Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Well yeah - when you smother a person, they tend to die, so it’s definitely bye bye. Sheesh. Come back when you get some real insight!
I was hoping for a little more insight into the female mind. But at this point I’ll take what I can get. Guess I’ll not talk to this chick for a few days and see how that works out for me.
I was hoping for a little more insight into the female mind. But at this point I’ll take what I can get. Guess I’ll not talk to this chick for a few days and see how that works out for me.
I’ll tell you this - if she’s narcissistic, she won’t be able to take the ignoring/no contact - it’ll drive her crazy. If she IS narcissistic, run like hell man because they will chew you up and spit you out.

If she’s a normal girl and she’s into you, not hearing from you could make her think you’re not into her. It’s a tough game to figure out bro.
I’ll tell you this - if she’s narcissistic, she won’t be able to take the ignoring/no contact - it’ll drive her crazy. If she IS narcissistic, run like hell man because they will chew you up and spit you out.

If she’s a normal girl and she’s into you, not hearing from you could make her think you’re not into her. It’s a tough game to figure out bro.
I believe that.