MESO-Rx Exclusive Steroid users say bad things about trenbolone - how accurate are the descriptions?

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you better be careful, you accidentally embarrassed yourself once already on the forum by being awkward now that a girl is present.

now your insulting short guys? that might not go over with your master who you cock worship, his nick name is the muscle hampster

hopefully your muscle Daddy nemz isn't offended and still lets you soak up his knowledge and interacts with you when you follow him around seeking his attention and wisdom
Gotta agree with @Gbro , @rfan2020 and yall gotta stop shitting up every thread you two step into. It’s getting old. Stick to your own threads with all the non sense. I know this is a public forum, but y’all are smearing shit everywhere.

not trying to be a dick, just trying to be direct.
Yes sir, I will stop. I can’t speak for rfan as I don’t know his level of maturity or brain development, but I will be more mindful of the shit I post. I sincerely apologize for bringing this mess into multiple threads, it was very unprofessional misconduct

-Charles H. Dave
“Biggest dick west of the Mississippi River”
So back to the topic, has anyone here ran a small dose such as 100-150mgs of tren a week? How were the benefits and side effects?
I’ve run as low as 175 and currently running 400/wk. I didn’t get sides until I hit 315/wk. I was getting mood sides (starting to affect my personal life) and very mild, intermittent insomnia. I didn’t notice much at only 175/wk, but many people claim they do.

im running 40 MENT alongside 400 tren currently and it has eradicated my mood sides. I still have mild insomnia but I have been able to mitigate pretty much all issues.
I’ve run as low as 175 and currently running 400/wk. I didn’t get sides until I hit 315/wk. I was getting mood sides (starting to affect my personal life) and very mild, intermittent insomnia. I didn’t notice much at only 175/wk, but many people claim they do.

im running 40 MENT alongside 400 tren currently and it has eradicated my mood sides. I still have mild insomnia but I have been able to mitigate pretty much all issues.
Yeah the mood and insomnia issues are definitely a big thing for me. Everything in my life is finally going smooth. Interesting how tren can affect people’s life even if they’re not predisposed to mental issues
What's with all the assholes shitting in a great thread? Don't get me wrong, I love posting a fatty to disrupt things. This just isn't the place for it.
it's this dumb fucking kid. no idea if he is some troll or just stupid newbie asking newbie questions while sucking up to a few guys trying to fit in. I say if he just keeps posting the meme shit he gets banned, if someone is going to clog up the board at least make him type rather than just post .jpeg like its 4chan.
it's this dumb fucking kid. no idea if he is some troll or just stupid newbie asking newbie questions while sucking up to a few guys trying to fit in. I say if he just keeps posting the meme shit he gets banned, if someone is going to clog up the board at least make him type rather than just post .jpeg like its 4chan.
No, it's both of you. You're both being juvenile. It's entertaining, please continue. Just do it somewhere else. I'm certain I'm not the only one who finds this thread useful and you two are ruining it.
it's this dumb fucking kid. no idea if he is some troll or just stupid newbie asking newbie questions while sucking up to a few guys trying to fit in. I say if he just keeps posting the meme shit he gets banned, if someone is going to clog up the board at least make him type rather than just post .jpeg like its 4chan.
I appreciate your criticism and will work to correct my actions in the future.

So what has your experiences with varying doses of tren been like?
No, it's both of you. You're both being juvenile. It's entertaining, please continue. Just do it somewhere else. I'm certain I'm not the only one who finds this thread useful and you two are ruining it.
Yes now looking upon my posts I’ve come to realize how foolish I was being bringing myself to his level. No excuse, I only made the issue worse instead of resolving it.
thanks. this is a great question. I am really interested in how dose dependent tren sides are
I have run tren at various dosages, no sides. tren cough thats it.

200g mg is plenty, beyond that it is diminishing returns. tren has a reputation that is vastly exaggerated on forums because most posters are full of shit. you will read anything from "omg I cant take this stuff mentally" to "I have veins the size of fingers on my delts". when people are lean (many aren't) like any AAS it is more pronounced, the visual affects. now if someone is an idiot and goes low carbs and runs ephedra, masteron, tren, and little to now test and is at a low bodyfat they may have some issues. but for most it is just another weapon to use which Is particularly affective because it is in and out aka tren ace compared to slower acting test, deca, or the garbage of steroids EQ. I would compare tren to a weaker anavar in they are similar but anavar gives more fullness/pump.
I appreciate your criticism and will work to correct my actions in the future.

So what has your experiences with varying doses of tren been like?

see below, it will sound like im beating a dead horse, but all AAS really shine when lean. 200mg is enough to have a good affect. but like most AAS, if someone is taking it with a bunch of other stuff it wont shine as much

for example if somone is taking 1g test, then 200 tren wont add much

now If they are taking 200mg test, 200 mg tren will add alot

typically guys stack too many AAS and at high dosages and do not know what is doing what

the best way to expiremnt with tren IMO is to use say TRT dose of test, then add tren to that dosage and see how things change. IMO tren is good for both bulking and cutting but I do not believe it magically keeps people leaner on a "bulk" if they are eating too many calories, no AAS is going to speed up metabolism that fast.
I have run tren at various dosages, no sides. tren cough thats it.

200g mg is plenty, beyond that it is diminishing returns. tren has a reputation that is vastly exaggerated on forums because most posters are full of shit. you will read anything from "omg I cant take this stuff mentally" to "I have veins the size of fingers on my delts". when people are lean (many aren't) like any AAS it is more pronounced, the visual affects. now if someone is an idiot and goes low carbs and runs ephedra, masteron, tren, and little to now test and is at a low bodyfat they may have some issues. but for most it is just another weapon to use which Is particularly affective because it is in and out aka tren ace compared to slower acting test, deca, or the garbage of steroids EQ. I would compare tren to a weaker anavar in they are similar but anavar gives more fullness/pump.
OMG you are dumb. You don't know shit about Tren. My guess is you got bunk gear or your dumb ass pinned it wrong.
You compare tren to a weaker anavar. GTFOH with that ignorant response.