Sunaven Laboratories - Canadian Domestic Source

On the 18th of October ALL new labels and packaging shown previously will be officially used instead of the old stuff. Thank you to all of my current customers I appreciate it.
Been on this stuff for about a week and a half so far, for whatever reason I somewhat trusted this guy right from the first few emails with him and I ended up placing a fair sized order... was a little worried but it all seems really good so far, better than my other source I was using. Currently running 1.4g tren ace, 700mg mast p and 350 test prop per week. Loving it, I'll keep you dudes updated might order one thing of anavar to try out, anyone tried it?
Been on this stuff for about a week and a half so far, for whatever reason I somewhat trusted this guy right from the first few emails with him and I ended up placing a fair sized order... was a little worried but it all seems really good so far, better than my other source I was using. Currently running 1.4g tren ace, 700mg mast p and 350 test prop per week. Loving it, I'll keep you dudes updated might order one thing of anavar to try out, anyone tried it?

Glad to hear brother, contact me about the Anavar and I'll send you a pack to assess for free.
Shipping taking a little longer than expected, but communication has been good and my bundle of joy should be arriving on the 16th!
Shipping taking a little longer than expected, but communication has been good and my bundle of joy should be arriving on the 16th!
I am not familiar with Canadian sources, but I am sure you should NOT be posting expected delivery dates, etc...Protect the source and yourself by not giving away these nice little clues for LE. Rookie mistake but don't do it again bro.
Hey guys, fairly big update coming for Sunaven Laboratories. Due to recent connections we will officially be a Canadian Domestic AND International source.

Option for International delivery won't be available until sometime next week. Still considering making international delivery for private customers only; a much more official posting will be up pertaining to the details sometime next week.

In the meantime everyone have an extraordinary thanksgiving, got my turkey dinner on the stove!
Might want to tell internationals what your minimum is so there are no surprises.

It will all be detailed after I create the official written outline. Sorry if I may have surprised you when in initial contact but nothing for international individuals is official as of right now.
and the great thing is, if customs snags it - he re-ships for free ;)

I'm not sure if this is some form of sarcasm but it really comes off as such. It's almost as high quality as you coming on my last thread in which you tried to engage with me on how my security is next to none and it would be "best to have the thread deleted". I hope your "excellent" Innovagen rep that you seem to show off around here frequently is treating you well, why not just keep your BS in his safemail inbox?.. I guess it might be unproductive emailing yourself.

Anyone who takes a quick glance at your interaction here on Meso will quickly realise how you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. You act as if you actually know something about security, I'd be glad to take you up on that! From reading your nonsense any intelligent source would laugh at your statements. It's not hard to cover your footprints, and no I'm not talking basic shit.

I'll just sit here and wait for your reply saying how I'm an idiot and you've been in this game for 20 plus odd years.

Also I encourage people to read through ALL of his posts. It just really aggravates me how people create false allegations without knowing jack-shit about how the individual(s) operate.
what are you facking retarded!? it was joke. but trust me I'm the last person you want to go head to head with. you are the one advertising here openly... lets not forget that ;) and will post what i want when i want, so lets be clear about that.

I'm not sure if this is some form of sarcasm but it really comes off as such. It's almost as high quality as you coming on my last thread in which you tried to engage with me on how my security is next to none and it would be "best to have the thread deleted". I hope your "excellent" Innovagen rep that you seem to show off around here frequently is treating you well, why not just keep your BS in his safemail inbox?.. I guess it might be unproductive emailing yourself.

Anyone who takes a quick glance at your interaction here on Meso will quickly realise how you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. You act as if you actually know something about security, I'd be glad to take you up on that! From reading your nonsense any intelligent source would laugh at your statements. It's not hard to cover your footprints, and no I'm not talking basic shit.

I'll just sit here and wait for your reply saying how I'm an idiot and you've been in this game for 20 plus odd years.

Also I encourage people to read through ALL of his posts. It just really aggravates me how people create false allegations without knowing jack-shit about how the individual(s) operate.
Been on this stuff for about a week and a half so far, for whatever reason I somewhat trusted this guy right from the first few emails with him and I ended up placing a fair sized order... was a little worried but it all seems really good so far, better than my other source I was using. Currently running 1.4g tren ace, 700mg mast p and 350 test prop per week. Loving it, I'll keep you dudes updated might order one thing of anavar to try out, anyone tried it?

How do you like his Test Prop so far?
I'm looking forward to trying out the Test Prop, Tren Ace and Dbol. I've dealt with several sources over the years and have been let down multiple times. Stayed with one for years, but now need a domestic. Stoked to read that everyone has been pleased! How's the Dbol and Tren?
I'm looking forward to trying out the Test Prop, Tren Ace and Dbol. I've dealt with several sources over the years and have been let down multiple times. Stayed with one for years, but now need a domestic. Stoked to read that everyone has been pleased! How's the Dbol and Tren?

Surprisingly enough, the Dianabol doesn't ship often but I have sent out alot of Anavar. Hopefully some of my customers can give you some input.
Surprisingly enough, the Dianabol doesn't ship often but I have sent out alot of Anavar. Hopefully some of my customers can give you some input.
Well, I'll have to give a full report while I take the dbol then. :) probably going to order Thursday!

If it'll help people, I'll give a detailed report weekly while I try out the gear. I'll be running test prop 100mg EOD, tren ace at 50mg ED and dbol at 30mg ED.

Dbol weeks 1-6
Tren and test weeks 1-10