I don’t see how that’s controversial.
I'd call it entirely noncontroversial. The main thing that keeps me from pinning anything more often than twice a week is I just don't like jabbing myself more often than that. It's uncomfortable. If I was injecting water-based anything then yeah I'd do it every day or every other day but it would be no big deal because water-based gear generally doesn't make big sore lumps in your muscle like oil-based does. Of course with the water base the drugs are not nearly as persistent as most oil-based preparations so with water based gear the average person might actually notice a difference in effect between injecting once a day and once a week. But with most oil-based gear? Nah.

The only reason I bring that up is because back in the mid-late 80s when I was competing at a national level, Winstrol V was THE pre-contest gear above and beyond anything else and was considered essential. I hated it because WinV was water based and had to be pinned every day or at least every other day as it did not persist either in the muscle after injection or in the bloodstream as it was metabolized quickly. Worst of all is that Winstrol V burned like lye when you injected it and more than once I sat there and watched my quadriceps muscle writhe like a snake in my leg after jabbing it with Winstrol. It was awful.

But it was worth the pain because Winstrol V caused like zero water retention and just switching from the usual pre-contest gear in the final couple of weeks to WinV you'd generally see a remarkable hardening and striating of your physique when all that gear-based water retention dropped. Whether you used WinV or not could literally make the difference between winning, placing, or flubbing out.
Sign me up. I love spending my money with unprofessional ass holes.

You seriously came in a sources thread for your sales pitch? You showed your true character here. Take a hike
This guy just doesn't get it does he? It doesn't matter what he's selling or how cheap he says he can sell it. I myself wouldn't do business with him at any price just because I don't like loudmouth assholes. I suspect I'm not the only one who feels that way here.

I'm also deeply suspicious of anyone who shows up out of the blue and his only sales pitch is to obnoxiously attack a known reliable source that, for me anyway, is someone I've used many times to very satisfactory effect.

If we refuse to reward assholery in society then perhaps some of the assholes might get the message and change their behavior. The world would be a nicer place.
Here we go again with you guys fucking up
a thread …. This is for sales and talk about skanks gear not a fucking debate 4 pages long to discuss how many times ya wanna pin a week. Talk somewhere else about this shit.
Here we go again with you guys fucking up
a thread …. This is for sales and talk about skanks gear not a fucking debate 4 pages long to discuss how many times ya wanna pin a week. Talk somewhere else about this shit.
Sorry dad. Btw mom says she’s leaving you because she’s in love with the trans pool boy (or girl I guess?). Anyway, Jayden is having people over for a bonfire this weekend and I was wondering if I could borrow the car?

“For men undergoing TTh, the risk of developing erythrocytosis compared to controls is well established, with short acting injectable formulations having the highest associated incidence.”

In my own experiments more frequent injections have skyrocketed my HCT whereas now my levels are steady on once a week dosing. It’s a battle I’ve fought for almost five years now, so I’ve read everything that’s out there and tinkered with my protocol many times.
Have you tried low dose enalapril to lower Hct?
Sorry dad. Btw mom says she’s leaving you because she’s in love with the trans pool boy (or girl I guess?). Anyway, Jayden is having people over for a bonfire this weekend and I was wondering if I could borrow the car?
Take your punk ass back to T - Nation where you try and preach knowledge there too but don’t know shit wth the rest of them
Really been enjoying 50mg Anapolan preworkout this week, but 3 days in a row bringing some bad heartburn/nausea on my 3rd day. This common for most or everyone?
Seems like this thread gets its trolls and haters just like the Jet Labs thread lol

You rock @SkankHunt and you really stay above all the bullshit some people throw at you.
Really been enjoying 50mg Anapolan preworkout this week, but 3 days in a row bringing some bad heartburn/nausea on my 3rd day. This common for most or everyone?
For me I had the same issues with Androlics. Try pulsing the dosage, worked for me a bit better. Maybe even Prilosec.
Seems like this thread gets its trolls and haters just like the Jet Labs thread lol

You rock @SkankHunt and you really stay above all the bullshit some people throw at you.