MESO-Rx Exclusive Steroid users say bad things about trenbolone - how accurate are the descriptions?

Hehe. That's what we all think, before we understand the true nature of women.

Work on your best self, always be on your purpose, and never let a woman take your focus away from yourself to put it on them. Once you do that, they've won, and they lose all respect for you.

I'm just speaking the truth! I wish someone would have taught me this when I was younger. It would have saved me a lot of heartache...and money.

No offense to any women on here, but many women are just manipulative, disingenuous and uncaring as hell. Growing up I thought females were the fairer gender, then I became an adult and started dating and now I just laugh at that idea. Still have yet to meet a woman who shows as much care about the people they love as I do. But once you know your worth, it becomes much easier to avoid being manipulated and used for some hidden agenda. Kick them to the curb and keep searching until you find someone who actually does genuinely give a shit. Fuck em… it’s their loss.
No offense to any women on here, but many women are just manipulative, disingenuous and uncaring as hell. Growing up I thought females were the fairer gender, then I became an adult and started dating and now I just laugh at that idea. Still have yet to meet a woman who shows as much care about the people they love as I do. But once you know your worth, it becomes much easier to avoid being manipulated and used for some hidden agenda. Kick them to the curb and keep searching until you find someone who actually does genuinely give a shit. Fuck em… it’s their loss.
there are definitely a lot of bitches out there. sorry to hear you haven't found the good ones - we do exist!
there are definitely a lot of bitches out there. sorry to hear you haven't found the good ones - we do exist!

It's not that women are bad. It's just your nature. Just the way you are. Women love circumstantially. Women initiate almost 90 percent of all divorces. Women can turn their love off for any man in a split second, and they always are looking for the "bigger better deal".

Men are different. Men are the more romantic of the sexes. Men will stick out even the worst marriage, even sexless marriages, because they love their woman. They never lose the ideal of romance, even when their woman hates them.

Women have no ethics when it comes to relationships, and that's ok. Just the way you are. Women are followers, and they follow whatever they think is the best deal they can find.
It's not that women are bad. It's just your nature. Just the way you are. Women love circumstantially. Women initiate almost 90 percent of all divorces. Women can turn their love off for any man in a split second, and they always are looking for the "bigger better deal".

Men are different. Men are the more romantic of the sexes. Men will stick out even the worst marriage, even sexless marriages, because they love their woman. They never lose the ideal of romance, even when their woman hates them.

Women have no ethics when it comes to relationships, and that's ok. Just the way you are. Women are followers, and they follow whatever they think is the best deal they can find.
I am sorry you have such a distorted view of women. I know that I never look for a better deal than my husband. I worship him like a god.
Yes women do initiate more divorces than men (but not as much as 90% as far as I know), but there are reasons such as a lack of romance from the husband, infidelity on the part of the husband, the husband having no clue how the women is feeling etc that are often behind this. I don't know that men being more romantic has anything to do with it.
I am also sorry that you mistakenly believe that suffering is romantic - why on earth would you stay in a marriage that isn't working? That's not romantic - that's just perpetuating your suffering for no good reason. Sticking by your partner through bad times is great, but staying with them when there is no light at the end of the tunnel is just plain stupid IMHO.
Not meaning to cause an argument or anything, just trying to understand your different experience because it doesn't sound anything like mine (but hey, we're likely to be very different people)
Why on earth would you stay in a marriage that isn't working? That's not romantic - that's just perpetuating your suffering for no good reason. Sticking by your partner through bad times is great, but staying with them when there is no light at the end of the tunnel is just plain stupid IMHO.

Exactly. Spoken like the true modern woman.

It's better that men understand that your marriage vows include this asterisk, rather than make the biggest mistake and lay themselves down with an unneeded burden that will ruin their life.

For the modern woman, "the marriage isn't working" means an entire pile of shit that no rational person would understand.

But, women aren't rational. They are emotional followers. And it's better that we men know it, than continue to live in the Disney fantasy world.

Men are leaders. They are builders. They are conquerers. Women are latchers on. A woman will ruin your life if you let her.
It's not from me. I just learned the truth from men who were a lot smarter than me.

Watch the white knights come in to this thread now. So typical...
You know what someone smarter than me said? All people are irrational, the thought that one sex is more irrational and “living by their emotions “ than the other is irrational in itself

we are all one in the dust and in the nothingness

so typical for a sheep to see another sheep and think it’s different haha, when their only looking at a different version of themselves.
there are definitely a lot of bitches out there. sorry to hear you haven't found the good ones - we do exist!

I know there are definitely good ones out there who exist. If I’m the way that I am, there’s got to be others of the opposite gender who are like me as well. It’s just a matter of finding them which is the difficult part. Probably doesn’t help that as a bodybuilder, I frequently get misjudged and mischaracterized based upon my appearance and people pass judgement before getting to know who you are as a person. But what can you do about it? People are absolutely prone to judging a book by it’s cover and there’s nothing anyone can do about that.
When awake I feel great on tren. Currently on 350 mg tren ace a week. When sleeping... or let me say when trying to sleep its horrible. I literally wake up atleast once every hour. Im dreaming so much it feels like I'm sleeping several hours. Quite frustrating when looking at the watch and realizing I've barely slept for an hour. Also I'm peeing alot more during the night aswell. No sweating though.
I know there are definitely good ones out there who exist. If I’m the way that I am, there’s got to be others of the opposite gender who are like me as well. It’s just a matter of finding them which is the difficult part. Probably doesn’t help that as a bodybuilder, I frequently get misjudged and mischaracterized based upon my appearance and people pass judgement before getting to know who you are as a person. But what can you do about it? People are absolutely prone to judging a book by it’s cover and there’s nothing anyone can do about that.
This is true - past research has shown that muscular (not just toned) men can be judged as men that aren't going to commit. It's the same with other physical markers of high testosterone like a big jaw. They indicate that you might be good for a one-night stand but that you aren't husband material. It's an evolutionary thing. Research suggests women face a balancing act in that they have to balance their desires for someone with high test with their desires for someone who will stick with them and help raise the kids. So I suppose men face a balancing act too - to get jacked enough to be alpha but not so jacked that women just see you as a fuckboy
This is true - past research has shown that muscular (not just toned) men can be judged as men that aren't going to commit. It's the same with other physical markers of high testosterone like a big jaw. They indicate that you might be good for a one-night stand but that you aren't husband material. It's an evolutionary thing. Research suggests women face a balancing act in that they have to balance their desires for someone with high test with their desires for someone who will stick with them and help raise the kids. So I suppose men face a balancing act too - to get jacked enough to be alpha but not so jacked that women just see you as a fuckboy
Which is why sociology and epidemiology shouldn’t be used to form conclusions. They are sciences in the loosest definition. I look to actual studies and research. Not gossip rags and journalists wearing the label of research or science.
By that same “research” we could draw the conclusion that a young black man will commit a crime. It’s called stereotyping
didn't read this whole thread my comments,,,,

- tren is fine, bulk with it, cut with it, don't abuse it

- women not only view. big bodybuilders as not good long term mates, heres the even worse news, they sure as fuck don't want them for 1 night stands either

- incels, or near-incels, come in all shapes and sizes. many incels....take AAS and develop big muscles and become even bigger incels (you will see them at the gym and in forums). If you complain alot about women and how they treat you and how they judge you and how horrible you are,,,well guess what you are?

women are easy, talk to them get to know them get sex, pay them get sex, take a break from them hit the gym, work with them work hard they make good bosses, dealing with women shouldn't be a problem for anyone
We did this to ourselves. We gave it this halo reputation as the god of steroids and expected inexperienced, not-ready-for-it bros to not flock to it like the second coming.

it’s just another tool. My take is a VAST majority of people’s issues with tren are issues with themselves. As a drug it has a higher side effect profile for most people than most other AAS compounds. But the anger and a lot of those sides can be mitigated by knowing how you respond to gear and making changes accordingly. A good deal of the reputation is mental. Guys expect to be gods in the gym and accept that they’re inevitably a dickhead because they’re taking it. What do you get? Dickheads with PRs…
spot on

if you take tren and think crazy things are happening to your body and mind, its not the tren, your just a fucking weirdo or hypochondriac

tren is a hormone like Test, var, deca, etc,
This is true - past research has shown that muscular (not just toned) men can be judged as men that aren't going to commit. It's the same with other physical markers of high testosterone like a big jaw. They indicate that you might be good for a one-night stand but that you aren't husband material. It's an evolutionary thing. Research suggests women face a balancing act in that they have to balance their desires for someone with high test with their desires for someone who will stick with them and help raise the kids. So I suppose men face a balancing act too - to get jacked enough to be alpha but not so jacked that women just see you as a fuckboy
Nah fuck that they would still want those guys even when married. It’s just a matter of self control not acting on lust. And most guys don’t need to worry about getting too jacked.

This is what women drool over and what average guys wish they could look like both under 200lbs


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