SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

Hey jerkoff, I test ALL amps before buying bulk. I aint stupid. Ive been doing this why you were still sucking milk out of your mommas titties. Rotex Medica are junk, I will never carry them. And your bayer rimo are also junk. At least mine come with boxes. Buyer beware, never purchase bayer primo without boxes. 100% certain, they are knockoffs or counterfeits.

And yea, Ive had some of the 70,000 members contact me. And go figure, some have said you're a ripoff. I aint afraid to speak my mind.

Don't need to check lab testing, you'll be out of business soon.. Peace!
Shut up
Got any test cyp still? My girl threw away my trt thinking it was our sons old med bottles somehow. Went to do my shot today only to realize it wasn't there haha. And royal medical pretty much told me to fuck off for the next 2 months.
Got any test cyp still? My girl threw away my trt thinking it was our sons old med bottles somehow. Went to do my shot today only to realize it wasn't there haha. And royal medical pretty much told me to fuck off for the next 2 months.

Still got hcg, test cyp, and arimidex? Looking to grab those 3 whenever possible
No test besides Aspen Sustanon.
Got any test cyp still? My girl threw away my trt thinking it was our sons old med bottles somehow. Went to do my shot today only to realize it wasn't there haha. And royal medical pretty much told me to fuck off for the next 2 months.
Fuck bro that's tough. Have you tried calling your doctor? Or is that royal medical?
@SkankHunt I wish we had sources like you in the uk brother.
eastbound and down GIF
Any idea when you'll get more Hikma or WestWard Test vials?

You make a thread questioning him Wednesday and then post on here if he's going to sell anymore Hikmas?

I can't with people on here.

This man gets fucking Bayer Rimos sealed in the wrapping, Rotexmedicas, Bayer Testovirons from Pakistan, Omnadrens, Ozempics, pharmacy Ralox, all with HPLC testing and you still made that thread questioning his products?

Smart to go private @SkankHunt lmao
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Fuck bro that's tough. Have you tried calling your doctor? Or is that royal medical?
Sadly get trt through Royal right now which said to just keep taking the gonadorelin until the next that is gonna do shit lol. Cancelling them next month and looking for a better place or just get it myself.