SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

Hey fuckstick, I actually have a real job that takes up 70-80 hours a week of my time. When I get free time, Ill undercut your ass when I feel like it. Ive already had 2 members contact me for Aspen Sustanon and Primo. And mine come with boxes/paperwork. Your primo doesn't last time I checked. What happened? Your supplier sell you some bunk bayer primo? Don't see it on your list anymore.. lol

If any member wants REAL Aspen Sustanon, I will sell it to anyone all day long for $9/box. And I will even front it to ya to in good faith. Please PM me for details.. Can provide a pic on here if needed, thanks.
70 - 80 hours a week? unless you're successfully building and running your own empire with that time, i wouldn't brag about that. that fuckin sucks.

70 - 80 hours a week? unless you're successfully building and running your own empire with that time, i wouldn't brag about that. that fuckin sucks.
He's so lazy he can't even take the time to open his own thread he's gotta go into other people's who are already established and has a soild customer base and try and snake some poor new guy, cause that's the only way ur gunna get any sales, pretty sad and pathetic attempt