[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

How often does this guy re-up looking for pct. he is eaither low or out of stock. And of course he doesn't answer emails. What happens when u order shit that's out of stock
Curious about this as well. Also, what are you guys dosing DHB at? I’ve heard 500mg/wk cookie cuter dose but would appreciate any real world input
Ive been doin 450mg/wk i might just be a pussy but a couple days after it hurts like a bitch lol but i love it been on for 7 weeks awesome gains from it
Any of you guys feel like this last batch of Tren A is no good? I have not had any of the sides normally associated with it. No aggression, can’t taste it at all when I pin, not wanting to fuck every woman I see...
Any of you guys feel like this last batch of Tren A is no good? I have not had any of the sides normally associated with it. No aggression, can’t taste it at all when I pin, not wanting to fuck every woman I see...

You mention everything except for how well the drug is working...
(I don't measure how good my weed is by how big my munchies are ya know...)

Well,,, how is the drug working so far?
Any of you guys feel like this last batch of Tren A is no good? I have not had any of the sides normally associated with it. No aggression, can’t taste it at all when I pin, not wanting to fuck every woman I see...

How long have you been running it. Tren goes easy until it fucking hits you. That could be as many as 5 weeks.
Hard to say, my workouts are good but not great, I don’t feel like I wanna throw the weights through the ceiling. I guess I am trying to measure it by my aggression and it is maybe too early to tell. Only my second run with Tren so no pro here
You mention everything except for how well the drug is working...
(I don't measure how good my weed is by how big my munchies are ya know...)

Well,,, how is the drug working so far?
8290 was my reply to you. I should have hit reply so you would realize I was messaging you back
I bet you are right, I am only 11 days in

Everyone is different. 11 days is a little early for the uncomfortable sides but you should start to feel something real soon. The uncomfortable sides will hit soon enough so enjoy it until then! Don’t bump the dose until at least the 4th week though.
I bet you are right, I am only 11 days in

Way too early my man. Earlier this year I did a run of SP’s tren. Nobody questions his gear. Yet for the first few weeks I was like “hey, wait a min”. Then weeks 5-6 came around and it all exploded. Remarkable physical results, awesome strength and some bad sides... no sleep, anger, jealousy, etc. Be patient, it will hit you hard soon enough.
Any of you guys feel like this last batch of Tren A is no good? I have not had any of the sides normally associated with it. No aggression, can’t taste it at all when I pin, not wanting to fuck every woman I see...
I just finished a tren a, run about a month ago I didn’t feel much sides, the strength gains weren’t crazy but I was cutting so my food intake was low. In the end I was in the best shape I’ve ever been so idk how to grade the tren. I will definitely use E next time because those pins eod start to suck after a few weeks in
Hard to say, my workouts are good but not great, I don’t feel like I wanna throw the weights through the ceiling. I guess I am trying to measure it by my aggression and it is maybe too early to tell. Only my second run with Tren so no pro here
How high are you running your test with it? When I run low test high tren...that when the magic happens for me.
Ive been doin 450mg/wk i might just be a pussy but a couple days after it hurts like a bitch lol but i love it been on for 7 weeks awesome gains from it

Yeah I’ve heard it packs a punch similar to primo. Debating on running it solo (w/test obviously) thanks for the input. We talking dry, hard, lean gains? Strength? Sides?
Yeah I’ve heard it packs a punch similar to primo. Debating on running it solo (w/test obviously) thanks for the input. We talking dry, hard, lean gains? Strength? Sides?
Dry hard gains very close to tren ive not really not had any sides from it at all maybe a lil night sweats strenght keeps goin up
Way too early my man. Earlier this year I did a run of SP’s tren. Nobody questions his gear. Yet for the first few weeks I was like “hey, wait a min”. Then weeks 5-6 came around and it all exploded. Remarkable physical results, awesome strength and some bad sides... no sleep, anger, jealousy, etc. Be patient, it will hit you hard soon enough.
I appreciate the input. I am in that ‘hey, wait a min’ phase right now I suppose. I will be patient and keep with my routine. I will keep you posted on how I feel as well.