Time to grow and get strong (PLing w/a little bit of everything)


Bar x 20
135 x 8
225 x 6
295 x 5
350 x 4
405 x 3
405 x 3
455 4 sets of 2

135 x 15
185 x 10
205 x 5
255 x 4
295 x 3
295 x 3
335 6 sets of 3
315 x 9

Clean and press
115 x 20
115 x 20
115 x 20
115 x 20
135 x 12

Abductor/adductor/leg press machine
4 sets of 20

Side raises / upright rows
4 sets of 15
40s / 115

Chest fly / machine dip/ preacher curl
4 sets of 15
130 / 180 / 90

135 x 10
225 x 6
295 x 3
355 x 3
405 x 3
405 x 3
465 x 3
465 x 3
495 x 2
495 x 2
495 x 2

135 x 12
185 x 8
205 x 5
250 x 4
295 x 3
295 x 3
335 x 3
335 x 3
355 x 2
355 x 2
355 x 2

Incline bench
135 x 10
185 x 10
225 3 sets of 10

Leg press
360 x 20
450 x 20
540 x 20
630 x 20
720 x 20

Ez bar curls/tri extensions
3 sets of 15

Leg curls /extension /abductor /abductor
Sets of 15
I've done some actual cardio like 2-3 days a week. But those superset workouts and high reps have helped so much

I've been trying to do shorter rest periods, but I'm so tired after work, i stay up too late and I've been on tren. Once I'm 1/2 or 2/3 through my workout I'm practically lying down between sets, lol.
Yeah the more time I'm off tren the better I feel. 8 weeks is plenty of tren for me. Especially in that 600-700 range

yeah 8 weeks is my max from now on for Tren runs. i dont see much benefit in running it longer.

I'm stronger every time i step in the gym, but I've been feeling lethargic a lot lately. Time for a break.

dump some blood after youre done blasting.

Squat 135x20
Bench 135x20
Clean and press 95x20

2min break

Squat 135x20
Bench 135x20
Clean and press 95x20

2min break

Squat 135x20
Bench 135x20
Clean and press 95x20

2 min break

Squat 135x20
Bench 135x20
Clean and press 95x20

135 x 8
225 x 5
315 x 5
365 x 5
405 x 5
405 x 5
405 x 5

135 x10
225 x 5
275 x 5
295 x 5
315 x 5
315 x 5
315 x 5

Hip thrust
135 x 20
185 x 18
205 x 15
225 x 12

Abductor / adductor
4 sets of 20

Chest fly / skull crusher/ tri press
4 sets of 20

Wide grip decline press
4 sets of 20 @180

Long ass workout. It was a good night though. Hit every rep I set out to do. Dumped a bunch of weight on the super sets and used it more for cardio. Still hurt me on my squats. 405 x 5 was heavier than normal but I got through it
I'll do my best to post up my workout in a bit and video or 2. But I hit hit some doubles at I'd say 7RPE on all 3 big lifts tonight. Still trying to gauge exactly where I'm at. The doubles were as follows

Squat 475x2 7RPE (sleeves)
Bench 365x2 7.5-8RPE
Deadlift 525x2 7RPE

Leg hasn't given me any issues. Really only been lifting 3x a week but I've been going really hard. Powerlifting stuff the first half and super high reps the second. Feel better than I have in a long time. Endurance is coming back around really well. Legs seem to becoming stronger fast. I'm pretty sure 495 double on squat will be easily doable at 9-9.5 RPE right now. Same with 545 deadlift. Hopeful to do a meet in February with the following
535 squat
415 bench
585 deadlift.
1535 total at 198. Should be very doable.
Then goals for July if I can
570 squat
430 bench
600 DL
For a 1600 total
How's it going, @ROB581211? You ready for Thanksgiving tomorrow?

Things have been crazy I haven't even thought about thanksgiving. Between what's coming for Xmas and I should be starting a new job soon and everything at home I haven't had time to barely breath. I've still been at the gym Monday Wednesday Friday but that's about it. I don't even know what I'm supposed to be doing tomorrow. I'm sure I'll end up somewhere eating somebodies food lol