The community is largely proportioned towards juvenile idiots, which is why I have even more respect for researchers who come here because I tend to think they're probably wasting their time.
And yes, one can major in anthropology... Is this the first you're hearing that human culture and societies are studied? Did you go to highschool...? It's just kind of a weird thing to say... I thought sociology and anthropology studies were pretty well known. Have you heard of the history channel maybe?
I don't really see what exactly was in this article that you disagree with so aggressively? There is literally nothing in the article that isn't pretty common tren knowledge or talking points anywhere... Anything said in that article could be found somewhere in this forum. It's basically just a compilation of a wide range of tren user's experiences... It's not like she cherry picked the click bait, aside from injecting a little humor into it here and there like "up the tren".
My god, who can criticize potential published research that breaks down the phrase "up the tren"... Some of you need to pull yourselves together, that shit is gold. There will be PhD's in their pompous offices and studies reading this... It's like an SNL skit wrote itself.
The whole thing needs more "fucks" peppered into it though
@MairUnderwood(Researcher).. I am personally a little let down on that front but, otherwise, bravo.