SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

Hey fuckstick, I actually have a real job that takes up 70-80 hours a week of my time. When I get free time, Ill undercut your ass when I feel like it. Ive already had 2 members contact me for Aspen Sustanon and Primo. And mine come with boxes/paperwork. Your primo doesn't last time I checked. What happened? Your supplier sell you some bunk bayer primo? Don't see it on your list anymore.. lol

If any member wants REAL Aspen Sustanon, I will sell it to anyone all day long for $9/box. And I will even front it to ya to in good faith. Please PM me for details.. Can provide a pic on here if needed, thanks.
Thanks for letting everyone in this thread know to never buy anything from you.
I think I speak for everyone when I say I would rather pay a few dollars more (if I even believed you can get shit that cheap) to not deal with assholes like you.
If @SkankHunt is telling you to test them, do it. But that lot has been tested by Anaboliclab and a member on here by the name of @cadafi so maybe explains why he didn't do it. Also take into consideration that carrier oils, pulling labs 24-48 hours after injection, and mixing another drug to your previous labs all play a huge difference when it comes to your lab results.

Lastly, Hikma test c use Cotton Seed oil not Sesame seed oil. :)

Let us know though.

There are certainly a variety of factors that all play into it. I really hope I'm not coming off as accusatory towards Skank, ordering from him has been nothing short of a positive experience. I'm sure we can all relate on wanting our levels to be higher if at all possible lol.

I'll email Skank about testing on day off sometime this week. Standup guy for offering it.

And yes, cotton seed oil. My mistake, was confusing it with Westward lmao.
Has anyone used the livzom hcg recently with good results? I just saw the labs on the recent batch but just curious.. I’m looking for a new hcg source as I’m trying to gain fertility back to try and have another kid with my wife. We’ve been at it for about half a year with no luck so I’m coming off trt and need some good hcg and maybe hmg
Has anyone used the livzom hcg recently with good results? I just saw the labs on the recent batch but just curious.. I’m looking for a new hcg source as I’m trying to gain fertility back to try and have another kid with my wife. We’ve been at it for about half a year with no luck so I’m coming off trt and need some good hcg and maybe hmg
Hcg from livzon has always been solid on my end. Been running it on and off for 2 years and balls stay plump. Take that for what it’s worth. Nada lol
Bloodwork after 1 month of running Skank's Balkan Test C @400mg/week.
-Injections were 200mg every 3.5 days.
-Injections was also mixed in the same syringe with Stanford's Primo 300mg/week (150mg per injection)

The previous month I ran Skank's Actavis Test C @400mg/week solo (injecting every 3.5 days) and got a total test of 3588ng/dL. Needless to say, I'm a bit underwhelmed with the Balkan test bringing me down to 2123ng/dL.

So a couple of things that I think may (or may not) have had an effect on the results:
-Bloodwork last month with the Actavis was drawn ~24 hours after injection. Bloodwork this month with the Balkan was drawn ~48 hours after injection.
-Last month was test only in the syringe. This month was a mixture of test and primo in the syringe.
-Last month I was pinning VG. This month I was pinning DG.
-Actavis Test C is in sesame oil. Balkan Test C is in peach oil. (Stanford's Primo is in grape seed oil.)
-Unfortunately, I never tested for SHBG either time, but in theory my SHBG should be lower this month since I'm deeper into my blast and added Primo.

Ultimately, I think it may be a possibility that the Balkan is underdosed. I don't think Skank had sent them for testing. I can understand the above things causing a lower total test, but a decrease of 1465ng/dL (over 40%) is a bit extreme.

At this time I still have 12 amps of the Balkan Test C left, along with 1 vial of Skank's Westward Test E, and a couple vials of Stanford's Test E.
I think I might save the Balkan for cruising and just run it at half the dosage I have been running over the past month. Between the Westward and Stanford's Test E, I think I might just go with Stanny for the rest of this blast, as I don't want to run out of the single vial of Westward in a month and have to switch anyway.

Open to thoughts and ideas. I also included labs for liver, lipids, kidneys, and CBC for anyone curious. Pretty good overall, my cholesterol could be better but not terrible, my RBC and HCT are a tad high, but I've always been on the edge of the reference range and it may have been partially a dehydration issue too.
Balkan is right on the money with pharma. I ran 400 balkan and my levels were over 2300 . I know it's dosed right because my pharma trt prescription gets me to 1200 ish on 200 a week. I used hcg on both. I bet the other stuff is overdosed you took. Your hct looks better than mine. Shot up to 53 from 49 but I missed a donation.
Balkan is right on the money with pharma. I ran 400 balkan and my levels were over 2300 . I know it's dosed right because my pharma trt prescription gets me to 1200 ish on 200 a week. I used hcg on both. I bet the other stuff is overdosed you took. Your hct looks better than mine. Shot up to 53 from 49 but I missed a donation.
At what HCT or RBC count would you consider donation? Do you just go to a local blood bank?
At what HCT or RBC count would you consider donation? Do you just go to a local blood bank?
Well my doctor told me to go ahead and donate when I got my pre trt blood work and he saw I was at 49 about a year ago. I guess he knew what to expect because he was hematocrit and RBC has been kind of high on trt even when I donate every chance I get. I just did a double red for the first time I hear that's the best way to go since they put back all the blood nutrients back in you except for the red blood cells and it should drop it a lot. I don't have any labs to see how much it dropped but I'm about to go in for another single donation. I can't donate again at my one place I did a double red for 3 more months but I'm going to start using two blood banks since they can't find out unless you just tell them. I don't know what is around you. A lot of people use Carter blood care and the Red Cross. I see carterbloodcare does a free testosterone program where you can donate once a month. I just don't know if I would qualify... you got to get a form from your trt doctor and it says they have to be licensed in the state you're donating. I need to find out more info because my trt doctor is in another state.
Well my doctor told me to go ahead and donate when I got my pre trt blood work and he saw I was at 49 about a year ago. I guess he knew what to expect because he was hematocrit and RBC has been kind of high on trt even when I donate every chance I get. I just did a double red for the first time I hear that's the best way to go since they put back all the blood nutrients back in you except for the red blood cells and it should drop it a lot. I don't have any labs to see how much it dropped but I'm about to go in for another single donation. I can't donate again at my one place I did a double red for 3 more months but I'm going to start using two blood banks since they can't find out unless you just tell them. I don't know what is around you. A lot of people use Carter blood care and the Red Cross. I see carterbloodcare does a free testosterone program where you can donate once a month. I just don't know if I would qualify... you got to get a form from your trt doctor and it says they have to be licensed in the state you're donating. I need to find out more info because my trt doctor is in another state.
How much does donating lower your hct?
When using ozempic, are you suppose to eat a certain way, or manage your blood sugar, so it doesnt go low?

My diet is a standard KETO diet, 3 meals mostly eggs, meat and vegetables and then a protein shake after my workout. I want to try ozempic to get the last layer of fat burned.
I feel bad you have to work 80 hours a week AND sell drugs to make a living.

Nearly every source, myself included are out of stock of Rimobolan.

Every source out of Rimbolon? FALSE! Give me a a little bit, Ill post up pics of REAL Rimbolon, with boxes. Unlike you, I have the real shit. And will undercut your sorry ass. $13/box? lol.. I get them for $4.85/box. They are actually cheaper then Aspen Sustanon at $4.95.

And why don't you post up current test report of Rotex Medica. Unless you want me too?
Batch 80103, came back as 157mg/ml.
I hope to god you were selling this current batch. Looks like your going to be fuck paying back members.. lmao!

Sounds like its going to be a popcorn week.

And unlike you, I don't need to sell drugs to get by. You're on this forum 24/7. You must have alerts set on your phone, so you don't skip a beat.. Ill bet you respond to this post within 10minutes.
Thanks for letting everyone in this thread know to never buy anything from you.
I think I speak for everyone when I say I would rather pay a few dollars more (if I even believed you can get shit that cheap) to not deal with assholes like you.
Skank is a ripoff, PERIOD! Ill sell you most anything on his list, cheaper, and domestic. No customs. Ill even front you to show I am legit. All I ask is you pay after you receive. Ill take most any crypto.. BTC, ETH, Monero, etc..
Every source out of Rimbolon? FALSE! Give me a a little bit, Ill post up pics of REAL Rimbolon, with boxes. Unlike you, I have the real shit. And will undercut your sorry ass. $13/box? lol.. I get them for $4.85/box. They are actually cheaper then Aspen Sustanon at $4.95.

And why don't you post up current test report of Rotex Medica. Unless you want me too?
Batch 80103, came back as 157mg/ml.
I hope to god you were selling this current batch. Looks like your going to be fuck paying back members.. lmao!

Sounds like its going to be a popcorn week.

And unlike you, I don't need to sell drugs to get by. You're on this forum 24/7. You must have alerts set on your phone, so you don't skip a beat.. Ill bet you respond to this post within 10minutes.
Over 70k members on Meso and not a single person gives a fuck. Amazing.

You sound like a desperate crackhead. And no, that’s not the batch I’m selling. So you admitted your dealer sold you bunk shit and you don’t have time to be on here to take care of customer concerns. I bet guys are chomping at the bit to order from you.

Lmao at me needing to sell drugs to get by. Check the lab testing section and you’ll see money is the least of my concerns sweetheart.
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