SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

Couldn’t tell you bro honestly. My pre bloodwork I think I was around the 14 range? Those bloods are from week 6 of my cycle. I didn’t have the same symptoms you were mentioning tho. Sex drive was insane, no issue with getting an erection, the only issue I had was I was taking like 15 minutes to nut. My endo said it’s no big deal just stop taking the caber.
well regardless if it works for me you still came through so might or might not be what i need, if this doesnt work im gonna have to rely on my endo..but will update , thanks again
Checking if pg 1 prices are valid, closest I've come to real pharma Sust was Ttokkyo back in the day, (like 1999) wanna see the difference. Thanks skank!
Checking if pg 1 prices are valid, closest I've come to real pharma Sust was Ttokkyo back in the day, (like 1999) wanna see the difference. Thanks skank!
Nope most have changed. The only anabolics in stock are Aspen sus.
you sound like my deadbeat ass dad who thinks he's getting a point across when he's really just being an asshole and looking stupid. grow up brah its blatantly obvious how miserable u are. retard. no one cares what packs you got if your a fucking asshole. even if you have better deals i would never trust you. fuck off. View attachment 159267
yeah, keep on getting fucked in the ass..HARD! Members are laughing at you paying $13 for I got your primo and aspen all day long for $9 and $10 respectably.. Arimidex $45, and Cabaser $30/bottle.
yeah, keep on getting fucked in the ass..HARD! Members are laughing at you paying $13 for I got your primo and aspen all day long for $9 and $10 respectably.. Arimidex $45, and Cabaser $30/bottle.
I completely understand you are price conscious. For me the issue has to do with trust and reliability.

Honestly wish the the best of luck in opening up a competing store. If you wish to earn my money I would suggest starting your own thread and working on trust and reliability.

Attacking my intelligence of ordering and being rather happy with @SkankHunt feels like a strange decision.
yeah like buddy said ^ your gonna have to start a new account if you want a snowballs chance in hell cause after what you've said no one would trust you. &Even if you start a new account, people like you dont just change, they still act childish. @AllAmericanRoughNeck good luck.
Fuck skank. This rough neck is alpha as fuck. I can already feel the test flowing from my computer screen into my veins.

Let me go jerk off while i stare at his pictures of his supply
yeah, keep on getting fucked in the ass..HARD! Members are laughing at you paying $13 for I got your primo and aspen all day long for $9 and $10 respectably.. Arimidex $45, and Cabaser $30/bottle.
Do you have a source thread here? I have no idea what skank charges but if your prices are so great and you're all about it like you say you are you'd have no problem taking all his business. You jumping in here like you do is gay as fuck. I could take a Pic of my stash vials and jump into a source thread at say I'm selling them 1/2 the price of whoever and it wouldn't prove shit.

If you really got it like that you wouldn't need to resort to what you're doing.
yeah you live rent free, because you rip off members of this forum.
Since I posted my pics, you can't talk shit no more. You thought I was some punk with a big mouth, well I do have a big

I wish I could fuck your mother and give her a son that she would be proud of.

