[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

I’m running their Tren A right now. Only about a week in pinning 100mg eod through this week and probably back it down to 75mg starting next week.
It’s too early to tell for me right now but I usually start feeling it towards the end of week two. If it’s any good that is lol.
I’ve ran tren e once before at 400wk and had no sides and couldn’t tell a difference and it doing anything. It was probably bunk tho.
I’ve ran ace before and had every side u could think of. Seems like tren is different every time I run it lol.
Best run I had with it I topped out at 700wk. Was more than I could handle really. Seems for me, my sweet spot for ace is 75mg eod.
Finishing up the last 6 weeks of this run with tren a, mast p 300, and cyp 250 week.
Tren is a funny compound. I usually only run ace but I have run e before. But I’ve had Tren that’s giving me every side known to man and then I’ve had Tren where I’ve felt next to no sides. Both were quality Tren imo. Made solid gains on both.
I do like tren but prefer only running it at 6 weeks and 8 weeks being the maximum.
The focus it gives me in the gym is unlike any other, plus that fullness look, wow.
You run ace or enathate
I’ve done both but prefer ace just in case I need to stop suddenly for sides and whatnot. Sometimes heartburn will be so bad I can’t take it lol.
I’ll push through heartburn most times but always keep and eye on my blood pressure. If it gets crazy high and stays there then I will stop. But that’s only happened once so far.
If I ran E I’d probably run it for 12 weeks at 400wk. I’d like to give E another try though.
When I got my order I noticed the levels were different too and after looking alittle harder I did notice that one vial was alittle fatter then the other one. And in the fatter vial the levels were lower. After I noticed the vials were different I didn’t make a big stink. @Cookieman when you get a chance look at those vials alittle harder and check that. That might be what’s going on here.

We started off with thinner vials, then moved to thicker, then back to thinner.

I haven't been available for work and there's a lot to read. The timing of that (which led to some hiccups) along with our sale definitely raised some concern. Let me know what questions you all still have.

Curious on why you choose 2 weeks. Time of order to td of package shouldn’t take more than like 5 days..so 1 week would be plenty..or until a conformation of td email is received which should be common practice anyway. The extra 9 days seems unnecessary

We keep them for about 3-4 days past when tracking marks "delivered" by USPS or until we receive a TD email. Otherwise, we we wait the 3-4 days so if there's an issue with the order so we can fix it properly.

Yes it was a little over 2 weeks. Luckily I’ve ordered before and recognized the package. It’s all illegal and if I’m going to get busted I don’t think it would be a random package coming that gets me. If they wanted little old me they’d have me by now

What are you referencing here?

You guys never answered my question.

I’ll post it again for you. Let’s stop back tracking and avoiding it this time.

You stated you only keep information for 2 weeks before it’s deleted. But then sent a member extra gear... and followed this with “ we owed him from a long time ago from a mess up”

So why did you have his address for so long? And second the member didn’t even know he was getting a “replacement” you back tracked to the “ we owed him” excuse to cover your huge mistake.

Wonder how many other members address is truly not deleted.... after all, I don’t trust you since you obviously lied to all the members here and went ahead and hired a reshipper from the post you placed in the open backed by Becca saying “I’ll get with the new reshipper”

We had problems with a reshipper that I stated long before. There was a lack of communication, and so we put a new reshipper on board that we know personally. We cancelled plans about having a distant third party ship for us because of the obvious holes in security. Becca just started working for us again (since she has not been available for about a month) and was unaware of that situation. If she was, then she would have been more careful with her wording.

Sounds like a re-occurring theme here.

Order, pay, switch products because oos or store credit then wait 14 days.


At least you got some type of product. We don’t know if it’s even up to par.

Can you do me a favor though. Hold a light up to the vials through the bottom and inspect them to see if particles or any visible contaminants are present.

With the rushing around process I would be checking each vial with a light.

Thank you, Roger Rabbit. This is something all customers should do regardless of a source's reputation.

They are definitely going through some issues. I think it has to be the demand. Getting over whelmed and running out of stock it seems. Communication on the board is a bit slow but they are quick on emails. Hope they can get this sorted and get their stock in order. I think many of us would continue to do business with them if they got their shit together because they have really good potential. Had a delay on shipping due to items oos. Was able to switch around , had it to me the next day. 12 days TA. Certainly not ideal but I dont think they have burned anybody either.

Thanks for the update!
