[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Haha. I think that’s the same vial I was referencing. Good shit!

It will burn for a good 30 mins then fades away.

Trust me, it’s worth it!
My plan was to use it before a friendly powerlifting meet I'm doing. I'm not a powerlifter, but it would be fun
Tren burns me and usually get the cough.
I forgot to mention that. I didn’t get ‘the couch’ but my throat got real scratchy and I did give a couple heaves. I’m scared of the ‘real cough’. It will put me in my knees for the worst 45seconds of my life
I forgot to mention that. I didn’t get ‘the couch’ but my throat got real scratchy and I did give a couple heaves. I’m scared of the ‘real cough’. It will put me in my knees for the worst 45seconds of my life
They said test can do it too...idk...but loading ur tren first and then ur test hopefully keeps test in the needle if u do Nick a vein...
Meso used to be a place where a sources feet were held to the fire, now out of desperation people put up with being lied to, source avoiding major questions and concerns, NO stock EVER, keeping data and addresses. Blah blah blah

Seems just as long as the pack lands in 15-20 days everything is good around here.
Won’t be long this chap will be compromised...he put an ad out on an open platform for a job offer for Christ’s sake.
What other major crappy decisions do you think this dude has made WITHOUT making tha community aware?

This lab is garbage, might as well bring the hammer back. He’d be golden around here now days too.

Just an honest opinion from the outside looking in. I’ve been lurking and keeping up with this thread for some time now wondering how many bullet holes this dude has to put in his foot before finally Meso closes shop for him.

Listen to @Roger rabbit people
I agree that hammer's bullshit would float around here right now. It's a night and day difference around these parts from what it was 4 years ago. We need CBS, Brutus, Ben and the gang back here to set the standard again.
I agree that hammer's bullshit would float around here right now. It's a night and day difference around these parts from what it was 4 years ago. We need CBS, Brutus, Ben and the gang back here to set the standard again.
You know who hasn't been around to really rip sources? @mghoward74
He was pretty thorough with brew kit
Added Sas Tren A yesterday. Pinning was uncomfortable. Almost had a ‘burning’ feeling as I injected. Today I have some pip but nothing I can’t walk off.

Anyone else have this experience with their tren?
Perhaps the muscle is virgin since I haven’t shot tren since last summer?
I’ve ran tren 4-5 times and never had the injection itself be uncomfortable.

I sometimes get next day pip with his test e, not too bad just feel like I was punched not too hard in the area minus the bruising, and it lasts a couple days. Doesn’t happen in the glute tho.
I sometimes get next day pip with his test e, not too bad just feel like I was punched not too hard in the area minus the bruising, and it lasts a couple days. Doesn’t happen in the glute tho.
I got a slight touch of pip from my first pin of equi Wednesday. Actually had a dime size bruise which seemed unusual for me. Nothing I can't handle but it was there.
I agree that hammer's bullshit would float around here right now. It's a night and day difference around these parts from what it was 4 years ago. We need CBS, Brutus, Ben and the gang back here to set the standard again.

i disagree. If Hammer came back here and we knew it was him without a doubt, he wouldn't last long and no one worth their shit would consider giving him another chance here.
2nd pin 50/50mg prop and tren. Aspirated, no blood. and before I even got 10 units in I felt it in my throat. Aspirated again, no blood. By the 50 units mark I couldn’t hold it, had to pull the pin out, and damn near coughed up my esophagus. Here’s to another 54 days of this
I got a slight touch of pip from my first pin of equi Wednesday. Actually had a dime size bruise which seemed unusual for me. Nothing I can't handle but it
I got a slight touch of pip from my first pin of equi Wednesday. Actually had a dime size bruise which seemed unusual for me. Nothing I can't handle but it was there.
Is the EQ your using from SAS? I just got 3 vials of their EQ that I'm going to run on my next cycle in a few months and was wondering how their EQ is? It's actually going to be my first time running EQ period. How is it?
Is the EQ your using from SAS? I just got 3 vials of their EQ that I'm going to run on my next cycle in a few months and was wondering how their EQ is? It's actually going to be my first time running EQ period. How is it?
Yes its SAS. I'll report my back my results. I'm running it the last 5 weeks of my bulk with a front load to get levels up and I'm going to run it through a cruise and cut as I begin to prepare for my next marathon. Everything SAS except for the VAR.

Test Cyp 100mg E3D 200mg a week
Anavar 25mg 2x day 350mg a week
Mast P 100mg E.O.D avg 350mg a week
Equi at 150mg E3D 300mg a week
I sometimes get next day pip with his test e, not too bad just feel like I was punched not too hard in the area minus the bruising, and it lasts a couple days. Doesn’t happen in the glute tho.
I've gotten pip maybe once a cycle for last two runs... I pop it in fast like a dart... Push up to two-and-a-half ml straight in... No aspirating, no slow deliberate 30-second push, and then pull it right out... Exactly how a nurse would give a flu shot...I got that from @BIG Paul...