[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

I've gotten pip maybe once a cycle for last two runs... I pop it in fast like a dart... Push up to two-and-a-half ml straight in... No aspirating, no slow deliberate 30-second push, and then pull it right out... Exactly how a nurse would give a flu shot...I got that from @BIG Paul...

Only other time I got pip was when I 1st got on trt and I got a shot from a nurse that didn’t know what she was doing but that was like a pinch for an hour, not that the pip from sas test was that bad.
Hey fellas, how long after first dose of deca do you start your prami and at what dosage? First time taking deca (Stacking with 800mgs of test enth , 400mgs of mast e , and 500mgs of deca). Im taking Asin EOD.

Just curious about prami timing. BTW: Dino shipped out the freebies for the crimping error the day of - responded to emails promptly and really hooked it up. Im excited to see the bloods you guys got.
Hey fellas, how long after first dose of deca do you start your prami and at what dosage? First time taking deca (Stacking with 800mgs of test enth , 400mgs of mast e , and 500mgs of deca). Im taking Asin EOD.

Just curious about prami timing. BTW: Dino shipped out the freebies for the crimping error the day of - responded to emails promptly and really hooked it up. Im excited to see the bloods you guys got.

Out of curiosity why do you feel you need prami on deca? Or prolactin ?

If so, I would suggest skipping prami and using vitamin b6 at 250-500mg per day.
Out of curiosity why do you feel you need prami on deca? Or prolactin ?

If so, I would suggest skipping prami and using vitamin b6 at 250-500mg per day.
Im keeping my E2 in check with mast and asin just wasnt sure from what i've been reading how necessary prami is (ive come to the conclusion its a must have on hand but if no symptoms arise then maybe ill keep off it). First time hearing of B6 for 19nor induced prolactin prevention - let me do some research.

Thanks rabbit
Hey fellas, how long after first dose of deca do you start your prami and at what dosage? First time taking deca (Stacking with 800mgs of test enth , 400mgs of mast e , and 500mgs of deca). Im taking Asin EOD.

Just curious about prami timing. BTW: Dino shipped out the freebies for the crimping error the day of - responded to emails promptly and really hooked it up. Im excited to see the bloods you guys got.

Never if I dont have to. If youre already running Ai you may not need to but everybody is different.
Meso used to be a place where a sources feet were held to the fire, now out of desperation people put up with being lied to, source avoiding major questions and concerns, NO stock EVER, keeping data and addresses. Blah blah blah

Seems just as long as the pack lands in 15-20 days everything is good around here.
Won’t be long this chap will be compromised...he put an ad out on an open platform for a job offer for Christ’s sake.
What other major crappy decisions do you think this dude has made WITHOUT making tha community aware?

This lab is garbage, might as well bring the hammer back. He’d be golden around here now days too.

Just an honest opinion from the outside looking in. I’ve been lurking and keeping up with this thread for some time now wondering how many bullet holes this dude has to put in his foot before finally Meso closes shop for him.

Listen to @Roger rabbit people
Brother look at all the dudes posting never even knew they existed tell this lab came here..... he’s got more new guys then pharmacom
How much a pussy do you have to be to actually post enough to be "known" on a internet steroid forum.


5 whole posts and you're already running your mouth?

Sit down, junior. Go back to being a shadow leach and leave posting to those that are here for more than a quick score.
Oh.. a forum consisting of people who shoot testosterone and horse steroids are butting heads? NO WAY! I thought the juicers were supposed to be the laid back type.