Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

I’ll tell you this - if she’s narcissistic, she won’t be able to take the ignoring/no contact - it’ll drive her crazy. If she IS narcissistic, run like hell man because they will chew you up and spit you out.

If she’s a normal girl and she’s into you, not hearing from you could make her think you’re not into her. It’s a tough game to figure out bro.

Because women are fucking nuts. How can a guy figure out what they want when they have no idea what they want?

Forget trying to figure out women. Do something easier like learning astrophysics instead.
I’ll tell you this - if she’s narcissistic, she won’t be able to take the ignoring/no contact - it’ll drive her crazy. If she IS narcissistic, run like hell man because they will chew you up and spit you out.

If she’s a normal girl and she’s into you, not hearing from you could make her think you’re not into her. It’s a tough game to figure out bro.
Women are nuts. Find one that’s a little bit of everything and not too much of any one thing
Well you said not to smother her?

well u said don’t smother her right? Maybe that’s what I’m doing wrong 80% of the time. I just like to say hey and see how her day is going periodically. More info is appreciated. Thanks :)

What you’re doing sounds good. Amber thinks so too. I didn’t know what you meant by a woman being elusive. Does that men’s she is avoiding you for days?
I’ll tell you this - if she’s narcissistic, she won’t be able to take the ignoring/no contact - it’ll drive her crazy. If she IS narcissistic, run like hell man because they will chew you up and spit you out.

If she’s a normal girl and she’s into you, not hearing from you could make her think you’re not into her. It’s a tough game to figure out bro.
Annnnnnnndddd Bam! Nail on the head my friend.
Maybe I’ll just go back to being with you no homo well maybe a little. Your so easy to talk to. I bet you would even talk on the phone wouldn’t you?
Well you said not to smother her?
I just like to say hey and see how her day is going periodically. More info is appreciated. Thanks :)

I think most women love this shit. But as @Worf said, women are nuts. They don’t think they are though.
What works for me the best.....”lets go eat.” Boom, wet panties.
Annnnnnnndddd Bam! Nail on the head my friend.
Maybe I’ll just go back to being with you no homo well maybe a little. Your so easy to talk to. I bet you would even talk on the phone wouldn’t you?
LMAO, too late. Go listen to that song again and realize what you lost in me.
Best way to get a woman, ignore her
But now here’s my other problem. I really can’t ignore her. usually think about her throughout the day. So then I just think to myself well I’ll see what she’s up to say hi. Maybe I do come off as a little bit overbearing at times. I don’t mean anything by it just kind of my personality I guess.
But now here’s my other problem. I really can’t ignore her. usually think about her throughout the day. So then I just think to myself well I’ll see what she’s up to say hi. Maybe I do come off as a little bit overbearing at times. I don’t mean anything by it just kind of my personality I guess.

Brah you can think about her, just dont chase her. If you ignore her a little, then she will want you. If she chases you, then you are all set


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