MESO-Rx Exclusive Steroid users say bad things about trenbolone - how accurate are the descriptions?

Most of it is exaggerated. I’ve never noticed tren preventing fat gain.
It’s not the god of steroids. I get a better look and the same positive effects from dhb.
Tren is overhyped and this article is the epitome of that to be honest. I feel like some of the guys were trolling with their responses or just parroting what’s spread around as gospel. Wanna be flat, stringy and get insomnia? Cool take tren. Tren doesn’t cover up a shitty diet and training any more than anything else. With out proper diet and training none of the drugs do anything.
If this article is research I feel like it’s bad.
Isn’t this the same person who got trolled and wrote an article about bromosexuals or some other nonsense?
Jesus. She even went onto Joe Rogan and talked about it.

i took bloods during a test and tren cycle times ago, no HGH no nothing else and my T3 levels did skyrocket…
Interesting because tren is know to lower t3 and t4
Never heard about lowering T3… it lowers T4 for sure because it speeds up the conversion of it into T3.. and all the metabolic stuff its supposed to do are very likely due to T3 …

and it surely prevents catabolism with its action on glucocorticoid receptors
Never heard about lowering T3… it lowers T4 for sure because it speeds up the conversion of it into T3.. and all the metabolic stuff its supposed to do are very likely due to T3 …

and it surely prevents catabolism with its action on glucocorticoid receptors
All anabolics prevent catabolism. They all help with nutrient partitioning and help prevent muscle wasting.
Tren does not boost thyroid function.
My bloods didn’t say that… and the common leaning effect suggests it too
Leaning effects? Tren does not burn fat. Take it with a high dose of an aromatizing compound then talk about the leaning effects. It’s not a fat burner, it’s dry steroid.

There’s something else going on with your bloods then. Tren does NOT boost the thyroid.
Not trying to be a dick @MairUnderwood(Researcher) but @NLM36 has some good points about this article.

It has some relevant information that I hear all the time and pretty much what bros believe to be the case but it difficult to read with all the repeated lines and errors.

Take it more as constructive criticism. I have written numerous research papers that have been published and they all go through multiple reviewers before the editor ever sees them.

Not everyone is going to agree with a particular research method or writing style but any feedback is good feedback so you can see where your strong points and weaknesses are. You want to improve your weaknesses don't you?
Oh sorry guys I didn’t realize this was above reproach, question or critique.
i responded exactly how I was responded to.
I didn’t say anything that was incorrect.
this is as much research as a gossip column.
Brojobs, if you think your girl isn’t cheating on you your tren is fake…
Yeah this sheds a whole new light on everything.
Come the fuck on.
As far as cuck. I think it’s ironic that you’d call me that.

You understand this is about sociology and not endocrinology, right? The author is a sociologist... It doesn't really really matter if anything that was said is even necessarily true, we're talking about a trend in how people act and think with regard to tren in bodybuilding.
@MairUnderwood(Researcher) thank you for your contribution to Meso, it's good to have an anthropologist's perspective on the community. I for one would be interested in your book on the subject.

Are you affiliated with a particular entity- institution or organization? Or self-funded completely?

Was this article the product of a research work that is in the process of being published in the literature? Curious if there's anything on Arxiv or post-peer review that you've done!

When you identify trends, was this informally or did you use for example Braun and Clarke's reflexive thematic analysis method? I am intrigued by the research methods one would use to produce a meaningful article from the chaos of anecdotes.

@MairUnderwood(Researcher) Is this a product of
Underwood, M. (2017). Exploring the social lives of image and performance enhancing drugs: An online ethnography of the Zyzz fandom of recreational bodybuilders. International Journal of Drug Policy, 39, 78–85. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2016.08.012?
Tren is the only steroid that made me hypoglycemic even on a decent amount of carbs
Felt very hypo on Tren
I was originally going to cut during my Tren cycle.. but the carb cravings got to be too much

So I did the same thing any reasonable powerlifter would do and just ate everything in sight while trying to PR all my lifts.

I am a weak man
Me too. But I was crazy enough to try keto while on it!

lol... fuck that noise brother.
So… I tried a test c cycle 3 weeks ago.

Sides are: sweating a lot at night, like a lot,
Insomnia, coughing, high libido… after reading this thread, I’m not sure if this is test c anymore… these sound like tren sides… they aren’t too bad, but I hope I’m not taking 750mg of tren this week.
Tren is one of those things that affects people so differently you have to just see what it does to you to get an accurate description of the pros and cons.
That's exactly what I have heard, you can't tell in advance (well I suppose maybe you can get a hint from how you respond to other AAS) - it just worries me that when some guys try it they fuck their lives up. this is why I agree with those who say start low does, short cycle and short ester so can minimise risk
So… I tried a test c cycle 3 weeks ago.

Sides are: sweating a lot at night, like a lot,
Insomnia, coughing, high libido… after reading this thread, I’m not sure if this is test c anymore… these sound like tren sides… they aren’t too bad, but I hope I’m not taking 750mg of tren this week.
from what I have heard sides can be similar across AAS but tend to be more pronounced with tren - hopefully those on here with experience can advise