Sunaven Laboratories - Canadian Domestic Source

Final label design(s) are finished for the injection range. What do you guys prefer, amber serum vials or clear serum vials?

Final label design(s) are finished for the injection range. What do you guys prefer, amber serum vials or clear serum vials?

Don't amber vials prevent the degradation of the oils when they're exposed to light?

If that's true, I'd prefer Amber
Don't amber vials prevent the degradation of the oils when they're exposed to light?

If that's true, I'd prefer Amber

Yes that is true, some people just like to "see" the gear since there are alot of labs that have junk after production (I.e. floaters); those are harder to see in amber vials. Obviously I don't provide garbage like that but just for everyone's reassurance you know?

Amber is what I was planning to use anyways.
Bitcoin payments will now receive a 5% discount on their order total, and yes this can stack with the 10% discount you can earn by submitting testing on Sunaven products.

Have a good day everyone.
Got 1 Test E, 1 Deca.
Tested Test E so far..
Yea, posted results.
Good contact kept, T/A 4 business days.
Let me know what you guys think if it's a pass.
Hey guys, sorry for the disappearing act! I got a brutal case of food poisoning that put my training on hold. Made my order, communication has been good and my order will be shipped out Monday.

I'll be starting a log once I start my cycle, would like some help with how to get bloodwork so I can put numbers behind the results.
Hey guys, sorry for the disappearing act! I got a brutal case of food poisoning that put my training on hold. Made my order, communication has been good and my order will be shipped out Monday.

I'll be starting a log once I start my cycle, would like some help with how to get bloodwork so I can put numbers behind the results.

I've always went through my doctor, you just have to be honest with him. Depending on the type of person he is he will likely allow for the testing to be done. Well at least that's how I've always done it...
Just picked up my order last Friday, only took 2 days to arrive after I ordered... 5 tren ace, 3 test prop and 5 mast props. Tren has that nice golden orange color and everything pinned really smooth without any discomfort the follow days. I'll let you guys know how it goes in a couple of weeks.