[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Maybe this hairy fuck got too big.. ya know seeing how he is all over naps now and either is prioritizing those orders or something more sinister is happening ... I have a credit still at naps from old orders not coming. Maybe I’ll try through them and see if it gets shipped haha
Yeah I was on Naps a couple weeks ago and saw that they were on there. Kinda caught me off guard honestly.
I'd put money on it that this is the exit strategy. Sell as much as possible in the shortest amount as possible then close your doors. That's the only thing that makes sense
Sometime tonight, after I count it all!

You replied at the perfect time I was about to put an order in with a different source but I wanted to try you out. Can we get an updated list of what is in stock. Thank you. Dbol, mast, Tren a, Test prop, Test C or E is mainly what I need to know stock wise.
This shit still stinks a little.. Coming out of a fuck up, can't even let people know what is in stock after saying "sometime tonight". It's another day in the jungle! Imma watch this one from a distance for a while.
This shit still stinks a little.. Coming out of a fuck up, can't even let people know what is in stock after saying "sometime tonight". It's another day in the jungle! Imma watch this one from a distance for a while.
Yeah lets wait until these packs start landing next week if they do. No one should make any orders on this supposed "restock" until we start seeing good signs.
and now fuckin silence
This is typical bad behavior from the Squatch. Don't like it find another source. This has turned into a fucking piss and moan board. Go back and start from page 1 and you'll see this is fucking nothing new. Ive stepped all over his balls and said fuck him before in this thread. He'll emerge from the treeline packs will land and everyone will suck his balls and cock ride. Get the fuck over it. Go to SST or BOP or order from someone else in the underground fuck.

Not saying I approve of or condone this shit but its his fucking reputation. And everyone acts like its something new. This is our board and he is a guest but we treat him like its a fucking magic carpet ride.
This is typical bad behavior from the Squatch. Don't like it find another source. This has turned into a fucking piss and moan board. Go back and start from page 1 and you'll see this is fucking nothing new. Ive stepped all over his balls and said fuck him before in this thread. He'll emerge from the treeline packs will land and everyone will suck his balls and cock ride. Get the fuck over it. Go to SST or BOP or order from someone else in the underground fuck.

Not saying I approve of or condone this shit but its his fucking reputation. And everyone acts like its something new. This is our board and he is a guest but we treat him like its a fucking magic carpet ride.

get over it??? sorry who the fuck are u??? ill bitch and moan where i want for how long i want about what i want and i dont have to anywhere else to do so

dudes gear gave u a fuckin abscess and ur still fuckin hoppin in here to his defense