SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

Have you thought about an upcharge for sub 200 orders Skank? I'm sure some people would pay an extra 20
Unfortunately no. I raised my minimum because I planned on going private. I’d much rather keep my volume down so I can keep the T/A quick.
i dont know much about it but for 40 bucks thats a really good deal isnt it? i hear that shits expensive af
I wouldn’t say a good deal as you can get it from Turkey for cheaper if you wish to go that route. Generally the Dostinex is wayyy more expensive.

I was cutting these into 4s and still crashed my prolactin at 0.25mg twice a week. I posted my bloods in the Pharmacom thread. 20x1mg is plenty of caber.
In my experience taking a prolactin lowering dose of caber or prami will fix the nips but not your dick. You need to take a higher dose for that
dont mean to answer my own question but that doesnt sound right

I don't care what it sounds like but that's what usually happens. People see they have a slightly elevated prolactin and think it's the cause of all their dick problems. Then they get it in range and still don't feel any different. Happened to me too
dont mean to answer my own question but that doesnt sound right
I would take prami instead.. less sides for me at least plus raises GH and gives me constant boner.. twice a week at .250 mcg or .500 mcg if you can handle without nausea. Plus at that does a bottle of 90 tabs will last you 6 months…
im def getting it rlly soon from skank then. is even a 31 prolactin level with range of (15-30) enough to cause most guys ed

Honestly, it depends on alot of factors.

I had a similar situation with an elevated Prolactin level on my blood work. Mines came back at 32 on the reference range but I had sex the night prior to drawing labs the following morning. My doctor told me next time to not have sex 72 prior to getting labs. When I drawed them again, they came back perfect. Again, I am on true TRT no 19nors or gh. Those two raise prolactin.