MESO-Rx Exclusive Steroid users say bad things about trenbolone - how accurate are the descriptions?

from what I have heard sides can be similar across AAS but tend to be more pronounced with tren - hopefully those on here with experience can advise
I kinda already get night sweats anyway, but they seem more pronounced right now, same with high libido. The other stuff… no.

I really hope it isn’t tren. You aren’t supposed to run it without test. :/
You understand this is about sociology and not endocrinology, right? The author is a sociologist... It doesn't really really matter if anything that was said is even necessarily true, we're talking about a trend in how people act and think with regard to tren in bodybuilding.
Right but critical thinking skills are necessary aren’t they? I’d think a criteria for even a soft science,if you can call it that, is that someone would be able to separate the bullshit or an obvious joke from what is real. If all it is, is documenting everything from everyone then it’s pretty useless. People need a degree for this?
How is she going to bat for anyone by making the entire community look like juvenile idiots?
Not trying to be a dick @MairUnderwood(Researcher) but @NLM36 has some good points about this article.

It has some relevant information that I hear all the time and pretty much what bros believe to be the case but it difficult to read with all the repeated lines and errors.

Take it more as constructive criticism. I have written numerous research papers that have been published and they all go through multiple reviewers before the editor ever sees them.

Not everyone is going to agree with a particular research method or writing style but any feedback is good feedback so you can see where your strong points and weaknesses are. You want to improve your weaknesses don't you?
I sure do want to improve. what repeated errors? there may be 'errors' in the bodybuilder quotes but I report them verbatim and don't want to 'correct' their words and risk putting words in their mouths - I report exactly what I collect, errors and all. Happy to hear constructive criticism, but 'this is bad research' ain't exactly constructive. Give me something to work with and I would be happy to work with it. Aside from the fact that not everyone agrees with the bodybuilders I have quoted (which I can't help - everyone has very different experiences of tren it seems, and I did say we don't know how common these negative sides are and that we would need more research to determine that) I haven't heard anything useful in terms of critique as yet
Right but critical thinking skills are necessary aren’t they? I’d think a criteria for even a soft science,if you can call it that, is that someone would be able to separate the bullshit or an obvious joke from what is real. If all it is, is documenting everything from everyone then it’s pretty useless. People need a degree for this?
How is she going to bat for anyone by making the entire community look like juvenile idiots?
In the paper I will publish from this research I will be suggesting compound-specific harm reduction. And I do lobby for law change every chance I get. The first step in reducing harm is understanding the harm that is being experienced. we have to start somewhere.
I don't think this makes the entire community look like juvenile idiots (although there is some humour in there), there are some quite well-informed suggestions for ways to reduce the harms of tren (e.g. compound-specific blood testing protocols) that drug and health workers need to know about
I kinda already get night sweats anyway, but they seem more pronounced right now, same with high libido. The other stuff… no.

I really hope it isn’t tren. You aren’t supposed to run it without test. :/
no, from what I have heard you most definitely should not (although there is a minority that talks about deca only and even tren only but they seem to be widely thought of as dickheads that don't have a clue)
I kinda already get night sweats anyway, but they seem more pronounced right now, same with high libido. The other stuff… no.

I really hope it isn’t tren. You aren’t supposed to run it without test. :/
What are you running that you’re not running test with :/
I sure do want to improve. what repeated errors? there may be 'errors' in the bodybuilder quotes but I report them verbatim and don't want to 'correct' their words and risk putting words in their mouths - I report exactly what I collect, errors and all. Happy to hear constructive criticism, but 'this is bad research' ain't exactly constructive. Give me something to work with and I would be happy to work with it. Aside from the fact that not everyone agrees with the bodybuilders I have quoted (which I can't help - everyone has very different experiences of tren it seems, and I did say we don't know how common these negative sides are and that we would need more research to determine that) I haven't heard anything useful in terms of critique as yet
Let me put it to you this way then, I really hope you have someone else doing your editing before you even try to submit to anyone to be published. Nobody worth their weight would take this seriously.
As far as your quotes, no need to put whatever your source repeated twice. Your approach adds nothing. Put it once in quotes. It is that simple.

When you write any kind of research it is important to keep your audience focused on a specific topic. Spelling errors, English errors, repeating line errors are distracting and take a reader's focus away from the message. In addition, they will likely assume you have no idea what you are talking about.

You should be as concerned about the editing and presentation as you are with the content. When going to get published this also means consistency in presentation (margins, font, indent, table alignment, picture alignment, etc).

I will give you props for having some visuals and memes. Visuals always help but need to also add value. I suggest you figure out how to quantify some of your research and insert tables and graphs. Put more of your own thought into the conclusion and rationalize how you reached your conclusion.

PS, thank you for your contribution here. One thing you did quite well was for the most part writing for likely the majority of your audience here at Meso. If you want to be serious about publishing anything of value outside of forums, you will need to fine tune some things.
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Well, I've read some of Mair's work, and I can tell she's a friend of the community- so my initial skepticism has been alleviated.

Apparently if I want to get any response from her it'd be more effective to insult her, that seems to work well. Not my style or intention though.

My only lingering question pertains to research methods, how she will quantify anecdotes. Whether using a thematic analysis method, or not? If quantified appropriately I'm more interested versus just reporting what's salacious or even prurient, which seems to be what she's most interested in.
Well, I've read some of Mair's work, and I can tell she's a friend of the community- so my initial skepticism has been alleviated.

Apparently if I want to get any response from her it'd be more effective to insult her, that seems to work well. Not my style or intention though.

My only lingering question pertains to research methods, how she will quantify anecdotes. Whether using a thematic analysis method, or not? If quantified appropriately I'm more interested versus just reporting what's salacious or even prurient, which seems to be what she's most interested in.
Now there is some constructive criticism.
I am more harsh but I'm kind of known to be a dick, however research reviewers are much worse.
Right but critical thinking skills are necessary aren’t they? I’d think a criteria for even a soft science,if you can call it that, is that someone would be able to separate the bullshit or an obvious joke from what is real. If all it is, is documenting everything from everyone then it’s pretty useless. People need a degree for this?
How is she going to bat for anyone by making the entire community look like juvenile idiots?

The community is largely proportioned towards juvenile idiots, which is why I have even more respect for researchers who come here because I tend to think they're probably wasting their time.

And yes, one can major in anthropology... Is this the first you're hearing that human culture and societies are studied? Did you go to highschool...? It's just kind of a weird thing to say... I thought sociology and anthropology studies were pretty well known. Have you heard of the history channel maybe?

I don't really see what exactly was in this article that you disagree with so aggressively? There is literally nothing in the article that isn't pretty common tren knowledge or talking points anywhere... Anything said in that article could be found somewhere in this forum. It's basically just a compilation of a wide range of tren user's experiences... It's not like she cherry picked the click bait, aside from injecting a little humor into it here and there like "up the tren".

My god, who can criticize potential published research that breaks down the phrase "up the tren"... Some of you need to pull yourselves together, that shit is gold. There will be PhD's in their pompous offices and studies reading this... It's like an SNL skit wrote itself.

The whole thing needs more "fucks" peppered into it though @MairUnderwood(Researcher).. I am personally a little let down on that front but, otherwise, bravo.
The community is largely proportioned towards juvenile idiots, which is why I have even more respect for researchers who come here because I tend to think they're probably wasting their time.

And yes, one can major in anthropology... Is this the first you're hearing that human culture and societies are studied? Did you go to highschool...? It's just kind of a weird thing to say... I thought sociology and anthropology studies were pretty well known. Have you heard of the history channel maybe?

I don't really see what exactly was in this article that you disagree with so aggressively? There is literally nothing in the article that isn't pretty common tren knowledge or talking points anywhere... Anything said in that article could be found somewhere in this forum. It's basically just a compilation of a wide range of tren user's experiences... It's not like she cherry picked the click bait, aside from injecting a little humor into it here and there like "up the tren".

My god, who can criticize potential published research that breaks down the phrase "up the tren"... Some of you need to pull yourselves together, that shit is gold. There will be PhD's in their pompous offices and studies reading this... It's like an SNL skit wrote itself.

The whole thing needs more "fucks" peppered into it though @MairUnderwood(Researcher).. I am personally a little let down on that front but, otherwise, bravo.
Listen smart ass. Yes I know what sociology is. Apparently you lack reading comprehension. Did they not teach you that in middle school. I was judging what she’s written and how she’s gone about. It’s a fucking joke.
Im also of the opinion that it’s not a science and is a waste of a degree.
I also don’t just bow down to a pretty face who with the label academic attached.
This is my lifestyle, she’s a paid tourist. She’ll never be an expert.