SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

yeah you live rent free, because you rip off members of this forum.
Since I posted my pics, you can't talk shit no more. You thought I was some punk with a big mouth, well I do have a big
I’m going to give you a free business lesson. Take notes, this way you won’t have to work 80 hours a week.

*24hreup is selling Arimidex domestic for $110

*Drugsgesr is selling Arimidex domestic for $110

*Domestic-Supply is selling Arimidex domestic for $110

*RoidBazaar is selling Arimidex domestic for $85

*Steroidfy is selling Arimidex INTL for $87

*Napsgear is selling Arimidex INTL for $70

Now do you see the common issue here? We’re not inept like yourself. You’re risking felonies to make a tiny profit. I know I keep saying it but this is why you work 80 hours a week. You think we’re dumb enough to risk it for a $20 profit?
yeah, keep on getting fucked in the ass..HARD! Members are laughing at you paying $13 for I got your primo and aspen all day long for $9 and $10 respectably.. Arimidex $45, and Cabaser $30/bottle.
I just ordered, what makes you think that your prices are better? My first question was if the page 1 prices were current, next post is a negative from Skank. So, an email exchange started and I pulled the trigger. If you had a clue you just might be a worthy opponent, but most of us here refuse to have a battle of wits with unarmed boys, we're above that. Tell your story walking All American Imbecile, nobody cares here.
Take your punk ass back to T - Nation where you try and preach knowledge there too but don’t know shit wth the rest of them
Wow, roid-rage much? You're the one ruining the thread by coming in and throwing a temper tantrum over trivial stuff. Oh, and by the way if I want to mention esters and results or just how big my nuts get after pinning HcG fifty times a day then guess what? That's exactly what I'm going to do.

Your displeasure noted, and ignored. But a point in your favor is that your profile pic is extraordinarily appropriate.

Courtesy and friendliness. They're both real things. Try them. I bet you'll have more friends if you do.

I mean, guys is it roid-rage we see when these dudes occasionally parachute in out of nowhere and start shitting on people? Or am I just not getting the big picture? I only started hitting the boards again about two years ago so you could say I'm still a newbie, but is it a tradition on the gear boards to just pop off and start shitting everywhere like that? Should I just start randomly insulting people? Wouldn't want you guys to think I was a girly-man or anything.
@joeledux i mean dude did have a point about going on about pinning i guess in skanks thread but i dont think skank would mind because it brings more people to his thread which is good for business..i ask off topic questions here too but because there's a lot of vets in this thread that know their shit
I’m going to give you a free business lesson. Take notes, this way you won’t have to work 80 hours a week.

*24hreup is selling Arimidex domestic for $110

*Drugsgesr is selling Arimidex domestic for $110

*Domestic-Supply is selling Arimidex domestic for $110

*RoidBazaar is selling Arimidex domestic for $85

*Steroidfy is selling Arimidex INTL for $87

*Napsgear is selling Arimidex INTL for $70

Now do you see the common issue here? We’re not inept like yourself. You’re risking felonies to make a tiny profit. I know I keep saying it but this is why you work 80 hours a week. You think we’re dumb enough to risk it for a $20 profit?
You have an extremely pertinent point here. I usually keep my mouth shut because I don't want to scare anyone, but the ones doing the providing are taking a HUGE risk. The same risk in fact that they'd be taking if they were selling schedule III painkillers or other such drugs.

The ones doing the buying are taking a risk too, but not nearly so much. I can't speak for the laws as to each state but the feds have had an established policy for at least twenty years to not waste time going after the purchasers of single-user quantities of so-called controlled dangerous substances since 90% of them are not dope fiends or bodybuilders but rather grandmas and grandpas mail-ordering their Xanax and blood-pressure pills from Indian pharmacies to try to stretch their Medicare a little farther.

I was never involved in roids/gear in a big way but I have been to prison for drug-related offenses. Spent a large chunk of my life there.

The point is that I know exactly what sort of risk these people take to get this stuff to us. I've lived the consequences and believe me, they aren't pretty. I'm not about to quibble over a few bucks here and there because the "wholesale" cost of the gear to the seller is only a part of what I'm actually paying for. I'm extremely grateful to them and everyone else should be as well.

More to the point, anyone who thinks it's a good idea to shave profit margins down to the bone while taking a risk like that is not someone whose judgment I'd ever trust. Meaning I'm not fucking ABOUT to do business with them EVER at any price. Especially illegal business.

Look folks, these guys have more to worry about than profit margins and quality of the product they sell. I've never bitched about cost of gear because I know I'm paying for a lot more than the gear. In my case I've been 100% satisfied with every single thing I've gotten from Skank and accordingly I'm willing to pay what he asks for the stuff. Prices that have always been extremely reasonable all things considered.

People can bitch all they want but it's not like you can walk into a Walgreens and just buy this stuff off the shelf. And it's also not like it was back in the late 80s when I was selling the shit out of a gym bag to my bodybuilding bros. The risks are higher now. That's part of what you're paying for.
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Wow, roid-rage much? You're the one ruining the thread by coming in and throwing a temper tantrum over trivial stuff. Oh, and by the way if I want to mention esters and results or just how big my nuts get after pinning HcG fifty times a day then guess what? That's exactly what I'm going to do.

Your displeasure noted, and ignored. But a point in your favor is that your profile pic is extraordinarily appropriate.

Courtesy and friendliness. They're both real things. Try them. I bet you'll have more friends if you do.

I mean, guys is it roid-rage we see when these dudes occasionally parachute in out of nowhere and start shitting on people? Or am I just not getting the big picture? I only started hitting the boards again about two years ago so you could say I'm still a newbie, but is it a tradition on the gear boards to just pop off and start shitting everywhere like that? Should I just start randomly insulting people? Wouldn't want you guys to think I was a girly-man or anything.
yeah you are a newbie cause this whole board is one big "roid rage" if you haven't noticed and i'm all for it cause it's fucking hilarious. everyone gets shit on it's like a locker room but way less civil
@joeledux i mean dude did have a point about going on about pinning i guess in skanks thread but i dont think skank would mind because it brings more people to his thread which is good for business..i ask off topic questions here too but because there's a lot of vets in this thread that know their shit
Agreed. I look at it like this: the bottom line for all of us is results. Part of talking about the gear we get from Skank has to be about results, and how those results compare to what we've gotten from other gear. That's part of letting others know how good or how bad a source is. It's not all about shipping times or prices.

Also this isn't a collegiate debating society with rigid rules of procedure and decorum. It's a casual discussion among people with a mutual interest. If I'm discussing something I get from this source, and decide to throw in some other information about how to use it or what other gear has worked well with it, then I'm going to throw it in.

People who don't like it can just skip past my posts. Since I tend to write encyclopedia-length posts mine are easy to spot and skip without reading. I for one enjoy ALL the information I get from people on this board with experience much greater than mine. If I had to drop off to another board every time the topic changed a smidgen I doubt I'd bother. I'm not going to bitch about the additional information people throw in. I'm grateful for it.
yeah you are a newbie cause this whole board is one big "roid rage" if you haven't noticed and i'm all for it cause it's fucking hilarious. everyone gets shit on it's like a locker room but way less civil
Meh, I disagree. By and large I've found the discussion to be courteous and productive. Punctuated with the occasional shitheel bigmouth who just pipes off and rants and rages. Sort of like a guy who climbs up on a table at a wedding reception and starts screaming "FUCK YOU" at everyone who looks his way.

Oh well. It is the internet after all, and everybody and his fucking uncle has a keyboard and an internet connection. So I guess you're right. It is sort of inevitable.
People who don't like it can just skip past my posts. Since I tend to write encyclopedia-length posts mine are easy to spot and skip without reading.
no i read all of it, i like seeing peoples perspectives personally..its just when retards come in like the rough neck guy lol its just annoying af
and if you notice...quite a few of my posts on meso are as long as yours.
And now to post what I originally came here to post: another successful transaction with Skank. Shipping time to my door, two business days. Reliable as always.

Got a bunch of the Aspen Sustanon which has been working very well for me. Got some of the Onandren or Omnadren or whatever that Sustenon clone is called as I was told they use a different oil than Aspen. And with the Aspen I'm still having a slight problem with a painful lump being left behind. Considering I pin 2ml at a time it's a pretty big lump. So far I've pinned the Onandren twice with almost zero residual pain so I wonder if there's something about the oil used in the Aspen my body just doesn't like. Depending on availability I might switch completely over to the Onandren.

But just to make it clear I'm still perfectly okay with the Aspen, and I've bought a bunch of it from Skank. It works. It also tends to run more like 2.25 to 2.5 ml to the ampule rather than just 2.0 so that's a bit of a bonus. I'll keep using it if that's what's available. The soreness is a small nuisance and nothing like the agony I was getting from using UGL gear before. Others probably won't have any issue with it at all.

I also got some of the generic Chinese HcG but haven't pinned any yet. I need to find a local source of plain ol' bacteriostatic water to reconstitute it before I can do that. Once I've tried it for a couple weeks I'll report here how well it works.

Anyone know of any locally (USA) available OTC source of bacteriostatic water? Or should I go ahead and mail order some?
And now to post what I originally came here to post: another successful transaction with Skank. Shipping time to my door, two business days. Reliable as always.

Got a bunch of the Aspen Sustanon which has been working very well for me. Got some of the Onandren or Omnadren or whatever that Sustenon clone is called as I was told they use a different oil than Aspen. And with the Aspen I'm still having a slight problem with a painful lump being left behind. Considering I pin 2ml at a time it's a pretty big lump. So far I've pinned the Onandren twice with almost zero residual pain so I wonder if there's something about the oil used in the Aspen my body just doesn't like. Depending on availability I might switch completely over to the Onandren.

But just to make it clear I'm still perfectly okay with the Aspen, and I've bought a bunch of it from Skank. It works. It also tends to run more like 2.25 to 2.5 ml to the ampule rather than just 2.0 so that's a bit of a bonus. I'll keep using it if that's what's available. The soreness is a small nuisance and nothing like the agony I was getting from using UGL gear before. Others probably won't have any issue with it at all.

I also got some of the generic Chinese HcG but haven't pinned any yet. I need to find a local source of plain ol' bacteriostatic water to reconstitute it before I can do that. Once I've tried it for a couple weeks I'll report here how well it works.

Anyone know of any locally (USA) available OTC source of bacteriostatic water? Or should I go ahead and mail order some?
I looked around locally, and research showed it was prescription only, at least Hospira. I didn't bother calling a pharmacy to ask.

I ended up grabbing a 20ml from Amazon...Quality Research Chemicals. Fast shipping.
no i read all of it, i like seeing peoples perspectives personally..its just when retards come in like the rough neck guy lol its just annoying af
and if you notice...quite a few of my posts on meso are as long as yours.
Well, on the other hand, the loudmouths can be amusing on occasion. I mean they jump out there and act fucking stupid in front of everybody, and they're not embarrassed about it at all.

I guess it would be more like if old Uncle Bubba got drunk at the wedding reception and tried to feel up his own niece in front of everybody. I mean, it's kind of funny if you think about it. People who should be embarrassed but aren't are frequently a great source of amusement.
I looked around locally, and research showed it was prescription only, at least Hospira. I didn't bother calling a pharmacy to ask.

I ended up grabbing a 20ml from Amazon...Quality Research Chemicals. Fast shipping.
Thanks for responding. I believe you're right. Easiest just to order it from the Great Source of All Things (Amazon) and be done with it.

As I said, once I've pinned it for a week or two I'll come back with results. I haven't used HcG in something like thirty years but in my experience the results are not subtle if the stuff works properly. So I'll should have something helpful to write about after a couple weeks time.

When I say "not subtle" what I mean is in my own past experience in just a couple of weeks I usually had something that felt like it was the size of a cow's udder bag hanging in my shorts. Also made them ache a little but there we're getting into TMI territory so I'll stop now.

We'll see.
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Wow, roid-rage much? You're the one ruining the thread by coming in and throwing a temper tantrum over trivial stuff. Oh, and by the way if I want to mention esters and results or just how big my nuts get after pinning HcG fifty times a day then guess what? That's exactly what I'm going to do.

Your displeasure noted, and ignored. But a point in your favor is that your profile pic is extraordinarily appropriate.

Courtesy and friendliness. They're both real things. Try them. I bet you'll have more friends if you do.

I mean, guys is it roid-rage we see when these dudes occasionally parachute in out of nowhere and start shitting on people? Or am I just not getting the big picture? I only started hitting the boards again about two years ago so you could say I'm still a newbie, but is it a tradition on the gear boards to just pop off and start shitting everywhere like that? Should I just start randomly insulting people? Wouldn't want you guys to think I was a girly-man or anything.
Fuck off clown ill speak how i want
Well, on the other hand, the loudmouths can be amusing on occasion. I mean they jump out there and act fucking stupid in front of everybody, and they're not embarrassed about it at all.

I guess it would be more like if old Uncle Bubba got drunk at the wedding reception and tried to feel up his own niece in front of everybody. I mean, it's kind of funny if you think about it. People who should be embarrassed but aren't are frequently a great source of amusement.
You had me at spent most of your life in prison lol Go back and make society better again